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Vol 2 Chapter 1030: Is it that I ca n’t move the knife?

"Well? Liyuan, why are you faster than we came back? Not to say you shouldn't find Xiaohu ..."

"Ah! Yes, Miss Caruna!"

When Esther and Selina returned to see Guan Liyuan, they couldn't help but be shocked, especially after seeing Caruno ...

"Hello, are you a former Selina player? Did you and Guan Liyuan know each other ... your Firefox and Fenxiangxiang trained well." Caruna said approachably.

"Wh ... where, it was just a coincidence to be in the semifinals." Selina said embarrassed.

"No, the coordinator is not only showing the charm of Pokémon, but also showing everyone the charm of encountering Pokémon, and 'coincidence' is also part of this charm ... It's not just a coincidence that he chooses his favorite taste, "Caruna said.

Caruna encouraged Salina to leave after a few words. Before leaving, Salina asked for a signature photo ...

"Li Yuan, where is it uncomfortable? He twisted his neck when Alidos was hanged with silk?" Esther looked at Guan Liyuan in confusion and twisted his neck.

"Nothing, I always feel a little cool behind me, is there someone reading me?" Guan Liyuan muttered wonderingly.

I always feel that my "survival" is warning ...

However, Guan Liyuan immediately said calmly: "Maybe the Crystal Museum is studying how to deal with my situation, right? Okay, then I have to study it, tomorrow's three-to-three tactics!"

"Is it really okay? It seems that the other party is going to have three students." Ask Esther.

"It doesn't matter, it's not a big problem for me." Guan Liyuan said.

That's right, doubles or triples. In most cases, it's not a trainer who directs a plurality of Pokémon, but a plurality of trainers, each commanding a Pokémon duel!

One of the advantages of the rules that the Crystal Museum finds for himself is that Guan Liyuan has only one person, and the command of the three Pokémon may be "busy."

But ... Guan Liyuan rarely commanded Pokémon, so he didn't care about this "disadvantage".

Just one point Guan Liyuan guessed wrong, and just "read" his other "people"!

Just when Guan Liyuan was participating in the gorgeous contest, Alzeus went to find a little Hupa ...

If Guan Liyuan knew, he would doubt the intention of Al Zeus!

Previously, Little Hupa was trapped in the space on the Battle Island where "Liberating Hupa" was located. He was idle on the Battle Island, constantly pranking through space capabilities, teasing people in Carlos to relieve boredom ... More than 100 Alzeus didn't find the small plight of Huppa in 2014. Why did Alzeus go to him shortly after he came out?

Especially Hupa and Guan Liyuan said that Alzeus once said to him, "When you can understand human beings, Pokémon ... you can be influenced when you are part of this world." It's, and it becomes a true Hupa ", where it means" Liberating Hupa "...

In other words, not only is there a connection between the "Liberation Hupa" sealed by Al Zeus in the Battle Island space, and the little Hupa, it seems that the little Hupa can still be the key to the "Liberation Hupa" being affected!

When Little Hupa was on the Battle Island, Alzeus never appeared, but he just came to the door shortly after leaving ... If Guan Liyuan knew, he must doubt that Alzeus was deliberately not expecting that Little Hupa could influence the **** of Hupa. Go to Little Hupa trapped on Hezhan Island.

However, because Alzeus's position in the Pokémon World is an absolute boss-level existence, and the most important thing is that Little Hupa trusts Alzeus very much, so Guan Liyuan did not speak badly with Little Hupa behind him.

Also this time, Little Hupa did not doubt Alzeus. Instead, he introduced Guan Liyuan to Alzeus. He also asked Alzeus about "reversing the world"-Little Hupa had not been to the reverse world before, so there was no Speaking with Al Zeus, now that I know the existence of the "reverse world", I will naturally be curious.

However, Alzeus, like Old Card, shirk from saying "it's not the time you know".

After seeing how useless he was, Xiao Hupa had to give up asking this question and introduced Guan Liyuan to Alzeus ...

Although Alzeus told Xiao Hupa as soon as he met, don't tell other people or Pokémon about its arrival, but he was very curious about Guan Liyuan!

When I met Guan Liyuan, it was exactly when Guan Liyuan was performing the "talent show"-of course, no one except Al Huppa and Al Zeus himself knew that Al Zeus was watching this gorgeous contest at the time, otherwise the public opinion effect would be absolute Bika Luna was even more explosive as a judge.

However ... After watching the first act of "Gem Princess", Alzeus was a little subtle!

In the animated storyline, Alzeus was "yin" once by human beings thousands of years ago. At that time, Alzeus blocked a meteorite enough to destroy the world and seriously wounded himself. , Retrieved eighteen attribute slate carrying its own power.

In order to restore the world to its original state, although surviving, Alzeus used his five stone slabs to make a "jewel of life" to bring the world back to life ...

However, this "life precious jade" was only temporarily lent to human beings. As a result, during the return period, humans attacked Alzeus sneakily, causing Alzeus to be seriously injured and asleep, and only to wake up in modern times-moved by Xiaozhi and reduced to a soy sauce role.

In fact, in the Pokémon world, Guan Liyuan has not seen any records similar to that of Alzeus once blocking meteorites, and Huppa also saw Alzeus a hundred years ago. There is no such thing as "sleeping".

Besides, Alzeus was attacked by humans and seriously injured to the point where he needed to fall asleep. It was also difficult to understand, so Guan Liyuan always regarded this animation as "non-existent".

But what Guan Liyuan didn't know is that the existence of this plot was actually the result of being interfered by a weak information flow, but it was just too far away from the actual cause-effect line ...

A long time, a long time ... far from the time that can be measured for thousands of years, Al Zeus did have a "somewhat similar" experience, but it is already a thing of the past, it has long been forgotten.

However, after watching the first act of "Gem Princess", Alzeus remembered this incident again, but ... the unique experience made Alzeus not substitute the role of the aboriginal people or the gem princess ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Instead, I substituted myself into the role of the **** tree!

Therefore, Alzeus is now a bit subtle-the **** tree has sheltered you for so long, and you have eaten the fruit of the **** tree ... That's it, I choose to forgive you on behalf of the **** tree, but why do you want the black **** tree? How about it?

What does the last evil fruit mean? Is it going to be a **** tree runaway and then be punished?

Are you kidding me? After I'm overcast, can't I lose my temper, and write a script to ridicule me after so long?

If you change people, Alzeus will naturally think that "screenwriter" must not know that, but ... Alzeus also discovered the "Dragon Tooth" on Guan Liyuan!

So I was extremely skeptical whether a dragon told its dark history as a story, and it was later adapted ...

Thinking about it this way, Alzeus increasingly suspected that Guan Liyuan was ridiculing him.

"Alzeus, how about? Is Li Yuan a very interesting human? His script is well written, right?" Said Little Hupa.

"He really wrote the script?" Alzeus confirmed again and again.

"Well ... it should be! Anyway, I didn't buy it from someone else." Of course, little Hupa knew how the script came from.

But in Huppa ’s mind, Guan Liyuan and Alzeus are both important. He promised Guan Liyuan not to disclose the forum ’s affairs, but also to Alzeus, not to tell others what it ’s been—these two promises. Little Hupa will obey.

"Oh, it's interesting. Is the next scene in Miluo? I will watch it again." Al Zeus said quietly-but what Al Zeus thought was that you really dare to hack me, so You harmonize!

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