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Vol 2 Chapter 1018: Drama? Drama! (Drama 2 in 1)

[What the hell? This is dizzy ... too exaggerated? 】

【I go! This is too exaggerated! 】

[I don't see that you are actually such a strong shield sword monster. 】

[Instead, we will not do this, no wonder it is rushing to get on ...]

[I thought it was a real iron, but I didn't expect it to be a showman. 】

A lot of mud puppet giants and other strong shield sword monsters are unknown. Therefore, they have "condemned" the release of water from the iron two swords ... No, in their view, this is no longer the level of water discharge, it is clearly the flood!

Thinking back to this guy, he also said with a whisper that he would never let the water go, and that he had a conscientious attitude. The mud puppet giant and the shield shield monster said that they had broken the ground in three views.

After all, Little Hupa doesn't look very strong, and ... "Fright" is one of the least powerful skills among the ghost skills!

It's just that Xiao Hupa's hard attributes are much higher than the opponent, so this kind of "fright" kills the opponent in seconds.

[Hey, don't lie down, the showdown is over. 】

【what? Did you lie to yourself? Really dizzy? 】

At this time, the shield shield sword blame them only to find that the second sword in the head iron seems to have passed out-can't help but admire the drama! This is the one who hides everything, saying "don't", but even his own body can lie ...

"Cough, let's treat it first." Guan Liyuan sympathized with the head of the iron and two swords, and the thoughts of other mud puppet giants and strong shield sword monsters were already written on his face.

Guan Liyuan took out his own recovery medicine and first treated the head iron and two swords.

After the head iron Zhongjian woke up, he clearly understood the gap between it and Xiao Hupa-the start of "scaring" seemed to be a joke, but in fact ... the moment of "scaring", its panic emotion A huge explosion, now in retrospect there are shadows!

[You ... so strong! Are you king ] Tie Tiezhong Erjian asked Xiao Hupa.

"Huh?" Little Hupa expressed surprise at the other person's brain circuit, but immediately adjusted his brain back, and his body and arms floating around him circled in the air and said, "Hupa! King! "

Probably because Hupa felt that the name of "King" was pretty good, so he admitted it.

[King! Can i follow you 】 One eye of the two swords in the head iron said sparklingly.

It is said that the Shield Sword Monster has a racial tradition, that is, people who will actively follow the "owner's wind", probably because the first Shield Sword Monster is a variation from the giant's king with a sword.

Therefore, the follower logic of the Shield Sword Monster is different from most Pokémon. It is not a trainer who can make himself stronger, but a "king" who can control himself.

That's why the Shield Sword Monster's service rate is extremely low ...

However, "owning the wind of the king" or something, in a more mysterious way, is that the shield shield monster can feel the imperial spirit, in a more realistic way ... when the shield shield monster chooses a trainer, it is very eye-catching!

Because of this, the other four clay puppet giants and the three strong shield sword monsters all rejected Guan Liyuan, on the one hand because they have no eyesight, on the other hand ... also because they want to take a good vacation for themselves , Travel tourism.

On the contrary, one of the two iron swords was "conquered" by Guan Liyuan because he was entangled in Xiao Hupa.

Originally when Guan Liyuan was conquered, it was somewhat reluctant, only to accept it in order to follow Xiao Hupa, but after it enjoyed Guan Liyuan's "one-stop service" ...

[This, this must be the legendary tyrant's spirit! 】

[No, no, it's just "potential excitement" and "outstanding talent" ...]

[I feel that you can also be a king! 】

Guan Liyuan: [……]

Guan Liyuan suddenly felt that the second sword in the head iron might not be as affluent as expected, but it was just a different way!

In order to conquer the Shield Sword Monster, Guan Liyuan handed over the little **** who was waiting for death to Aishte. Anyway, she only needed to follow her brother and enjoy "one-stop service".

After that, Guan Liyuan also received rewards for challenge success, that is, "Keystone" and "Rogue Crocodile Super Stone".

The "Keystone" was sent directly to Salina. As Esther said before, even if she is a coordinator ... the top coordinator can also use the power of super evolution.

As for "Rogue Crocodile Super Stone", it is obviously useless for the time being, but it can be used to exchange the Super Stone you need!

Because Super Stone and Pokémon are corresponding, it is normal to get Super Stones that you can't use. For most trainers, "Super Stones" are not for sale and are usually used to barter. In exchange for other super stones I want.

The "Rogue Crocodile" has 519 points of race value, which is considered to be the most popular Pokémon among ground and evil trainers. Although it is not as precious as the quasi-super super stone, there are also plenty of other super stones that are satisfactory opportunity.

Moreover ... Guan Liyuan already knows that there are two precious quasi-gods in this ruin!

Bangila and the three evil dragons are all evil-type quasi-gods of 600 races. This kind of super-stone of the quasi-god is undoubtedly the highest value among the super-stones, one that can be exchanged for several pieces.

Guan Liyuan suspects that the six super stones here are likely to correspond to the six Pokémon of the evil Pokémon master thousands of years ago, with two super-evolved quasi-god beasts. The master should also be famous .

After that, Little Hupa assisted everyone to teleport to another challenge platform according to the position described by the Muddy Giant and the Shield Sword Monster. Shuttle space inside the ruins is much simpler than from outside to inside.

At this time, Guan Liyuan had probably rehabilitated the remains of the institution. The normal entrance should be in the direction that the Flash Flames are pumping mud.

If there are no geological changes, there should be an underground passage directly into the hollowed out mountainside. If you enter the underground, you will see a diamond-shaped relic structure that is fastened by a double pyramid, that is, a tip stands on the ground. .

The entrance of the internal building is also in the lower part. From there, you can take the four platforms in the middle to challenge ...

However, due to the subsequent geological changes and mud swamp irrigation, it is difficult to enter the normal entrance, but faults have appeared in other places, such as the "crack" found by the ecstasy eye and small broken diamonds.

The entrance of such a large monument should not be so low-key.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan is even more convinced that the Flash Flame team should have taken away the "Super Stone" from the ghost eyes and learned the information of the ruins from the guardian Pokémon, so they would die at the real entrance ...

"Please ... the challenger ... choose the challenge."

There are also four clay puppet giants here, which sound like human language through resonance.

[It seems you already know the rules? As long as you pass the challenge of "normal" or "simple" difficulty here, you can get the stinky mud super stone here, as well as two other three dragons and the super stone of Bangla. 】

Like the previous mud puppet giants, in addition to the vocalization on the surface, these guardian Pokémon will also make a sound to Guan Liyuan.

"It's a pity that I don't have stinky mud, otherwise I can definitely pass the simple difficulty level ... so I can only choose the normal difficulty level, go for it! Ecstasy eyes!"

At this time, the opponent also came out with a strong shield sword monster ...

Immediately there were other Shield Sword Monsters to Guan Liyuan's voice: [Level 58 is already the lowest level among us, you have to give it strength! And it's ... it won't "too" let go of water, don't bother! 】

However, as soon as Ecstasy came into play, he immediately seduced his possession and looked a little timid.

However, you ca n’t blame the Ecstasy Eyes. Although the level difference between the two sides is not large, and the evil system of the Ecstasy Eyes also restrains the shield shield monster, but ... the Ecstasy Eyes only have 380 points of race value, and the gap is too big in qualifications!

"That is to try this ... Although this is the first actual combat." Guan Liyuan muttered, while using his right finger, clicked the "keystone" on his left wrist.

Guan Liyuan tried to use "psychic contact" directly for the ecstasy eye before, but it was not very useful, but it was more direct when commanding-because the ecstasy eye only had a combat power of more than 20,000 and could not trigger "fetter evolution"!

Guan Liyuan also tried several times along the way ...

According to the main points of "super evolution" that you understand when communicating with French Tong, this temporary special evolution does require the trainer to be highly synchronized with Pokémon's mind, but it also involves "super stone" and "key" Stone "power.

According to the research results of Fatong, super evolution has directly used the power in the "super stone", of which the key stone really only plays the role of "turning on" this kind of power, but the super stone is not only to assist the spiritual connection The signal receiver works so simple.

It is because he is convinced that super evolution is the application of the power of "super stone", and Fa Tong is convinced that super evolution is not directly related to fetter evolution!

Guan Liyuan also used this principle to explore the trick of using "psychic contact" to trigger super evolution.

Unlike the use of "psychic contact" directly with Pokémon during the evolution of fetters, Guan Liyuan was using "psychic contact" with Keystone at this time. After triggering Keystone, Guan Liyuan found that he could search for the signal of "Super Stone" ...

Then use the power of "psychic contact" to complete the "self-keystone-superstone-Pokémon" chain connection!

Just from the perspective of transmitting information, this behavior is as stupid as a face-to-face call between two people, but it is important to complete the "Super Stone-Pokémon" step in this indirect connection chain , That is, the power of Super Stone is opened to Pokémon!

In this way, there is also a major benefit-that is, super evolution is not like fetter evolution, but it also consumes Guan Liyuan's own professional power from time to time, only only the consumption of some mental power.

Other Pokémon trainers who have mastered super evolution also have restrictions in this regard. Using super evolution for too long will produce a sense of mental fatigue ...

However, for Guan Liyuan, this consumption is completely negligible, because at this time, the "super stone" is mainly supplying energy for "super evolution"!

Regarding the formation principle and composition of the super stone, Fatong has never been able to do anything. Guan Liyuan now doubts what the old card knows.

Before coming to Carlos, when Guan Liyuan and Old Card mentioned "super evolution", this guy still looked like "so amazing", but after seeing the super stone, he recognized at a glance that it was Koga Ninja Frog Super Stone.

This happened once before ...

That is, for the reversing world and the guardian of the reversing world, Ratiana, the old card also initially showed "is it so magical".

Later, under the coincidence of Guan Liyuan, he personally entered the reversal world, and found that the old home was actually in the reversal world, and after that, the old card clearly showed that he had a good understanding of the character of riding Radina!

Guan Liyuan estimated that the old card should not fool him-something that the old card really didn't want to say. It was useless to ask Guan Liyuan, so he could not pretend to be ignorant.

As for reversing the world and riding Radina ... Guan Liyuan estimates that the old cards just don't know their current names. In the impression of the old cards, they have other naming methods.

On the contrary, because Guan Liyuan's information about the reversing world and riding Radina before the mistaken entry was just "legends", and it was a little different from the actual situation, so Lao Ka didn't know what he was talking about!

Super Stone ... It is likely to be the same. Old Card obviously recognizes this thing and is very sensitive to it, but in his impression this thing is not called Super Stone. Now that he knows it, he doesn't want to explain it to Guan Liyuan.

At this time, I saw that the Ecstasy Eye was forced into evolution under the increase of Super Stone, and a light of evolution flashed ...

Under super evolution, the ecstasy eye has entered the form of "super ecstasy eye". The eyes are larger and become ruby. At the same time, the ecstasy eye not only looks like Ultraman, but also has an arc above the head. The lines are raised and the ears become sharper ...

The most noticeable thing is that a ruby ​​larger than the body of the ecstasy eye appears in front of it, which can make it feel as secure as hiding behind the door panel!

"Alas, alas ..." The Super Ecstasy eyes shrank completely behind the ruby ​​and smiled.

However, whether it is Guan Liyuan or the Shield Sword Monster, it can be seen that it is persuaded!

Seeing this going on, even if the other party "doesn't put too much water", they can't win ... After all, there is a bottom line. It is OK to put a little water, but it won't be too obvious.

Looking at the ruby ​​that is comparable to the door panel of the super ecstasy eye, we know that the defense is still very high, blocking several sword-state attacks by the Shield Sword Monster, but ... I dare not show up to fight back!

Guan Liyuan saw this, and when he had an idea, he decided to direct a wave ... shouting to the ecstasy eye, "Don't be afraid! Don't forget that after super evolution, your characteristic is 'magic mirror', you can use the opponent's change skills." Bounce back! If the opponent uses a 'metal tone', it will actually reduce its own special defense;

If the opponent uses ‘bluff’ again, it will even plunge itself into chaos. After that, you will have the opportunity to use ‘shadow ball’ to defeat the victory! "

Shield Sword Monster * 4: [……]

Muddy Giant * 4: [……]

Thousands of years have passed, and human morality has been so ... amazing!

The strong shield sword monster on the field looked at Guan Liyuan in grievance, Guan Liyuan pretended not to look at it, but continued to “command” as if in blood; he looked at his other seven companions, and found that all of them were looking at each other with right eyes ...

Esther and Selina looked at Guan Liyuan in confusion, and did not understand the significance of having two of these three sentences directed at each other's "command".

Afterwards, I saw the Shield Sword Monster on the field, and he stiffened the ground with the tip of the sword, and seemed to be lame ... Then he finally made up his mind!

I saw the Shield Sword Monster first grinding on his body with a shield and emitting strange sounds-steel skills "metal sounds", using the strength of steel to pass the sound that can distract the other party's attention ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This will reduce the opponent's resistance to special attacks.

After this sound wave was transmitted to the ruby ​​in front of the ghost eyes, it was completely reflected back-the spirit of the shield shield monster was dispersed, and its special defense ability was reduced ...

After that, the Shield Sword Monster made a sword striking the shield, just because its body is a sword, so it looks like it is using a shield to hit its own ass—the general skill is "bluff"!

Through the interference of instinctual forces, the opponent loses his reason. The principle is similar to the "provocation" of the evil system, and the effect is to make the opponent into a chaotic state ...

However, the actions of Jiandun Sword Monster were completely reflected on the mirror-like ruby. Looking at his "bluff", Jiandun Sword Monster was disturbed by his own ability and fell into chaos.

After that ... the chaotic Shield Sword Monster started frantically attacking Ruby, shouldn't he still beat himself with a shield!

"Huh?" Ecstasy saw this, and flinched from behind the ruby, flickered, and confirmed that the opponent did not attack himself, but only after playing against the ruby, this released a black energy ball-ghost Department of skills "Shadow Ball", energy ball formed by the power of ghost system, typical special attacks ...

The Shielded Sword Monster in chaos did not dodge or transform into a shield state, and previously lowered its own special defense. After the shadow ball attacked on one eye, it finally ... liberated and fell!

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Looking at the Ecstasy eyes celebrating victory, Guan Liyuan wanted to kick it down ...

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