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Vol 2 Chapter 1019: mural

[Lose, lose? 】

[Eun! Do not worry! We have lost! 】

[You haven't sacrificed in vain, the Keystone and the Super-Stone of the Stinky Mud have given them all. 】

[The challenger is too brutal, you are wronged! 】

[You can go in peace ...]

Three strong shield sword monsters and four mud puppet giants, at this time around the shield shield monster that just woke up, as if to see off the hero ...

After confirming that he had "lost", the fainted shield sword monster jumped up: [I think I can rescue it again! 】

Listening to the fact that after they have discussed the "travel" after going out, plus the previous victory method, Guan Liyuan was also embarrassed to ask whether they would like to come to the first house in the world-it is estimated that the shield shield monsters who are playing now are still right Guan Liyuan's voice has shadows.

Before leaving, they also pointed out Guan Liyuan's two locations of “hidden rewards”. At this time, the four challenge platforms had been vacated and the “burial” agency had not been activated, so it was sufficient to go directly to “hidden rewards”.

If someone has made a foray or challenged the “difficult” difficulty before ... that is, it is not an evil trainer at all, the hidden reward will be truly “hidden”.

Although the entrance has been blocked, the Muddy Giant and the Shield Sword Monster both have the attributes of "ghost system" and are the guardians of the ruins. Of course, they will have their own way to go out.

Judging from the fact that these guardian Pokémon are out of rhythm, even the Pokémon such as the Muddy Giant and the Shield Sword Monster are not suitable for scheduling thousands of years of mission.

The reason why these Pokémon can't blame them is not to blame them, but that the ruins themselves are out of order-according to common sense, it should not be arranged for the Muddy Giant and the Shield Sword Monster for such a long mission.

Even if they can resist time by falling asleep, it will be boring to sleep too long!

Moreover, the founders of the relics obviously did not consider the issue of geological changes, otherwise they would not be buried in the mountains like they are now, and they may even begin to collapse ...

In all likelihood, when this relic was built, it was not a project intended to be maintained for thousands of years, but something changed later, so that it was not immediately discovered here, and it was almost sealed because of the backflow of mud.

These mud puppet giants and Shield Sword Monsters themselves are "out of service", so more and more martial arts are lost, and in the end, they only keep the "mission" in name.

Because Guan Liyuan already conquered a shield shield monster, other mud puppet giants and shield shield monsters did not help him lead the way, but left the ruins directly, and let the second iron sword in Guantieyuan take Guan Liyuan to hide the reward. .

Before leaving farewell, Guan Liyuan also told them that if there is any need for help in the future, you can go to the first house in the world ...

"Li Yuan, that was just the ability that you should master as a cultivator?" After being puzzled, Esther finally asked.

"Ha? What ability?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"Command Wild Pokémon as an opponent!" Esther said of course.

It is not wrong to count these guardian Pokémon as "wild" ...

Esther, who couldn't hear the communication between the Muddy Giant and the Shield Sword Monster, apparently didn't understand the situation.

"Ahem, just fortunately." Guan Liyuan hesitated, and did not have the heart to let other colleagues follow.

Just when Esther wanted to continue to ask what, Guan Liyuan suddenly broke off the topic and said, "Hurry up, let's go and get the hidden reward below, they will soon dig in."

The Sparks came in from the "normal" entrance, so they would pass below.

Of course, Guan Liyuan wasn't actually afraid of the Flash Fire team, but he didn't want to cause trouble, lest he also use non-native Pokémon.

"Then you go to get the super stone for the reward first, Salina and I stay here to keep some information." Esther said as he pulled out an aerial photography vehicle from his backpack.

On the walls inside the ruins, there are many murals along the steps-for the French Tong Institute, these may be more valuable than the super stones themselves.

Although the state of the ruins is a bit bad, and the murals have faded, at most 60% to 70% have been identified, but obviously there is still a record value.

In the sight of Guan Liyuan, Xiao Hupa was here to accompany Esther and Salina, and opened a "door" for himself.

Little Hupa's sense of direction and distance is still very accurate. As soon as Guan Liyuan stepped out of the gold ring, he saw a small box on the unicorn stand in front of him. The box is smaller, because there is no "keystone" in it, only a super stone with cyan texture and red and black pattern.

"Is this the super stone of Bangla? Is it said that most of the trainees in the city area have the King of Bangla's trainer, and there is no Bangla's evolutionary stone? , Equivalent to countless quasi-God trainers in the city to help me find ... "Guan Liyuan muttered.

Among the ruins, the most valuable are the Banjara evolution stones and three evil dragon evolution stones, rogue crocodiles and stinky mud evolution stones. Whether you can change to the required evolution stones depends on luck, and the quasi-god evolution stones are basically easy Switch to a non-quasi-god evolution stone.

"Well? There's a mural here? Let's take a picture together."

Guan Liyuan said, he came up with a picture book-this thing has a photographic function, millions of pixels!

Most of the murals in the ruins are located around the middle section. I didn't expect there is a separate pair here ... but it has been seriously rusted and damaged, and it is not clear.

"It seems like ... is this relic?" Guan Liyuan looked at the mural painting, like a huge shuttle-shaped object ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ hanging from the tree? Or on a cliff? Can't see clearly.

However, after thinking about the appearance of this ruin, Guan Liyuan suspected that the load-bearing thing above was actually the top of the mountain belly, that is to say, the ruin was actually hung on it, and it was not exactly a sharp angle standing on the ground? This is indeed more reasonable.

After that, Guan Liyuan communicated with his heart, and told Xiao Hupa to help him open the door to the top, and also took away the "three super dragon stones."

It's just that there used to be a mural here, but now it's blurred, something vaguely like a "Y" shape ...

I have asked the two swords in the head iron, but none of them, the guardian Pokémon, knew the situation in the ruins. They were not even very familiar with the trainer who left the super stone. Ruins.

And, as Guan Liyuan expected, normally they do n’t need to stay here for so long, and when they wake up, the giant giants are dead ...

However, the main purpose of the ruins of Guan Liyuan is originally super stones, which has already achieved the purpose. As for the cultural connotation of the ruins and the transfer of civilization, they are the concerns of the French Tong, and Guan Liyuan has not been too entangled in these issues.

Although he is not afraid of the Shuangyan team, Guan Liyuan is not willing to ask for trouble himself. Before the Shuangyan team entered the ruins, Guan Liyuan took Esther and Sallyna to leave, leaving only the Shuangyan team to go upstairs. Dilapidated ruins.

What Guan Liyuan didn't know was that in addition to the Flash Flame team, this relic also attracted another "person" ...

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