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Vol 2 Chapter 1029: Can't counsel

"This is your Samsung Coordinator badge, please accept it!"

At the award ceremony, the president of the Crystal City Coordinator Association personally awarded Guan Liyuan a three-star coordinator badge.

That's right, in the previous gorgeous contest, "Hui Ye Ji" won the first prize, so it was promoted to Samsung.

In the daily gorgeous contest, even if it is "winning", it is only promoted to Samsung, while the other seven in the top eight are excellent awards and can get two-star badges.

In fact, only five two-star badges were awarded, because two of the other seven were already two-star coordinators.

However, Samsung ’s Guan Liyuan will bid farewell to the “daily level” gorgeous contest in the future. To participate in the coordinator association competition, at least the quarterly gorgeous contest starts, and the annual gorgeous contest can also be registered.

In addition, what Guan Liyuan didn't expect is that Selina actually won the excellent prize and qualified as a two-star coordinator in the eighth place!

If it wasn't for Guan Liyuan's participation, Salina would definitely get a higher ranking, and it would be impossible to win the prize in one fell swoop ...

Sallyna actually performed averagely in the skill show, and in the talent show, she collided with Poca's show.

The talent show of Poca and his lingering puffs is a typical performance-type pastry production, while Selina's is more oriented towards short play ... just her short play, which is the process of making Pokémon snacks!

Originally, Selina's short drama was difficult to get started in this enhanced version of the daily gorgeous contest. However, I did not expect that before the official start of the "talent show", Fan Xiangxiang was strongly unwilling to return to the elven ball. Going to the stage with Salina.

Fenxiangxiang was not completely conquered by Selina. Originally, Selina thought it was going to be a mess, but at this critical moment, Fenxiangxiang actually helped Selina ...

Originally, in the short play, Sallyna acted as a confused Pokémon pastry chef. With the help of Pokémon, she finally completed a pastry making and then tasted a simple play with everyone.

With the sudden addition of Fanxiangxiang, the script has a lot of room to play, and Fanxiangxiang will also be able to pick up the drama to make Salina's confused character more natural, and finally entered the top eight!

After the award ceremony, Guan Liyuan left the venue from the special channel arranged by the Coordinator Association, and only told Esther and Selina that they could return to the Pokemon Center without waiting for themselves.

After all, Guan Liyuan will have a Daoguan battle tomorrow. I don't want to be disturbed by fans, the media, or other people who are close to business.

But when he was going out through the back door, Carunay stopped him.

"There are plainclothes reporters in the back door ambush, so let's go with me," Caruna said.

"What the **** is a plainclothes reporter? I only heard about plainclothes Junsha ... Where shall we go?" Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

I saw that Caruna released his Xanadu directly, and said, "Let's teleport directly to Pokemon Center!"

Carunay said, using her fingers to click on her necklace-Guan Liyuan noticed that her necklace pendant was a keystone!

Shanaite also brought a super stone necklace. After Carunay used keystones to help Shanaite unlock the power of the superstone, Shanaite evolved into a "super Shanaite" form, which is also a well-known ace treasure of Caruna dream.

After the super evolution, in the Pokémon class of the king, it is also a very strong Super Xanadu, who directly took Guan Liyuan and Caruna to instantly move-the destination is the Pokémon Center in the same city.

Bringing people to teleport directly doesn't require humans to cooperate with their own super powers ... Guan Liyuan estimates that Caruna's Super Shanai Duo is at least technically not weaker than Nazi's Super Hudi.

But just outside the door of the Pokémon Center, after all, the Pokémon Center itself is equipped with a device that interferes with teleport.

Prior to the riots, Guan Liyuan and Caruna entered the Pokemon Center.

"Congratulations, it seems that Carlos is going to have another great coordinator ... The story of Princess Gem has not been finished yet, right?" Caruna said with a different attitude than before the gorgeous contest.

Originally, she thought that Guan Liyuan wanted to be a coordinator, most of which had a small element in her heart, and now she found that she had "misunderstood". When dealing with Guan Liyuan, who had the potential of a coordinator, Caro was more kind.

"It is estimated that it may not be completed in Miluo's annual competition. If possible, I hope to perform the third act in the gorgeous competition of Carlos in the future." Guan Liyuan said.

The gorgeous contest in Carlos is also held every three years. It is connected to the regional Pokémon contest, which is earlier than the Pokémon contest!

Guan Liyuan suddenly found that he had a good performance in the gorgeous contest, it was easier to accumulate fans, and it was more helpful to the publicity of "The First House in the World" among ordinary people.

In contrast, winning the Pokémon contest made the "First House in the World" more famous among trainers.

Besides, Guan Liyuan did not intentionally use only Pokémon conquered in the Carlos area. In the previous mini-series, the group performances of Pokémon were all sent from "The First House in the World".

But ... training Pokémon to participate in the gorgeous contest is obviously a time-consuming thing, and the gorgeous contest in Carlos area was before the Pokémon contest, that is to say ...

Guan Liyuan seems to feel that he has plenty of time, so he plans to squeeze time to become a coordinator?

"It's really a hurry ..." Caruna was helpless with Guan Liyuan's "arrogance".

As the champion of the Carlos region, it seems that Guan Liyuan is better at this time?

However, Caruna has no such idea ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If she really wants to choose, she also prefers to "learn" Guan Liyuan in the gorgeous contest ...

"Crystal Dojo is very strong. This time, it is specifically proposed to use‘ three dozens ’to determine the outcome. It must have its own plan ... I hope you can play so well tomorrow.” Caruna said.

That's right, the challenge rule put forward by Crystal Museum is that he hopes that Guan Liyuan will play a "three fights" with them, that is, a "three-on-three" match!

In order to obtain the second badge normally, you only need to perform the three Pokémon turns in a normal battle, but the Crystal Road Museum proposed three to three ... and like the previous Tanigawa Road Museum, it directly acknowledged that Guan Liyuan had the first place. The strength of two badges.

Guan Liyuan naturally will not counsel—after all, the other party must also be a Taoist student. Although the Crystal Taoist is stronger than the Guchuan Taoist, Guan Liyuan ’s agile worms and knight snails are also stronger than before, and now there is one more Pouchosaurus with Super Stone.

Just listening to Caruna's statement, it seems that there is still some trouble over the Crystal Hall?

"Hello, you are the champion of Carlos area, and you are in charge of your gymnasium." Guan Liyuan complained about his grievance.

"Giggle, I can't control this ... didn't you take the initiative?" Caruno laughed.

"Why do people take the badge to challenge the Dao Pavilion, and I get challenged to get the badge?" Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

"But if you think about it, after all, the badge will definitely be given to you." Caruna did not know if it was comforting him.

If it is so easy to lose, Guan Liyuan might as well refuse to accept the challenge from the beginning and let the other party arrange a normal Dadao challenge!

But ... who makes the Guanda owner also decent? Counseling is not persuasive, never in this life ...

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