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Vol 2 Chapter 1039: attack on purpose

After Guan Liyuan separated from Esther and Selina, he entered his room and relaxed while lying down, a doubt flashed in his mind-recently, his "exposure rate" in Carlos area is very high? That orange-haired woman, who doesn't usually watch TV?

Is it because it's too remote here?

wrong! Although Baiye Village is small, it is not far from Crystal City ...

The more Guan Liyuan thought, the more he felt wrong. He immediately sat up from the bed and looked in the room-the same overall impression as when he just entered the Pokemon Center, humble ... but very neat!

In the case of Guan Liyuan's training and traveling in the Kanto area, even the ultra-small grassroots Pokémon Center that he joined will at least not have this attitude. After all, with the equipment supported by the Pokémon Center, many people compete for this franchise.

I used to think that the Carlos League was too much energy involved in the "beast", so it was neglected in this aspect of management, so some bad guys ...

But now Guan Liyuan thinks it over and finds that the problem doesn't seem to be so simple. First of all, in terms of cleanliness, the situation in this Pokemon Center is completely different from that of the front desk!

Is it here that there are both serious and responsible people and perfunctory people?

When Guan Liyuan didn't feel right and wanted to talk to Selina and Esther, there was a sudden power outage in the room, and a "familiar" scream came from the floor!

"It's Sallyna!" At the moment of screaming, Guan Liyuan reacted immediately, dropping the two elven **** as soon as possible, and flipping out the window at the same time.

Of course, Guan Liyuan was familiar with Srina's screaming because she had passed by the Pokémon living area of ​​the ghost system before, and when she encountered the rotten wood monster and pumpkin essence, she heard her cry ...

Among the two elf **** dropped by Guan Liyuan, there were the Knight Snail and the Agile Worm. They immediately went out of the door and rushed to Esther's room according to Guan Liyuan's meaning.

While Guan Liyuan turned out of the window, he hooked his hands upwards, and with his left foot leaning slightly on the window next to it, he climbed up to the second floor like a gecko.

However, Guan Liyuan did not give the opportunity to "climb", a "fantasy light" shook over his face.

Suddenly a flower bloomed in front of Guan Liyuan's eyes, and he fell lightly and lightly, and his consciousness was blurred for a while ...

Esther originally went from the stairs to the second floor with the Cavalier Snail and Agile Worm, but the Cavalier Snail knocked open the door of Selina's room and found that there was no one inside, and the window was open. Nothing was found when looking out the window. , But a bowed head saw Guan Liyuan fainted!

The Rocket Fly took her directly down, and Esther patted Guan Liyuan's face and shouted, "Li Yuan, Li Yuan! How are you? Wake up!"

At this time Guan Liyuan had not completely fainted, at least his eyes were half-open and half-closed, but only a little apathetic ...

Guan Jianyuan heard some of Esther's voice, and reflected the current situation in his consciousness. I saw a few "Beep" sounds in Guan Liyuan ...

It was the sound that the elven ball was forcibly broken away. Several Esthers have only seen it in illustrated books, never seeing Pokemon released by Guan Liyuan, appearing around!

Two of the Pokémon in flight, the Vulture and Spitfire Dragon, spread their wings and took off immediately after they came out, while the other Pokémon guarded Guan Liyuan and Esther around.

That's right, it was Guan Liyuan who communicated with his heart and informed himself of Pokémon's "voluntary goal". At this moment, he broke out of the wizard ball!

Voluntarily scored Pokémon, although the body is also in the reversed world, but the "sleeping" is not as down-to-earth as the formal Pokémon conquered, and wants to break free of the pokemon ball ... Or to return to the normal world through the pokemon ball. easily.

However, they do not know the external situation, and need to be notified by Guan Liyuan!

About ten minutes later, Guan Liyuan gradually rubbed his head from the ground, and the two Pokémon who flew away before returned at this time ...

In addition to Selina, there are some village names that came to her.

"Li Yuan, are you okay? How did you faint? Did you see Selina?" Esther asked anxiously.

"Wait a minute, don't worry ... let's find out the real master here." Guan Liyuan said solemnly.

Guan Liyuan still felt headache and nausea at this time, apparently the sequelae of "phantom light" had not yet passed.

But waking up from the "phantom rays" so quickly, Esther instinctively thought that this was just an ordinary Pokémon attack.

If it is truly malicious or even a strange beast, even some indirect attack skills will not wake up so quickly.

But Guan Liyuan knew that the guy who had just used "phantom rays" was definitely malicious. If the target was not himself but an ordinary person, he would probably lie for a few days!

It's just that ... Guan Liyuan has evolved so many times after all, although he can't compare with the too powerful Pokémon, but there are still thousands of fighting powers, so he wakes up so fast.

Later, Guan Liyuan and Esther, in the storage room of the Pokémon Center, found three people tied up, and the villagers who heard the sound came, and it was also proved that they were the Pokémon Center. , The real master!

At this time only one young woman was awake. She was **** by the gangsters, and the other two were allegedly attacked by Pokémon.

Fortunately, Guan Liyuan checked it, and the situation of the two was irrelevant. They were just ordinary attacks such as "hypnosis" ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You can wake up with a pat of cold water ...

"Did you attack you this afternoon? Sure enough, we made a special trip to wait for us to come over!" Guan Liyuan asked, and he could not help frowning.

After that, Guan Liyuan asked the villagers in the village to look for any traces left by the gangsters. At the same time, they asked the Pokémon Center to use other contact devices to ask for help from the city of Crystal. The contact devices of the Pokémon Center were damaged. The wifi picture book also cannot use the communication function in such a place without a signal.

"You also need to notify Dr. Fatong, I'll take a break." Guan Liyuan said to Esther.

But Esther did not leave, but stared at Guan Liyuan and said, "No ... Li Yuan, do you know where Salina is? Want to take us away and take risks?"

I have to say that Esther is very sharp ...

That ’s right, Guan Liyuan just let Bi Diao and Spitfire Dragon find it in the air. The scope is much larger than the villagers' search, not to mention ... Guan Liyuan has identified the other party as a dangerous person. If he did n’t know there was no clue around him, how could he let the villagers take risks ?

"I don't know, it's just ... at least the guy who was posing as a staff member before should not have left, now I can come out and talk about your purpose?" Guan Liyuan said deliberately in the Pokemon Center.

Now that Esther has discovered that it is meaningless for Guan Liyuan to make excuses, not to mention that Guan Liyuan estimates that at least one of the other party is still here, and it may be that Esther has heard the other party!

At the moment Guan Liyuan was attacked by "fantasy," he saw Pokémon attacking him. He was a squid king. The other party left in the air with super powers and only took the unconscious Selina, so he judged the impersonator. Staff, probably did not leave ...

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