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Vol 2 Chapter 1022: Do it today ... Coordinator? (2 in 1)

"Eh? Guan Li ... Are you Mr. Guan? Keke ... Do you want to ... registered coordinator?"

In the Coordinator Association of Crystal City, the front desk registrant met another person who wanted to register a coordinator, and this person was a bit special. It was Guan Liyuan, the first house in the world!

Guan Liyuan took off his sunglasses because he wanted to register as a registered coordinator. At this time, many people noticed him because of the exclamation of the staff.

Guan Liyuan? Registered Coordinator?

To say that Guan Liyuan is the world's first cultivator, there may be six adults in the world agree, and 30% will not object, but it is such a cultivator who suddenly screams crazy about the Pokémon contest. Become the strongest trainer, now ... finally you want to reach the coordinator again?

It's just ... does he really have any talent for coordinators?

The core of the coordinator is to make Pokemon play its greatest charm. In addition to its gorgeous contests, such as various Pokémon film festivals and Pokémon fashion weeks, it can be regarded as a stage for the coordinator to compete.

Guan Liyuan has often seen recently that Sallyna secretly writes a script at night. She actually wanted to make a Pokémon short film debut ...

Models, actors, dancers, and even singers ... these are hot jobs for coordinators.

Therefore, the coordinator actually needs talent-such as "outside beauty"!

As for Guan Liyuan ... Well, if there is no temperament bonus, the average person is placed in the Coordinator Association, which is completely at the level of green leaves.

"Yes, it is the registered coordinator ... Well, the first registration requires registration of at least one Pokémon, right? Then the little broken diamond is ready!" Guan Liyuan said.

Although surprised by Guan Liyuan's decision, in any case, since Guan Liyuan was going to register as a coordinator, the Coordinator Association of Crystal City was immediately alive.

Even for an ordinary person, it can't be completely shut out because of "external beauty", not to mention Guan Liyuan as a man of the situation?

Although it was only the first-level coordinator application, even the branch president here was shocked ...

"Li Yuan, why do you suddenly think of being a coordinator?" Esther wondered.

Prior to Esther and Selina, Guan Liyuan did not see this intention.

I saw Guan Liyuan taking a picture on the wall tile that can be used as a mirror, and then asked Esther: "To be honest ... Does my beautiful skin fit the aesthetics of the Carlos area?"

Esther: "..."

Yes, since M, who was suspected of being a mysterious organization, went to drink coffee, Guan Liyuan suddenly found that his previous self-awareness seemed too modest.

Guan Liyuan always thought that he had no chance to "rely on his face" and could only rely on his efforts to maintain his life. Who would have expected that my face was at least worthy of a super **** ... even more than one!

"Ahem, that ... why are you wrong ... Ahem, realize that?" Esther asked curiously.

So Guan Liyuan cut off M's words, and picked out the pure ones and talked to Esther.

"Ha? Are you saying that you have been followed by the mysterious brokerage company? I gave you a bag dragon super stone, and also said that if you join, there is a fast dragon super stone?" Esther felt that her three views were somewhat Unstable.

"Yes, but I always think their organization ... Keke, I mean the company is not very serious, maybe they want to sneak rules, so I also gave them a super stone of rogue crocodiles, did not agree with them." Guan Liyuan proud Said.

"Are you sure that pouchosaurus is real?" Esther was very skeptical that this was a new scam-and one that was very easy to spot!

"Of course! I have given it to Baolong." Guan Liyuan said.

Esther took Salina together and looked at Guan Liyuan carefully ... However, she still didn't find any connection with the "looking skin".

The race in the Carlos area is more inclined to be tall. After all, thousands of years ago, there still existed giant civilization.

Giants are also a kind of human being. According to some scientific research results, giants average two and a half meters tall, and go straight to three meters. Therefore, although there are no pure-blooded giants, they have made Carlos The ethnicity of the region is higher than that of other regions.

The principle of Guan Liyuan's incarnation has strong adaptability. In fact, humans in various worlds cannot compare heights, but ... Guan Liyuan's ontology is in the main world and can be regarded as medium to high. Performance is medium to high.

Not like the incarnation in the world of Naruto, because of the continuous awakening of various bloodlines, it gradually moved closer to "high".

The other is in the Pirate World ... the difference in human heights there is already very large. Due to the special bloodlines, Guan Liyuan and the Pirate World are twice as high as ordinary people, but they are higher than him ...

As for the Pokémon world, even if it has evolved a few times, it is still medium to high. It is generally tall in the Carlos area, but the figure is still good, but the appearance is very ordinary!

In general, if Guan Liyuan wants to be a coordinator, although it is not impossible, it is difficult to develop in the direction of models and in the direction of actors ... he can only be a talent.

Seeing that Guan Liyuan was still looking at the brick wall, Esther would like to ask: Sir, do you know about Pokemon comedians?

"Mr. Guan, please, take the small broken diamond you want to register, and a simple intimacy test ... Keke, we certainly believe in Mr. Guan's ability, but the process is still there." At this time, the vice president of the Teachers Association came in person to invite Guan Liyuan.

If registration is normal, of course, the vice chairperson does not need to come in person. For example, Salina has never seen the vice chairperson of the Guchuan Town Coordinator Association ...

But treating Guan Liyuan as a "celebrity" is different. If the chairman is not receiving a super important guest, he will probably come in person!

Looking at the vice chairman, Guan Liyuan always felt a little familiar, but there should be no such talent in his memory ...

Guan Liyuan also reacted after half a ring-familiar with temperament! The temperament of this person is very similar to the middle-aged and old-fashioned faces of the storm gods!

In short, it is a lot of age, but also a gentleman and elegant look.

The coordinator seems to be a kind of trainer, but unlike the trainer, their goal is not to make Pokémon stronger, but to make the partner Pokémon beautiful, and even many need to be beautiful ...

Therefore, a simple coordinator can have only one Pokémon, but most of the "main force" of the coordinator is not only one, but if you want to register a one-star coordinator, you only need to register one!

The rating of the coordinator is marked according to the "star number", not the "number of badges". The original one-star coordinator needs to examine the "intimacy" of the coordinator and partner Pokémon, and the intimacy of the coordinator and partner. The requirements are higher than that of ordinary trainers participating in Daotang wartime review standards.

However, even if it only took a few days for the small broken diamond to be conquered, Guan Liyuan was always the most afraid of this kind of audit.

"Mr. Guan, the intimacy of you and your partner is really extraordinary. This is your one-star coordinator badge ... the day after tomorrow ’s gorgeous contest and the registration position. If you do n’t leave in the past few days, you need Sign up? "The vice chairman asked.

Although Guan Liyuan is just a newcomer in terms of coordinator, if Guan Liyuan participates in the gorgeous contest, there will be a lot of people who are interested-especially now that there are many trainers in Crystal City, they are gathered to watch the Guan Liyuan Road Museum competition. come.

"Gorgeous contest? What gorgeous contest ... Keke, what time is the gorgeous contest I said?" Guan Liyuan reacted at this time, but he suddenly realized that his "outside beauty" was not a waste of coordinator. Coordinator was registered with his skin not to look good and to avoid a lesser spirit in this world.

In fact, Coordinator ... Guan Liyuan is only half-knowledge, just listening to others!

In order not to expose his lack of common sense, Guan Liyuan had to make side-by-side inquiries.

"Tomorrow's gorgeous contest is full. The day after tomorrow there will still be a place for registration. One-star coordinator can sign up. If Mr. Guan participates, maybe he can get two stars and even Samsung." The vice chairman said.

"Samsung ... That's very good." Guan Liyuan said so, but his heart was: Samsung? What Samsung? Who am I, where am I, and what do I eat at noon?

The vice president of the Crystal City Coordination Association seemed to see something, and introduced it to Guan Liyuan.

Guan Liyuan is now only a one-star coordinator. Later, if he wants to rise, he needs to participate in the "Gorgeous Contest." The coordinator associations in each city are basically non-stop events. After all, the gorgeous contest is more pleasing than the Pokémon duel, so The audience is also larger.

Depending on the size and rank of the gorgeous contest, the number of stars obtained is also different. According to the best result of the coordinator, two to five stars can be evaluated-the five-star coordinator can participate in the gorgeous contest of the league!

As for five stars or higher, they are awarded in the coordinator competitions such as the ranking in the league gorgeous contest, the league-level Pokémon Fashion Week, the Pokémon Film Festival, the Pokémon Music Awards, etc. Of stars.

When the Vice-Chairman introduced these to Guan Liyuan, his face was strange—it was just the usual two sentences. Why ... Guan Liyuan was really surprised? Could it be that the registered coordinator of this product was just a temporary intention?

After Guan Liyuan heard it, his head went up.

Gorgeous contest?

The kind of competition is mainly a scoring system, not to see how strong Pokemon is, but to see how charming Pokemon is. Guan Liyuan and Xiaoxia have watched a few gorgeous contests, and they have a complete understanding of the process, let alone let Participated in the competition yourself!

So instinctively wanted to refuse. After all, Guan Liyuan was going to fight the Dao Pavilion three days later. Although it was only the second badge, it was the type that attracted much attention. At this time, it was normal to refuse to participate in the gorgeous competition?

However, at this moment, a female voice came from behind Guan Liyuan: "You don't know the gorgeous contest at all, you want to be a coordinator, just a temporary idea?"

The vice-chairman originally thought that it was the head of the association who saw this scene, and wanted to stop one or two-although he wanted to say that, but he was the world's first educator, and his face was still to be given. !!

However, after seeing the speaker, the vice chairman immediately decided to shut up ... the gods were fighting. It is better to look at them like a mortal!

At this time, Guan Liyuan also turned around and saw the person who "criticized" himself. This is a young woman with short gray hair. Although she is wearing casual clothes, she can see everything from hair style to eyebrows to body. The ornaments are all trimmed and matched very carefully.

Being stared at by these pale blue eyes makes Guan Liyuan feel guilty ...

Although the other party was disguised, and this was the first time to see the other party, Guan Liyuan still recognized her-the league champion in the Carlos region, and also the world's premier coordinator and famous actress, Caruna!

The words of the league champion alone do not embarrass Guan Liyuan and usually do not see how much he respects Sakagi.

It was only Caruna's identity as another coordinator that made Guan Liyuan a bit ashamed ...

That's right, it's like the young people who want to participate in the art exams and enter the film and television circle just because of their beautiful appearance, are found to be empty in acting by an artist with double artistic skills.

Of course ... In this case, it is normal for Caruna to be angry, but Guan Liyuan thinks a lot, that is, Caruna has not yet discovered Guan Liyuan's "honey confidence", but still wonders whether "this is Not really do not understand ".

After all, Guan Liyuan thinks that he is a wasteful “outside beauty” of being a coordinator ... In fact, it is very difficult to find with the naked eye!

On the contrary, if Guan Liyuan is really handsome now, Ka Lunai will find his inner activity for the first time, and then educate this guy who wants to "eat on his face".

"Is this Mr. Guan Liyuan, the first house in the world? I'm sorry I just heard your conversation. I didn't mean anything else. Maybe I misunderstood something and said a little too much ... I want to come to Mr. Guan in Baoke. Achievements in dream training and cultivation will also have outstanding performance in terms of coordination. "Karuna calmed down a little.

Caruna was just passing by the city of Crystal. The branch of the Coordinator Association here belongs to the larger Carlos area, so I came to inspect the work and happened to hear that the "guan liyuan" registered coordinator at this time, so come and see ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ She had only seen Guan Liyuan on TV before. The two had not been in direct contact with each other, and the TV stations ... both had makeup artists. When she saw Guan Yanyuan turned around, Caruna was even more Reasons to suspect that Guan Liyuan is confident about his own ordinary face.

Guan Liyuan sighed in his heart-really a gentle champion, because it did not hurt my self-esteem too much, so he eased it?

"That's good! As an atonement, the day after tomorrow, I will also participate as a judge! Let me see how Mr. Guan's talent as a coordinator?" Caruna said.

Caruno's eyes stared at Guan Liyuan, it seemed that Guan Liyuan was in her heart, and he had not completely lifted the suspicion of "underestimating the coordinator".

It's just that Caruna's direction of doubt is to predict that Guan Liyuan probably thinks that as long as the cultivation and training are good enough, he can be a coordinator ...

Although Caruna did not think so, in her mind, it was better than the guy who wanted to be a coordinator based on "beautiful look"!

If you really want to be a coordinator when you train and train excellent people ... As long as you have a little sense of superiority, you can still transform it. So Carunay wants to review Guan Liyuan on the coordinator side, if he can correct his attitude She really wanted a part-time coordinator, and she didn't skimp on guidance.

After all, Guan Liyuan's advantages in training and training were so great that Carunai also wanted to know how much charm Pokemon would bloom after Guan Liyuan became a coordinator.

As for Guan Liyuan ... At this time, obviously he couldn't say what he refused, and he could only bite his head and said, "That's great. As for the coordinator, I always admire Miss Caruna's, cough ... Vice president Let me sign up. "

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