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Vol 2 Chapter 1014: enter

"This is ... ancient ruins of this scale are also very rare in the superevolutionary ruins!" Esther said, looking at the gray-black pyramid in front of him.

As the daughter of Fatong, although she is not a researcher at the Fatong Institute, there is a lot of data about the superevolutionary relics that Esther has seen since childhood.

"Ecstasy eyes, is there really no Pokémon guardian here?" Salina was more afraid of this environment.

"桀桀 桀 ... 桀桀 桀 ..."

After a whimsical "strange smile" that stunned her eyes, Sallyna was even more afraid.

"Pink? Xiangxiang!" Fanxiangxiang floated out from behind Selina, staring at Ecstasy.

"Hmm ..." Ecstasy hid behind Guan Liyuan's legs aggrieved.

When Guan Liyuan saw this, he said helplessly: "The ecstasy eye said that when it came in last time, it didn't encounter any Pokemon, but felt some pokemon-like breath."

Guan Liyuan was also helpless about the sound of the Ecstasy Eye, although he was taught it as "the secret of making friends", but the Ecstasy Eye was not as clever as the small broken diamond ... or its vocal organ, which prevented him from issuing "嘤嘤 嘤 "sound.

"Ghost system ..." Salina's face turned whiter.

The ecstasy eye itself also has the attributes of a ghost system, so it is not surprising to feel the "likeness" of breath.

"If it is a ghost system, I think I can probably lock on those special ghost system Pokémon." Guan Liyuan speculated.

Typical ghost Pokémon such as Geng Gui and Dream Monster usually use pranks as "human" necessities. Plant-type ghost Pokémon such as Xiao Mu Ling and pumpkin essence need plant environment. Those who survive can stay in this kind of place for a long time, and do not go out to scary, but also able to survive normally, Pokémon, there are only a few possible scopes.

At this time, the ecstasy eye also took the three of Guan Liyuan and went to see the two locations where the super evolutionary stone was found.

Because it was on the other side of the position where the three Guan Liyuan came in, Guan Liyuan had not noticed at the beginning. On the other side of the pyramid, two "horns" collapsed!

The age of this ruin has passed too long. The "Golden Tower" has been damaged a lot, and the four corners of the base have collapsed by two. The "Ghost Eye Super Stone" and "Kaga Ninja Super Stone" are Found from these two places.

The difference is that one of the corners has a complete outer wall falling down. You can see that there is a structure similar to the "altar", the box of "Kaga Ninja frog super stone" and "key stone" is from the altar of the altar. Get it on.

The other corner is completely collapsed. The Ecstasy Eye relies on its own "super stone" and the ability of the "Shadow Claw" to penetrate deep through the small gap and pull through the collapsed rock to get out of the gap. Got an ecstasy eye super stone.

"It seems that there is an internal structure in this pyramid ... it is possible that there are super stones in the other two corners?" Esther said.

"But these two places that have collapsed have blocked the entry gap. How should we get in?" Salina asked.

"These two are just the gaps that collapsed. Should there be normal entrances? Are they on top?" Guan Liyuan guessed.

"No, usually the remains of this structure, if there are no stairs outside, the entrance will not be on it," Esther said.

"Then the easiest way then! Look at you, little Hupa!" Guan Liyuan said.

However, this time, Little Hupa did not brag, but looked at Guan Liyuan with some grievances, then closed her eyes for a long time, and saw no response from Jinhuan. Then she pulled Guan Liyuan, and went to another place without complete collapse. Outside the corner of the corner, the gold ring was directly attached to the outer wall of the pyramid.

"What's wrong?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"This kind of ruins usually have a means to interfere with space movement. The principle is unknown. 'Supposedly' is more thorough interference than modern technology." Exeter explained.

Many important warehouses, laboratories, and other places that require close protection now also have equipment that interferes with "momentary movement", but it can only make ordinary super-powered Pokémon, and cannot be teleported to it. For Little Hupa It is completely unarmed.

This kind of space interference equipment is also distinguished. From the perspective of modern technology, the highest level of shuttle space such as Xiao Hupa cannot be limited, but ... the ordinary super-powered Pokémon with a combat strength of 20,000 or 10,000 and Nazi The Super Hudi's ability to "move instantly" is definitely different. Many interfering devices, even Nazi's Super Hudi, cannot be restricted, let alone the little Hupa known as the "time and space demon".

So after knowing that Guan Liyuan “conquered” Little Hupa, countless important resource warehouses and research laboratories around the world have all moved to hidden locations and started tighter monitoring-although Little Hupa really wanted to take anything, he still stopped No, but at least I know who made it after I lost it!

But listening to Esther's meaning, many ancient ruins seem to have similar functions, and "presumably" are more powerful than many modern interference devices-look at what Xiao Hupa looks like now, it should be true.

If it is an ordinary Pokémon of the super energy system, it is estimated that it is impossible to teleport around the pyramid.

"Hupa, it's awesome ... well, you can try again!" Xiao Hupa said angrily.

"Okay ... then work harder!" Guan Liyuan looked at Xiao Hupa's dissatisfaction and further inspired the evolution of fetters!

I saw little Hupa flashing the light of its evolution all over, and Esther and Sallyna who saw this scene for the first time couldn't help wondering-could the beast evolve again?

And the evolved Hupa, the small arms floating next to the body have become four, and there is also a large gold ring floating on the back, and the gold ring originally hanging on the double corners is now held in his hand And each of the four hands has one gold ring, and the number of gold rings on the back and the body has doubled, which is the same as the number of gold rings of the huge "Liberation Hupa".

"Hupa! More powerful!"

Huppa controlled the gold ring floating on the back and stuck it to the outer wall of the pyramid. She was attentive for a while ...

"Huh?" Suddenly Hupa whispered.

"How? Can you go in?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"It doesn't work here, but I feel some places with less spatial isolation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ like ... another complete corner!" Said Xiao Hupa.

"It seems that the space shielding here is not complete ... yes, after all, even the main body of the ruins have begun to collapse." Esther said.

"Then go there, and then try to walk from inside to this corner!" Guan Liyuan said.

Sure enough, on the outer wall of the other corner, after the gold ring was affixed, the central part of the gold ring soon became a dark color ...

At the same time, inside a pyramid-shaped building, there are four immovable "sculpts" standing on the outside, and there are also "candlesticks" around the altar with light bodies, but there are already two It's on, and under each candlestick there are "jewelry" like shields and large badges.

And on the "inside" of the altar, which is right next to the outer wall of the pyramid, there is a desktop-sized one-foot altar, and a box is placed on the altar-with the ghost eyes given to Selina. Like the box!

At this moment ... A golden ring appeared beside the altar, and then reached the size of the portal, and the original motionless sculpture seemed to be touched at this time. It slightly trembled, and some small appearances appeared. crack.

And when a human stepped in from the golden ring, the four sculptures moved at the same time, the gray "shell" on the body shattered, revealing the blue-blue color inside, and the four shields hanging around at this time. Swaying violently ...

"A challenger appears ... please the challenger ... follow the challenge rules ..."

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