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Vol 2 Chapter 1013: Yamanaka Tower

A special variegated small broken diamond, because of the mineral depletion often occurred in the living area, began to live in a solitary life. As a small broken diamond that was originally a social habit, it lived alone in a barren cave without a similar one shortly after birth. I can imagine the mood ...

It was also at this time that it encountered a "picky" ecstasy eye ...

The small broken diamond met the ecstasy eye who was willing to make him happy, and the ecstasy eye encountered the small broken diamond that could enjoy its pranks. The two originally could not produce friendship Pokémon, so they became good friends. In an "adventure ", The small broken diamond sensed the existence of a relic.

Prior to this, the little broken diamond only knew that he could occasionally feel the evolutionary stone deposit, and that was the first time it felt the existence of superstones ...

But unfortunately, the special ability of the small broken diamond is sometimes ineffective, so it is not sure whether there are other super stones there.

"Is this right? Go down the mud ... Thanks to one of you, a mineral-type Pokémon, and a ghost-type Pokémon." Guan Liyuan had a headache in front of the quagmire in front of him.

At this time, the three of Guan Liyuan had reached the entrance of the "remains" called by the ghost eyes-beside a quagmire in a cave.

However, the entrance to the ruins, which is said to be "easy to go in," with ghost eyes, is undoubtedly a difficult problem for the three of Guan Liyuan.

At first, the orientation sensed by the small broken diamond was a very deep location inside a mountain in front of me, so I wanted to find some natural caves as entrances, and then I found this cave that now brings Guan Li far away.

Infiltrate from the quagmire in the cave and "swim" into the interior. After a few hundred meters, you can directly enter the ruins in the mountainside, and then you can go out of the quagmire and you can see the ruins in the mountainside.

The ecstasy eye clearly did not think about how humans should breathe, walk through, and distinguish directions in the quagmire!

As a ghost pokemon's ecstasy eye, and as a mineral-type Pokémon's small broken diamond, there is no need to consider the problem of breathing, and the small broken diamond senses the direction of the ruins ...

"Are we going to buy some diving equipment in Crystal City first?" Asked Esther.

Just when Guan Liyuan was nodding, he had not entered a small cave before, but the little **** flying around suddenly said to Guan Liyuan: [There are situations and circumstances, there is human activity here at the foot of the north side, and there are a lot of people ... ... well, there are large equipment, it seems to be pumping silt! 】

"Extracting mud?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help muttering.

"What's wrong?" Esther wondered.

"It seems that other people have found this, but their method is a bit stupid. They are going to dig out the mud directly from the big swamp outside the mountain ..." Guan Liyuan said.

"Is it because the Alliance official has found ... no, if the Alliance official found the ruins, it should have been blocked off nearby. Why is there no sign on the map at all?" Esther wondered.

Guan Liyuan also asked Xiaoxique at this time to inquire about the situation on the other side.

"What? Most of the opponents are wearing red uniforms ... wait, the Carlos League uniforms should be blue and white, right? In red ... is it the Flames?" Guan Liyuan received the feedback from the little **** and couldn't help but look ahead. bright.

If it's the "Sparkling Flames", then enjoy "怼"!

The Spark team is the largest underworld organization in the Carlos area, just like the Kanto Rockets ... but in general, it is worse than the Rockets. After all, the Rockets are the only two regions that dominate, even in other regions. Must influence gangsters.

Among the gangsters in major regions, it is generally believed that the strongest team is the Rockets, and the weakest team is Arora's Skull Team. As for the Flash team ... the least sense of existence!

Although there are some allegations that point to the large organization of the Flash Flames, the Flash Flames are not only low-key but also mysterious, and they rarely stand up with the Carlos League.

For example, in Kanto and the city, the identity of Nazi ’s high-ranking Rockets a year ago is not on the bright side, but at least many museum owners, or other people with some identities, know that it is not a real secret. And in the Carlos area ... except for the executive members at the grassroots level, many high-level identities were completely hidden before exposure, as if they were professional spy organizations.

Even the Carlos Alliance only knows their general staff and the four chiefs. As for the true leader, the identity is always a mystery.

However, it is precisely because the Flash Flames rarely jump out and the Skeletons are weak. Therefore, the Carlos Alliance and the Arora Islands Alliance have more energy and can be put on the strangers ...

"The Flash Flames ... Will we go to Crystal City to inform the Alliance? Since there are no signs on the map, they must be working quietly and illegally now!" Said Esther.

"No, then I won't go to Crystal City ... it will be faster than the other party!"

I saw Guan Liyuan saying, hitting a ring finger, and a copper ring appeared in front of the three. At the beginning, it was only the size of a bowl, but immediately enlarged to the size of the washbasin, and then Xiao Hupa wore it out of the copper ring. ...

"Hupa, it's awesome! Li Yuan travels, I don't know how to be ashamed, ashamed! Slightly ..."

After Xiao Hupa appeared, he also made a face at Guan Liyuan-after all, Guan Liyuan said at the beginning that travelling training should not use the power of Xiao Hupa as much as possible. However, he asked him to take a poke ball before. He just notified Xiao Huppa came, giving Huppa a chance to ridicule Guan Liyuan.

"Ah! The devil of time and space!"

"Hu, Hupa? Hupa is so cute!" Esther and Selina sighed in surprise.

"Hupa, it's so cute!" Hupa saw two young ladies and sisters ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and posted them to sell them.

"Well, Huppa, do the business first ... You have a sense, there should be free space inside this mountain and open a door where we can enter." Guan Liyuan said.

That's right, since the people of the Flash Flame team suddenly appeared, Guan Liyuan was no longer prepared to adhere to the "try not to use other Pokémon" approach, so as to be in front of the Flash Flame team.

Huppa did not disappoint Guan Liyuan. He immediately locked the shuttle coordinates in the mountain, and then threw out a gold ring: "Hupa opens the door!"

I saw that the inside of the gold ring became "dark", but the opposite rock wall could not be seen.

"I'll go and see first. I will let you know if I can get in." Guan Liyuan said after hesitating.

If the Sparkling team is nearby, there may be any danger, but the progress of those people seen from the little bitch, it should take a short time for the opponent to enter the ruins. At this time, let Esther and Sallyna It's safest to come in together, but Guan Liyuan has to try the air composition before that!

After passing through the golden ring, Guan Liyuan saw the "pyramid" that Haunting Eye said ...

A gray pyramid, about 20 meters high, stands on the belly of the mountain and requires no lighting. The surrounding mountain walls have a certain fluorescent component, which is dim but clear enough to see.

"Although the air is a bit humid, but it seems fresh? There are vents here?" Guan Liyuan muttered in confusion.

Afterwards, Esther and Salina outside saw Guan Liyuan's half arm stretch out from the gold ring and made a gesture of "follow" ...

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