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Vol 2 Chapter 1015: Challenge the rules

Guan Liyuan just stepped into the space passage opened by Hupa, and immediately heard a buzzing sound: "Appear ... challenger ... please challenger ... follow the challenge rules ..."

"What?" Guan Liyuan asked instinctively.

Later, it was found that the surrounding four sculptures were gradually fading the gray "shell", exposing the blue-blue clay enamel.

In other words ... the four "mud puppet giants" are breaking free of the graystone formed by prolonged sleep, and waking up again.

At the same time, in the four corners of the altar, four "badges" that swayed also caught the attention of Guan Liyuan-they were "shield shield sword monsters"!

The eight Pokémon around them are not low in level, but for the time being they have not shown much hostility ...

"Challengers, follow the challenge rules, otherwise they will be treated as 'invaders'!"

When the sound reappeared, Guan Liyuan discovered the sound source—not a certain Pokémon, but the four “mud puppet giants” formed a sound capable of emitting human language through some resonance technique.

"Wait ... at least what are the rules?" Guan Liyuan felt as if they were going to do something.

"First, please go down the challenge platform."

The four mud puppet giants also hesitated a bit ... In fact, the way Guan Liyuan came in violated the challenge rules, but although they belong to a more special type of Pokémon, they are Pokémon rather than machinery, so there is no So rigid.

The status of the ruins is obviously wrong, so Guan Liyuan can only come in by "violating the rules", and the ruins themselves are damaged by geological changes, which has nothing to do with Guan Liyuan ...

Guan Liyuan heard the words, while dragging the golden ring, he went down from the "challenging platform".

The little Hupa outside also felt that Guan Liyuan was moving the golden ring, and he was also adjusting the position of the exit with him, otherwise this thing could not be "pulled".

Seeing that the hostility of the eight Pokémon disappeared, Guan Liyuan stretched out his hand from the golden ring to signal that Esther and Sallyna could come in.

"This is ... the Muddy Giant and the Shield Sword Monster? Are they the guardians of the ruins?" Esther also recognized these two Pokémon.

Both the Muddy Giant and the Shield Sword Monster belong to the Pokémon guarded by the ruins. The more common types, especially the Shield Sword Monster, are often seen in the ruins unearthed in the Carlos area.

When listening to the ghost eyes saying that he felt the pokemon breath, Guan Liyuan suspected that it was "this type of" Pokemon ...

These two types of Pokémon belong to Pokémon. They are very special. Like the "Nianli Dolls", the Muddy Giant and the Shield Sword Monster are Pokémon "created" by humans!

There are various opinions in the world about the origin of Pokémon. For example, the "Alien Guest Hypothesis", which is very marketable, is one of them, but here specifically, it should mean "most Pokémon", and some The origin of certain types of Pokémon is clear.

For example, the original Nianli soil puppet was 20,000 years ago when human clay products were transformed into Pokemon. Of course, now the Nianli soil puppet is the result of reproduction, not the original Nianli soil puppet. After the ancestors became true Pokémon, they could use the clay to "bred" offspring.

The ancestors of the Muddy Giant and the Shield Sword Monster are similarly born!

The former is considered to be the creation of ancient fantasy scientific civilization, while the Shield Sword Monster is a sword used by the "Giants", which has transformed into Pokémon ...

The so-called "giant" refers to a group of special ancient humans who lived in the Carlos area at about three meters in height in ancient times. Therefore, the "sword body" part of the shield sword monster also has about one meter seven.

Many of the remains unearthed in the Carlos area are of the giant civilization. There are no pure giants now, but the average height of the Carlos is indeed the first in the world, and it is a few centimeters higher than those in other places.

And in the ruins, the Shield Sword Monster, as well as the unevolved single scabbard and double scabbard are more common.

Like a "challenge platform" here, there are four strong shield sword monsters as the final evolution, which are very large-scale relics!

This type of origin is a human creation, and the Pokemon that was then reproduced and born are mostly dedicated and have a long lifespan—or can be dormant to make the existence of time delayed.

In addition to divine beasts and some special individuals, only this type of pokemon that can sleep can withstand long years, otherwise even the ghost system has long been turned into ashes, even if it is the "longevity" nine tail, Only a few hundred years of life.

The birth of artificial Pokémon not only occurred in ancient times, modern technology also created Pokémon. Twenty years ago, Silver Group relied on electronic data programming technology to create a "multilateral beast", which is currently recognized as a birth. The oldest new breed of artificial Pokémon.

However, it seems that something unexpected has happened that has caused the major groups to lose interest in artificial Pokemon ...

Until the Rockets obtained part of the Silver Group's research data, "created" a dream!

However, Chao Meng is no longer an ordinary Pokémon. In all likelihood, it cannot be reproduced, and the existence of Chao Dream is beyond the control of the Rockets.

"It looks like this ruin is not only large-scale, but also very high-standard." Esther said looking at the four mud puppet giants and the four shield sword monsters.

"Challengers, choose the difficulty of challenge." Four mud puppet giants uttered resonance.

Obviously, this relic is a gift left by the ancient civilization to future generations, not a cemetery or forbidden ground, so there are challenging rules. This is not an "altar" but a "challenging platform". These mud puppet giants and shield shield monsters Nor is it just to block outsiders from entering.

"Hah? The challenge difficulty is optional? Then ... is there a difference in reward between simplicity and difficulty?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"In the four basic levels, you can remove the corresponding Super Stones and Key Stones on any difficulty, and all of them will pass through non-difficult difficulty levels. Two hidden rewards can be turned on," said the Mud Giant.

"Hidden rewards for non-difficulty? Wait, are the other options" more difficult "," very difficult "," super difficult "? Guan Liyuan wondered.

"Three choices of difficulty, simple, ordinary, and difficult," said the Mud Giant.

Guan Liyuan is even more confused-the simpler the difficulty, the more hidden rewards he can get?

Before Li Guanyuan answered, the four clay puppet giants looked at each other and seemed to be communicating with each other. The four strong shield sword monsters also participated in the discussion ...

After reaching an agreement, we continued to resonate: "I found that two basic levels have expired, change the rules ... On` `simple '' or` `normal '' difficulty, through the two basic levels, you can get hidden rewards."

Guan Liyuan estimated that the two damaged ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is where the ecstasy picked up two super stones ... that is to say, there are at least two super stones here, in the two corners of the interior.

At this time, Guan Liyuan can also see that the inside of the pyramid is a completely hollow structure. Two of the four corners have collapsed. The other two are 100-meter square platforms. Some bridge traces can be seen between the platforms, but Only traces can be seen now-the bridge has all collapsed.

In addition, along the interior, there are climbing stairs that can lead to the top ... and the bottom!

At present, the ruins are not pyramid-shaped. There is a truncated pyramid-shaped part buried underground. Guan Liyuan estimates that if the four challenge platforms are at four corners, two hidden rewards are likely to be above and below. "Tip".

"Then I choose to be simple!" Guan Liyuan has no habit of self-abuse. Since the simple difficulty rewards more, why choose the harder one?

"The challenger chooses simple difficulty-please release the 'rogue crocodile' to check the intimacy and potential. Through the test, you can get the rogue crocodile super stone and keystone."

"Ha? Hooligans? I don't!" Guan Liyuan was dumbfounded.

The original form of the black-eyed crocodile before the evolution of the rogue crocodile, there are some in the world ’s first house, but they are only “cultivating” to enhance potential without training. The world ’s first house is mainly to cultivate business, only some special treasures Dreaming of training ...

"The challenger does not meet the` `simple '' difficulty requirement, gives up the challenge, and has two chances to re-challenge," said the mud puppet giant.

Guan Liyuan: "..."

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