Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1021: Frontal contact with Flashflame

"Li Yuan, haven't you been satisfied with Super Stone these days?" Asked Esther.

It has been four or five days since the three people came to Crystal City. After the Crystal Road Museum also challenged Guan Liyuan ’s Road Museum, they were ready to do something special. Guan Liyuan was not in a hurry ...

"Now what I need urgently is the super stone of the knight snail, the agile worm, the pouch beast, the brickcaron or the shield shield monster, and the super stone of the fast dragon, but no one wants to change it with me , Although some other people have proposed transactions, they all want to add a few extra super stones or other things in exchange for my quasi-god evolution stones ... Let's look at them for the time being. "Guan Liyuan said.

Brickalon is the ultimate evolution of fat and hardy. The first few super stones that Guan Liyuan needed were all available in Carlos.

There is also the Super Stone of Quick Dragon ...

Daha and Erha are among Guan Liyuan's Pokémon. In addition to the beasts and super-ancient bodies, the strongest "ordinary" Pokémon, if the three evil dragons and the super stones of Bangla are exchanged for the fast dragon Super Stone, Guan Liyuan didn't mind the exchange.

But use some other super stones for Guan Liyuan's quasi-god super stones ... This kind of transaction is not in a hurry, and there are people willing to exchange at any time!

"By the way, Uncle Fatong's scientific expedition team, have you come to Crystal City?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"The application has been submitted to the Carlos League. Someone arrived earlier and found traces of the Flash Flames entering, but they have also left without ruining the ruins." Esther said.

After arriving in Crystal City, Guan Liyuan told the French Tong about the ruins.

Although the super stone inside has been taken away, the remains themselves have scientific value, and according to the rules of the Carlos Alliance, authoritative research organizations such as the French Tong Institute have priority for the ruins they find. Development right.

Many people still had some doubts about the time when Guan Liyuan arrived in Crystal City-in their expectations, Guan Liyuan should have arrived in Crystal City earlier!

It wasn't until Guan Liyuan announced the transaction information of the Super Stone and the information about the registered remains of the French Tong Institute was released. As everyone knows, it turned out that Guan Liyuan had planned a ruin along the way and transferred it to the French Tong Institute ... no wonder the delay For a few days.

Guan Liyuan was wearing sunglasses, sitting in the lobby of the Coordinator Association with Esther, and accompanied Sharina to get the seal of coordination. At this time, only a woman with blue hair and blue sunglasses was gone. come……

"Is this Mr. Guan Liyuan? I have something, can I talk to Mr. Guan alone?" Said the mysterious woman.

Guan Liyuan thought that he was his fancier, so he declined: "Well? If it ’s just fostering trust and the like ..."

"Actually, I have a bagosaurus super stone, should Mr. Guan be interested?" Said the mysterious woman, taking out a super yellow stone with a turquoise and gray pattern inside.

Although Guan Liyuan couldn't tell what this super stone was, if he wanted to come out with a super stone, he shouldn't lie about this kind of thing, and ... as long as the bag dragon is released, the authenticity can be verified naturally!

"You can do it. I can just wait for Salina here," Esther said voluntarily.

Guan Liyuan nodded after hearing the words: "Then go to the cafe opposite to talk."

Every time he took out a bag dragon super stone, Guan Liyuan estimated that the other party is unlikely to be a fan girl ... at least not an ordinary fan girl!

Should be here to trade?

After finding a secluded seat, the blue-haired woman took the initiative and said, "I'll say it honestly. I'm M, should Mr. Guan know?"

"..." Guan Liyuan almost squirted out the coffee: What are you doing to me? I have n’t registered for any messy forums recently?

[Penguin, is there any new mess in the forum? Guan Liyuan questioned in his heart.

[No, the other party obviously has nothing to do with the Dimension Forum ...] Penguin said innocently.

"Ahem, this ... it should be your personal hobby." Guan Liyuan said arrogantly.

At the same time, I was thinking, wouldn't I have to give me the bag dragon super stone if I wanted to satisfy her M soul? This kind of transaction is difficult for me ...

M is also very puzzled about Guan Liyuan's statement. What is "personal hobby"?

In M ’s view, Guan Liyuan was intentionally provoking the Flash Flame team. At this time, she claimed to be M, and Guan Liyuan would surely know her identity, but unfortunately Guan Liyuan ’s brain circuit has shifted to other aspects. There are subtle deviations in communication.

"It's not a personal hobby, it's just for Carlos, for the future and destiny of mankind." M thought Guan Liyuan was talking about the Flash Flames.

"Oh, even if I say that, I still have no interest." Guan Liyuan didn't know why the other person was an M thing. He rose to such a height, only with an awkward but not polite smile.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan was most worried about ... How do you see the direction of this topic, the other party does not seem to be trading super stones? Guan Liyuan didn't sacrifice his preparations for a pterosaur super stone!

"I'll tell you the truth! The few super stones, we are not interested!" M saw Guan Liyuan and he said that he could not help but "open the door".

However, Guan Liyuan even more misunderstood: Do you really want my body? Wait ... you "men"? Or is it organizing me? Carlos is terrible!

"No, I won't trade anything else." Guan Liyuan said seriously.

And M's eyes moved slightly, and his heart could not help confirming it-and sure enough, he found other things in the ruins!

"We won't let Mr. Guan suffer, Baglong Super Stone, just to express our sincerity ... As long as Mr. Guan cooperates, we will also find a way to fast dragon Super Stone." M said.

"No, no, no ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I think you may have misunderstood me ..." Guan Liyuan wanted to know, why did he find himself? It seems that the Carlos aesthetics are still very profound.

"Oh, I think we should know Mr. Guan the other way, right?" M thought of the members who died in the ruins, and couldn't help laughing at it.

Guan Liyuan couldn't help but be confused: How does this expansion mean that the little yellow hair is threatening the heroine? But what does this do to me?

"I don't know what you're talking about ..." Guan Liyuan really didn't believe it, and the other party could take a stack of photos at this time, so he was not afraid to stand the flag!

"Oh? Didn't you just show us your brutal side a few days ago?" M said.

some days ago? Cruel? For this blatant provocative behavior, Guan Liyuan chose to pay the bill directly.

"Wait a minute, it seems that Mr. Guan may have some misunderstandings about us. What happened a few days ago ... forget it, if Mr. Guan does not want to mention it, then skip it ... I said that this bag dragon super stone Our sincerity, please accept Mr. Guan first, and we will not give up the things after that. "

"You'd better give up soon ... I really need the Baolong Super Stone. I replaced it with the Rogue Crocodile Super Stone!" Guan Liyuan dropped the Rogue Crocodile's Super Stone and left.

And immediately after Guan Liyuan's departure, M was connected with General Staff X ...

"... Well, yes, he has admitted that he found something else in the ruins ... and I always feel that he seems to be aware of our purpose, but he disagrees, and let us give up soon ... yes , I understand ... received! "

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