Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 99 The Hand of the Divine Talisman, Binghuo Xuanyang Sword Talisman

Five Elements Divine Talisman Sword!

That was the reward Fang Che got from the silver treasure chest.

It is called swordsmanship, but in fact it is the fusion of talismans and swordsmanship. It is not easy to practice. It requires not only a high level of talismans, but also a good level of swordsmanship.

Fang Che's swordsmanship level is only level 4, but he has mastered swordsmanship such as Three Thousand Sword Thunders, so his swordsmanship level is not too bad.

Since entering the Yunxiao Town Trial Ground, Fang Che has not drawn talismans much, but his talisman level is actually improving, because his talisman talent has improved, and his understanding of talismans has also improved.

As an excellent talisman maker, it is a basic professional quality to carry tables and chairs, talisman ink, talisman pen, etc. with him.

To prepare the talisman ink, Fang Che borrowed a lot of talisman ink materials from Nan Lihuo before leaving, and it is not difficult to prepare it now.

Fortunately, the talisman ink of the Five Elements Divine Talisman Sword is not too targeted.

Fang Che first planned to draw the fire sword talisman, because the fire element was very compatible with his fire spiritual root.

The five elements are the most basic attributes, and the talisman ink is extremely easy to mix.

After mixing the talisman ink, he spread the talisman paper flat on the flat alloy table, and then Fang Che held the talisman pen, dipped it in talisman ink, and began to draw.

The spiritual consciousness that broke through to the Lingtai realm spread out, and it seemed that the talisman path drawn by the fire sword talisman was outlined in his mind.

The prototype of supernatural power...

The hand of the divine talisman!

Fang Che's heart moved slightly.

Instantly, a feeling like an electric shock instantly traveled through his body, and a talisman path was outlined in his mind, which was almost flawlessly reproduced by him.

It was perfectly outlined on the talisman paper.

The sword talisman is a second-level talisman. This is Fang Che's first time drawing a second-level talisman. He has already been able to draw the first-level high-quality talisman Flowing Fire Prison, but he has not tried the second-level talisman yet.


Inside the room, a sharp sword energy suddenly raged, constantly interweaving and lingering.

The people who were practicing with their eyes closed could not help but open their eyes.

"Such a powerful sword energy..."

"Is this the sword energy of a foundation-building sword cultivator? No... How could the sword energy of a foundation-building sword cultivator suddenly appear?"

"The talisman fluctuates... Fang Che is drawing a talisman!"


Everyone's eyes instantly fell on Fang Che, revealing a look of surprise. This kind of fluctuation... is a second-level talisman.

Can Fang Che actually draw a second-level talisman?

Especially Liu Lei, Gao Cheng and others, some even looked at him like a monster. After all, how old is Fang Che? He is one year older, not to mention the ninth level of Qi Refining, but he is also a second-level talisman maker!

"What a monster!"

Liu Lei smacked his lips.

Even if this is compared with the immortal geniuses in the top immortal cities such as the Imperial Capital and Shuangshen, it is not inferior!

Not to mention that Fang Che can even crush the foundation building in terms of combat power.

Everyone stopped practicing, stood up, and stared at Fang Che drawing talismans. The main reason was that Fang Che drew a second-level talisman, and the momentum caused by it made the spiritual energy fluctuate. Even if they concentrated on practicing, the effect would not be too good.

It is better to appreciate Fang Che's talisman drawing performance.

"What kind of talisman is this? With such a sharp sword energy..."

Gao Cheng stared, he asked Reina beside him, Reina is also a talisman maker. As the commander of the team, Reina has a good level in talisman making.

However, Reina's eyes were fiery, but she shook her head.

"I just joined the ranks of first-level high-quality talisman makers. How can I see through the talismans he drew..."

"This is a second-level talisman."

Reina was very shocked. She didn't expect that Feilei Ergao would have such a person.

Luo Liuli also stood up, knocked a pill, and stared at Fang Che who was diligently splashing ink, with a very complicated expression.

Fang Che... has become a second-level talisman maker.

He is so fast!

In one month, he has grown into a second-level talisman maker... Such talent is simply amazing.

Luo Liuli felt inferior to him. She knew that Fang Che was also good at cultivation. He was a natural spiritual root like her.


Countless sword energies converged, as if being swallowed by a vortex.

Slowly gathered into the talisman on the table.

The talisman flashed a faint dark yellow light, with jumping sparks, and finally exuded a burning feeling, tending to calm down.

Fang Che was sweating profusely, took a step back, and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"Success! Binghuo Xuanyang Sword Talisman!"

"Second-level talisman!"

Fang Che's eyes were full of smiles. A second-level talisman was drawn. Although it did not mean that he really became a second-level talisman maker, it meant that he had the ability to draw a second-level talisman.

To be certified as a true second-level talisman maker, one must be able to draw three different second-level talismans.

If one can only draw one second-level talisman, he can only be considered half-baked and cannot be recognized by the Talisman Maker Association.

The talisman path on the talisman paper is very complicated. The strokes are much more complicated than those of the first-level talismans. In addition to the bright lines, there are also dark lines. The bright and dark talisman paths complement each other, which is a great test of the talisman maker's control of the brushwork and technique.

However, it is undeniable that when the two talisman paths are intertwined, once they explode, the power will be much stronger than the first-level talisman.

Fang Che was very satisfied and succeeded in drawing it once.

It is obvious that the prototype of the magical power has been greatly helped by the Divine Talisman Hand.

The Divine Talisman Hand can greatly increase the success rate of talisman making and improve the control of the hand. Fang Che is even thinking about whether the Divine Talisman Hand can be used in actual combat.

Others are not very good at it, but Fang Che, who has a level 5 fighting talent, has the opportunity to tinker with it, such as directly using blood as ink, drawing talismans in the void, and other magical methods.

After completing the drawing of the talisman, Fang Che saw everyone staring at him and quickly understood the reason.

The spiritual energy fluctuation caused by his drawing of the talisman made it impossible for them to practice.

This is the disadvantage of not having a training room. If you are in a training room or a dedicated talisman-making classroom, you basically don't have this worry.

"You continue to practice, I'll go find a place outside."

Fang Che put away the tools with a smile, said hello to everyone, and left the house.

I found a hotel one kilometer away from the house, and after getting rid of an unlucky ninth-level Qi refining demon cultivator, I directly occupied the room opened by the demon cultivator, even sparing the good deeds to open the room, and started to continue drawing in the room. Second level talisman.

The night passed in a blink of an eye.

Fang Che didn't stop and kept drawing the talismans. Drawing the second-level talismans consumed a lot of his spiritual consciousness, but it was an excellent way to refine his spiritual consciousness.

Fang Che even enjoyed it, because his strong physical fitness gave him the confidence to consume all his spiritual consciousness.

After consumption, while visualizing the image of King Ming's angry eyes, he quickly replenished and restored his spiritual consciousness, while taking out the spiritual stone to absorb the restored mana.

So back and forth.

In one night, Fang Che drew a total of five [Binghuo Xuanyang Sword Talisman], and four of them were successful. The success rate is extremely high!

When Fang Che returned to the house.

Everyone has been waiting for him.

Even Luo Liuli has returned to his prime.

"It seems that everyone is ready... let's go!"

Fang Che looked at everyone who had finished repairing.

A smile appeared on his face.

He took out the magic vine from the storage ring, raised his hand and touched it between his eyebrows...

The Eyes of King Ming!

It seems that the eyebrows are opened and the eyes are raised, and there is a faint divine light bursting out from the eyebrows, reflecting the magic vines.

On the vines, torrents of demonic energy surged out...

Fluttering and fluttering.

Just like the faint scent of sandalwood, blown by the wind...

Pointed in one direction.

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