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Vol 2 Chapter 1032: Sandcastle Lord

Sha Ai, Sha Bi, and Sha Xi released three identical Pokémon-they all looked like sand castles. The three "sand castles" were more than one meter high, and a small one was inserted at the top. Toy shovel.

"What? This is ... Sandcastle Lord? The Crystal Pavilion actually has this kind of Pokémon, and there are still three of them? Is it that they are three ... bad, Liyuan may be dangerous in this game!" Ace After seeing each other's three Pokémon, she couldn't help saying.

"Master Sandcastle? Seems to have heard the name somewhere ... is it Pokémon in Carlos? Very powerful?" Selina could not help asking.

"There are sighting records on the southwest coast, but the number is very small, and it is more common in the Arora area. This is a kind of ... a dangerous, ground-based, ghost-based dual-line Pokémon that requires a lot of power. Said Esther.

"It's more dangerous? Is it like wearing a bear?" As Carlos, Salina mentioned "dangerous" which is easy to associate with wearing a bear, just as if the Kanto people mentioned "dangerous" and thought of a big needle bee.

Since it is a Pokémon, not an "another beast", that is to say, in the face of humans, "Sandcaster Lord" still has no killing protection mechanism, but it will be dangerous on this basis. move.

For example, some grumpy fire department Pokémon sometimes burns humans, but even if they are blasted by large characters, they are usually only lightly burned + gray-faced, but if they are "different beasts" of the same strength, they can truly save humans, Or other Pokémon burned to ashes-this can only happen if the ordinary Pokémon killer is set.

This is also the reason why Chao Meng killed the members of the Flash Flame team, and the other party first suspected that "the beast did."

"Dangerous" Pokémon such as circling bears, big needle bees, wearing bears, etc., are also in the situation where the protection mechanism works, and there will be dangerous actions, unlike the outright threats like the "beast"!

"It's more dangerous than wearing a bear ... Sandcastle Lord will attack tourists on the beach. In the area of ​​Alora, you must stay away immediately when you see the red shovel standing on the beach, otherwise you may be controlled by Sandcastle Lord. Said Esther.

"Control? Control what humans do? Is it life-threatening?" Salina said, scared.

"Controlling humans is one way it breeds its next generation," Esther said.

Selina was even more puzzled when she heard the words: "Controlling humans to reproduce? How to reproduce?"

People who are said to have a lack of purity in their hearts will imagine some messy pictures ...

While Esther was speaking, the three Sandcastle masters had already started, and they had just appeared on the duel field. They immediately used the "sandstorm" skills of the rock system to set off a sandstorm at the bottom of the original pit!

And because it was the three Sandcastle masters who used the "sandstorm" together, the sandstorm became even bigger, and even spread through the protective device to some outside the field, making Guan Liyuan's face a little hurt by the gravel.

In the sandstorm, in addition to the ground series, rock series, and steel series Pokémon, there will be some impacts, which will accelerate the loss of physical strength, and even injury.

After all, with the site environment here, ordinary "sandstorm" skills will be greatly enhanced, not to mention that the three sandcastle masters actually occupy a skill for this, using triple sandstorms ...

When Guan Liyuan discovered that the Agile bug wanted to try "Begging for Rain", it immediately stopped it with spiritual communication.

Qiuyu is also a way to change the weather and environment in a small area. It can create a weather effect similar to rain within the scope. If successful, it can effectively stop sandstorms, but Guan Liyuan does not believe that it is successful under triple sandstorms. launch.

And if the launch fails, it is equivalent to wasting a skill.

"... use 'Jisha'!" The three grandsons ordered their Pokémon at the same time.

I saw three sandcastles that were about one meter and three meters high. They started to absorb the surrounding sand. The sand blown by the air and the sand on the ground gradually concentrated on the three sandcastle masters. Four-meter-high large sand castle.

At this time, Esther also solemnly said: "The controlled Pokémon or humans will become a tool for Sandcastle Lords to breed and help them ... pile sand castles!"


Although Esther's tone was serious, Selina still felt that this "consequence" was not terrible. Some people who were not pure in heart also felt disappointed ...

And ... what does the pile of sand have to do with the breeding of Sandcastle Lord?

"The breeding method of Sandcastle Lord is to plunder the small Pokémon's mental power. After accumulating to a certain degree, use this power to control humans or suitable Pokémon to continuously build sandcastles. In this power Under the control of Sandcastle, the sandcastle piled up will become a new "Dune Boy" individual, which is the form of Sandcastle Lord when he has not evolved.

Similarly, ‘Sandhuwa’ wants to evolve, and will use similar methods, but in the end, it will rely on the controlled person to pile themselves into the size of a sand castle, rather than build a new sand castle. Exeter explained.

Whether it is plundering mental powers or controlling human sandcastles, it is a thing harmful to other Pokémon or human health.

Although it is not fatal in theory, people with poor physiques who have piled sand castles for several days without knowing it will surely be very ill and robbed of Pokémon ’s mental strength. Will delay their growth and development ...

The evolution and reproduction of Sandcastle Lord must pass this kind of "harmful self-interest" behavior. Therefore, Sandcastle Lord is regarded as a "dangerous" Pokémon, and usually the settlement of Sandcastle Lord and Sand Duna. Beaches will be opened.

As for the "sand gathering" skill on the field, it is an exclusive move of Sandcastle Lord. You can speed up the recovery of physical strength by concentrating the sand and soil, and also make yourself bigger ...

Guan Liyuan's three Pokémon will not watch the opponent grow larger. At this time, the Cavalier Snail has already used the "iron head" and hit the one on the left-Sandcastle's movement speed is also very slow. , The speed race value is only 35, and after getting larger, the goal is so large, the Cavaliers snails are very happy instead of worrying about attack misalignment.

Under the blessing of the steel power, the crown of the knight snail shone with a metallic luster, and one headed towards the Sandcastle Lord. At the same time, the agile worm also shook his body, shaking out several afterimages ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ one after another using the "Flying Water Shuriken" attack ...

In terms of combat instinct, the two worms have already begun to bear fruit. The Cavalier Snail understands that Sandcastle's "ghost system" has advantages in resisting the power of the worm system, so it chose the steel system skills.

The Agile also knows that the common characteristics of Sandcastle Lord have some restraint on the power of the water system, so there is only one round of "Flying Water Shuriken" attacking each Sandcastle Lord as a test.

Brush brush brush

The three Sandcastle Lords have hit the "sword" one after another. The water power has a destructive advantage to the ground Sandcastle Lords. The three Sandcastle Lords were hit, and all of them scattered a lot of sand, but the pits Wa is still gradually being filled back by "sand gathering."

However, one of the sandcastle masters, while being injured by the water system power, also absorbed this part of the water system power, making the sand color of the body heavier, as if it were sand mixed with water!

The agile worm immediately wrote down this Sandcastle Lord—solidified in water, a common characteristic of Sandcastle Lord, which is also a unique characteristic. When hit by water skills, he will be injured, but will also use the power of the water system , Improve your defense!

But ... As a Sandcastle Lord, there is only one characteristic that is a common characteristic, "water coagulation", which makes Guan Liyuan frown-in contrast, although "water coagulation" will cause agile insects to stump, but another A rare feature is more troublesome in this environment.

I saw that the knight snail was about to hit his own target, but at this moment, the sandcastle Lord in the big sand storm ... so big, but suddenly disappeared, leaving the knight snail hit an empty!

Sand hiding, the hidden feature of Sandcastle Lord, only a few Sandcastle Masters have this kind of feature, the effect is that they can hide and lurk in the sandstorm ...

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