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Vol 2 Chapter 1038: Eat well

【Yep? Have you encountered any strange things recently? 】

【strange things? Was it necessary for me to have me go to their organization to be S? 】

In the face of Caoparisi's headless questioning, Guan Liyuan gave an inexplicable answer to the old Car.

Guan Liyuan was also very strange. Why did the old card contact him suddenly ... Last time, the old card contacted him because he came into contact with the super stone of Jiahe Ninja Frog. After that, even when Guan Liyuan got the bag dragon super stone, the old card was all Ignore it.

[A human organization? That shouldn't be ... Have you met Alzeus recently? Old Card asked further.

【what? Why did I meet Alzeus? I do want to find it, but not now ...] Guan Liyuan wondered.

[Yes, if you really meet Al Zeus I won't feel it ... yes, what do you do to find it? Old card wondered.

So Guan Liyuan and it explained a bit about the issue of "optimizing breeding."

Old card: [...]

After a moment of silence, Old Card said: "Have you mentioned this great project to others recently? 】

[I told the pouch, what happened? ] Guan Liyuan was also very strange, why did Old Card suddenly become interested in Alzeus again.

[It's okay, I've had something to eat recently. ] Old Card ended the connection after saying something inexplicable.

[Eat? Am I malnourished? Is it ... caused by too many evolutions? Guan Liyuan obviously did not understand the meaning of the old card.

Yes, the old card actually found the "mark" of Alzeus by accident. Before, Alzeus did not approach Guan Liyuan at a close distance, and the old card didn't pay much attention to him, so he didn't find anything, but Alzeus left " "Mark" is always there. After the old card paid a little attention to the outside world, he immediately discovered the clue.

When he found the "mark", Old Card erased the "mark" ...

The old card for the use of this "mark" is also clear, knowing that Alzeus most likely discovered its coordinates in this world-dragon teeth.

Although he was afraid of Arteus, the old card would not sit back and watch him, not to mention that there is no reason for Arteus to do anything with him now ... And if he does not erase the "mark", when Guan Liyuan "leaves", I am afraid Arceus was also startled.

[The timid guy is so timid that even the rules of the world are constrained. In case such a novelty is discovered, it is estimated that he will instinctively stop Guan Liyuan from coming in again? 】

This sentence was thought by old card in his heart, and did not tell Guan Liyuan ...

However, the old card did not expect that originally, he just asked it smoothly, but did not expect Guan Liyuan to do so, so he reminded him-if Guan Liyuan mentioned the name of "Al Zeus", it is likely to have been sensed by the other party.

"In front of Baiye Village, the map indicates that there is a Pokemon Center in the village. You can go camping tonight!"

After turning over a small hill, Esther pointed at the foot of the mountain, said a small village that was clearly a human settlement.

At this point, the three of Guan Liyuan had left the Crystal City for two days. Although they were not close to the next target town, they would pass through two small villages along the way ...

Trainers' travel training paths are usually where Pokémon live. In the Pokémon world, farming is also one of the main sources of human food. It is necessary to protect Pokémon and to protect the results of human farming. Human cultivated land is concentrated in large farm areas, and the areas where Pokémon live are generally completely different.

Therefore, in the trainer's trip, there are not many opportunities to stay in the village. The villages that will appear on the way to train travel will not be agricultural villages, most of them are semi-cultivation houses, or processing some treasures. Village of dream byproducts.

Like this Baiye village, it is because it is close to a grass-based Pokémon settlement, where it is affected by grass-based energy, and a wild tea leaf will grow. The village where the wild tea is gathered by picking it.

In addition, because there are often trainers staying and the villagers can pick tea smoothly, it is also a custom here. Whether they are trainers or not, the villagers will subdue a grass-based Pokémon, so although there is no real Junsha family The Joey family is here, but the Pokemon Center has a franchise branch here.

Since it was just going to pass by this neighborhood, and it was already evening, the three of Guan Liyuan would not be difficult for themselves, so they decided to rest in Baiye Village that night.

Even a small Pokémon center is more comfortable than a tent?

But when I really saw the Pokemon Center in Baiye Village, Esther and Selina couldn't help but sigh in their hearts—so small.

The Pokémon Center in the city is at least a skyscraper. In slightly larger cities, the Pokémon Center can occupy a park. Even the Pokémon Center in a small town is much larger than this. The Pokemon Center in front of me is just a two-story log cabin.

As she pushed in the door, Esther and Selina found out that they actually leaned on the door to make bells for the welcome bell.

However, Guan Liyuan has traveled a lot in Kanto before, and I have seen some of this franchised ultra-small Pokémon center.

The city's Pokémon Center is not like the animation or the game, as soon as you enter the door, Miss Joy is standing behind the counter ...

Usually Miss Joey's sisters are the pillars of a Pokemon Center, and if the entire Pokémon Center is maintained by a Miss Joey's sister, so many trainers will line up in the wild!

In this ultra-small franchise Pokémon center, Guan Liyuan is really "familiar" with the counter model. In the neat room, there are several modern Pokémon care machines. After hearing the welcome bell, Only a young girl came out from behind the counter-but from the looks, it was definitely not Joey.

Even in the Pokémon world, Joey is not all exaggerated in a mold, but six or seven points seems to be there, and this young woman, with orange hair, is very different from Joey's hair color .

Normally, such a small Pokémon center will not have the real Joey people, only some basic equipment.

"I haven't seen you, are you a Pokémon trainer? Are you a member of the Carlos Alliance?" Asked the orange-haired woman.

"Yes, three senior members." Guan Liyuan said.

Guan Liyuan was invited by the Carlos Alliance. Naturally, senior membership status was granted. It is not difficult for Esther and Salina to say that it is not difficult for Fatong to get the senior membership status for their two sisters ...

However, the orange-haired woman saw the alliance proof of the three of Guan Liyuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but did not quite obscurely poke her lips, and was quite agitated.

"Well, this is the room key. The center of our small village is only a franchise. There is no difference in the room. You need to take a bath and boil water yourself." The orange-haired woman said impatiently, and put three on the counter at the same time. key.

Behind the Pokémon Center, there are several rooms for passing trainers to rest ...

However, the key seemed to be grabbed casually, and obviously no other trainers were resting here, but the three people's rooms were not next to each other. There were four rooms on each floor. Selina was even arranged on the second floor.

"The attitude is really bad," Esther said in the corridor, dissatisfied.

"Maybe it's because of joining ... she can't make money in us." Guan Liyuan said.

Like this franchise, it seems that the Pokémon Center provides equipment, and the franchisees are responsible for maintaining operations. They can use these to make money, but members of the alliance must entertain them for free.

"This is one of the obligations of the franchisees!" Esther didn't rub the sand in her eyes. Guan Liyuan still remembers being cut off when she saw her for the first time. It is estimated that after arriving in the city behind, Esther will directly and Common Center complained.

Guan Liyuan also did not mean to stop this. If the world ’s first house opens to join the grassroots, such black sheep will definitely be eliminated ...

[Wait ... doesn't she even know me? 】 Guan Liyuan's mind suddenly flashed this doubt.

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