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Vol 2 Chapter 1031: Crystal Hall Challenge

"This is Qingluo's duel? It's really big ..." Selina sighed as she looked at the duel prepared by the Crystal Hall in front of her.

"Of course it is big. It used to be a gemstone mine in the city of Crystal. The place of production of cyanite was later depleted. Only this large open-air pit was left. It was bought by the Crystal Museum and built into a very large one. The duel, "Esther said.

The large-scale pit looks like a ring-shaped stepped basin. The Crystal Pavilion reinforces and remodels the bottom of the pit, and then transforms the surrounding terraces into audience seats ...

In addition, because it is too big as a duel field, the bottom part of the pit is a thousand square meters, so some broadcast equipment is also hung in various audience areas, otherwise the naked eye will miss many details of the duel.

In addition, the bottom of the pit is part of the duel field, and sandstone is also paved. The Crystal Road Hall is used as the "ground system" road hall. This kind of field can be said to be very beneficial for home battles!

The only bad thing is that this pit is outside the Crystal City urban area, and ordinary games will not be played here.

Except for some important games, using such a large-scale venue is not only wasteful, but also no audience will rush to the suburbs all the way ...

The last time the Crystal Road Museum used the Qingluo duel field, it was more than a year ago, because someone came to challenge the twelfth badge, the owner of the Crystal Road Museum personally met.

And this time ... Although it was only the second badge of Daoguan, but because of Guan Liyuan, it was also very eye-catching. Even if it was Qingluo's duel, it was still absent at this time!

The sand pavilion of the Crystal Road Museum looks much older than the Takagawa pavilion. The Carlos Alliance rules that the age limit of the official road museum owners is looser than that of the Quartz Alliance.

Ordinary museum owners who can only provide eleven badges must also be trained by trainers under the age of 50, but there are no age restrictions for senior museum owners who can provide twelve badges to challenge qualifications ...

It is said that the Quartz Alliance also wants to change to this requirement in recent years, otherwise it is a bit weak in the twelve badges.

However, before the rules were changed, Xiaoxia ’s dad exploded. The “former” owner retired. This is why A Ju once said that “explosive flaming was dissatisfied with the alliance because she had to retire.” Hualan during the flaming inflammatory period Daoguan has the right to challenge with twelve badges. He is much stronger than the official Daoguan.

The owner of the Shaguan looked like he was sixty or seventy years old at the moment, and at the beginning he personally took charge of the host, and introduced the origin of the showdown and the two sides of the showdown.

The challenger is naturally Guan Liyuan with a reputation ... Although there are still some strangely dressed guys, the group is shouting "Hui Ye Ji", but Guan Liyuan decides to ignore them.

The Daoguan party greeted the challenge with the three grandsons of the Shaguan owner-Sha Ai, Sha Bi, Sha Xi.

Guan Liyuan also saw his three opponents at this time, especially in the second grandson.

When the owner of the sand museum introduced the rules before, he said that his side would be three trainers playing at the same time, so everyone is not surprised.

With Guan Liyuan's current reputation, everyone does not think that the three Taoist students are unfair to him, or even ignore Guan Liyuan's current age. In fact, he is not much older than the three grandchildren.

Because it is three to three, there are no restrictions on replacing Pokémon, that is, the three Pokémon will end together, and whoever loses Pokémon will go out first.

"Go! Knight Snail, Agility Bug, Pterosaur!"

Guan Liyuan released the three Pokémon he faced after the master of the old Shaguan announced the start of the showdown.

Knight snails and agile worms were both in Tanigawa Town before. Pokémon Guan Liyuan used them, and they are still the same two at that time. However, if the people in the Crystal Hall, they will be more than half a month ago If the situation is the same, it is a miscalculation.

In this half month, the agile bug and the knight snail have risen from the 27th level to the 36th level. Although the upgrade is getting slower and slower, the experience about Liyuan has doubled and the individual qualifications have been continuously improved. The upgrade speed is still considerable.

Moreover, the individual correction rate also reached 114% and 115% respectively. Although it is incomparable with "嘤 嘤 嘤", in fact, the growth rate of individual correction rate is very fast, similar to the original King of the Mountains ...

According to the rule of "the stronger the individual's willingness to become stronger, the harder the" outstanding talents ", the better the agile worm and the knight snail are undoubtedly the hard-working faction-this is also the credit for their competitive relationship.

When camping normally, other Pokémon are already sitting and waiting for dinner. Both of them have to fight just before dinner. If it wasn't for Guan Liyuan forbidding them to fight while eating, it might be more than that ...

In terms of race value, under the "one-stop service" of Guan Liyuan once a day, Shuang Worm has already exceeded the normal value of 495, even exceeded the 500 mark, and both reached 501.

Although it is only six o'clock, if you open it, you can try to grab a headline if you hold a special breeder seminar. Generally, it is difficult for breeders to increase the racial value of Pokémon.

Therefore, even if the awakening characteristics of Lv1 are not calculated, the fighting power of the two worms has also broken through the 20,000 mark. Although it is only 20,000 or hundreds, but with the awakening talent, theoretically it has reached the elite-level 30,000 fighting power standard.

At the same time, reaching 30,000 combat power, it means that Guan Liyuan can trigger their bond evolution. According to the enhancement of bond evolution, they can increase their combat power by one third, which can reach 40,000!

As for Baolong ... When Guan Liyuan conquered it, he was already at level 47 and reached level 50 at this time. The normal value of Baolong's race was 490, but this one that Guan Liyuan conquered was a rare congenital weakness, only 489.

In normal ninety-nine percent of wild Pokémon, there will be no deviation in race value, and weak and strong are rare individuals. If it is not very rare, it is really not a breeder who is willing to conquer this kind of inherently poor Pokémon-because the biggest difference between racial and individual values ​​~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is heritability!

A puckerosaurus with a 489 race value, and the next generation of pucker dragons, has a high probability of appearing below the normal level.

Even if it is as rare as a bag dragon and its race value is lower than the average value, it may not interest the breeder ...

Because all Pterosaurs are females, Pterosaurs and other Pokémon in the same egg group can only breed Pterosaurs. Normally, there should be a lot of Pterosaurs?

In fact, this is not the case. The breeding method of pterosaurs is also a very special one in Pokémon. Not only does it have a long fertility cycle, but it also has a very low reproduction rate. Even the artificial assistance is not effective. —Cultivate a congenitally defective pterosaur. Even if the breeding is successful, the effort to breed it is likely to be defective?

However, Guan Liyuan didn't have such concerns, and even ... because of the special breeding method of Baolong, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Baolong's acceptance of "potential excitement" was extremely high, although he did not have any acceptance of "talent leader" The degree is so exaggerated, but the pterosaurs who joined the team a lot later than Shuangworm, and the starting point is lower than Shuangworm, at this time has reached 510 points race value!

Raised the racial value by 21 points in half a month. The reason why Guan Liyuan is not as surprised as "嘤 嘤 嘤" is mainly because the "Mystery" of Baolong's racial value has increased very quickly. Guan Liyuan has understood eighty-nine points ... this This particularity is also one of Guan Liyuan's greatest sources of confidence in this war.

At the same time, Sha Ai, Sha Bi, Sha Xi have also released their own Pokémon!

"Let's make a sandstorm! Shayi!"

"Sha Er!"


Guan Liyuan had already seen at this time that these three Pokémon with similar names are all the same species-Sandcastle Lord!

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