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Vol 2 Chapter 1040: Successful negotiation

"It is indeed the owner of Guan Da. Have you guessed that I am still there?"

Guan Liyuan's words came out, and the orange-haired woman stepped out of a room that should be empty. At this time, she had replaced the work clothes of the Pokemon Center and was wearing a red uniform.

"Sparkling Flame Team?" Guan Liyuan recognized the identity of the orange-haired woman ... It seemed that the other party did not hide it.

"Yes, this should be our second official meeting with the owner of Guan Da, right? You can call me A ... I hope this time there will be a negotiation result that is satisfactory to both of us," said the orange-haired woman.

"Second time?" Guan Liyuan heard a word of silence.

When he was in the ruins before, Guan Liyuan did see the people of the Flash team, but he did not meet them.

However, since it is because of the ruins, Guan Liyuan is not going to make much nonsense: "If it is for the super stone, put Sarana back, two quasi **** super stones can be given to you."

Guan Liyuan has contacted Little Firefox and Fanxiangxiang, but the positioning of the elves is near the Pokémon center, and they have been retrieved by Bi Diao. Otherwise, if you can locate the opponent, you can directly let Little Hupa save the person. By the way teach life ...

As for the super stone or something, Guan Liyuan really didn't really care. As long as the other party let people go, even if Guan Liyuan gave this life to them, it wouldn't affect the teaching of life afterwards!

However, the orange-haired woman looked dark and said coldly, "Does the owner of Guan Da still want to be stupid? M should have said to you? We don't want any quasi-super super stone ... Instead, as long as you Give up other things from the ruins, and we can give you a few quasi-god super stones for the owner of Guan Da, just make friends! "

"Ha? M?" Guan Liyuan heard the words, his thoughts quickly moved in his mind.

The process of meeting the blue-haired M at the beginning was quickly recalled by Guan Liyuan ...

Guan Liyuan suddenly found that he seemed to have misunderstood something.

Looks like ... The four main leaders of the Flash Flame team are codenamed A, B, C, M, and the general staff code is X.

"I think there may be some misunderstandings between us." Guan Liyuan said seriously.

"Oh, the owner of Guan Da wouldn't want to say now that he didn't get anything else from the ruins?" A said disdainfully.

"Indeed, I only got a few super stones and key stones in the ruins." Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

"Oh? You and M didn't say that before." A looked totally unbelieving.

"..." Guan Liyuan was speechless for a moment.

At that time, Guan Liyuan did not directly say that he had got anything else, but he said to M: he would not trade with anything other than super stones ...

Guan Liyuan estimated that if he explained that "I was talking about his own body", the other party would probably not believe it.

"Well, I'll see Salina first, and we'll talk about things later." Guan Liyuan had to first try to slow down.

"No, our team of small flames can not stand the torment of the beast ... As long as the owner of the Guan Daguan handed in the things, I promise to send the little girl back intact." A said.

"Why do I believe you?" Guan Liyuan only needs the other party to expose his position slightly, but the other party is obviously prepared, and it may be intentional to even drop all of Elena's elven balls.

"I can be your hostage." A said, taking down the elf ball clip on his waist, he could see the six elf **** inside, and signaled to Guan Liyuan that she could put down these elf **** as hostages at any time.

But actually let her release six Pokémon, it is difficult to pose a threat to Guan Liyuan!

Guan Liyuan felt depressed for a while, because I hadn't expected such a thing before, and because Pokemon brought by Selina, there was a contractual relationship with Guan Liyuan, so I didn't think about positioning on Selina specifically. At this time, if you want to teleport, you don't know where to go.

"Otherwise, how about I be your hostage? If you are worried that I am hiding the elven ball, we can find a room to take a photo." Guan Liyuan said sincerely.

"Hehe." The other party was obviously not stupid. Although he didn't know what Guan Liyuan was thinking, he didn't want to increase the difficulty.

"Is that the King of Squid the Pokémon of your mysterious leader?" Guan Liyuan could not help but test it.

The squid king just now made Guan Liyuan a little bit concerned-Pokemon that can maliciously attack humans is rare!

Even those who are violent, when ordering Pokémon to attack humans, are usually just malicious.

This protection mechanism of the Pokémon world is like a "PK protection switch". There is no such protection switch between a strange animal and Pokémon, and it is not easy to turn it off.

So far, Guan Liyuan has seen that this switch can be turned off. In addition to the special circumstances of being natural enemies, only Super Dream and Liberation Hupa ...

However, neither of these two Pokémon can be counted as "ordinary" or "normal".

As for getting the trainer to instruct Pokémon to launch a malicious attack ... Guan Liyuan has done experiments himself, and the required intimacy requirement is not much lower than the fetter evolution, and only some top cadres in the Rockets can do it.

And when the king of the squid attacked Guan Liyuan, no one around him apparently heard a command, and only by a vague order to make Pokémon carry out malicious attacks? This is even more difficult!

And when Guan Liyuan released the flight track of Pokémon, no trace of the other party left ...

The normal squid king used superpowers to fly in the air, and the speed would not be as fast as the real flight Pokémon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but the squid king was not found, or the superpower was too strong to explode, which is longer than The wings flew faster, or they used some technique to distort the light and avoid Gaze's gaze.

From the perspective of Guan Liyuan's attack, the latter is more likely, otherwise Guan Liyuan will faint for a longer time, let alone the race value of King of Cuttlefish 482, how strong can it be?

As for distorting the light to hide the trace ... Guan Liyuan has seen Hu Di do this with phantom light, but that is Nazi's Hu Di ... To be extremely demanding of skills, the other party is definitely not ordinary training division!

Guan Liyuan finds that there are six elven **** on A, which means that the king of squid is probably not A's Pokémon. In this case, the trainer of the king of squid may still be nearby-Guan Liyuan has instructed to teleport from the cultivation of the four islands The flying Pokémon who came around and patrolled around did not find any suspicious people leaving.

Since A proposed to be a hostage himself, that is to say, using her to threaten the Shining Fire team to release people would not have any effect, but if they were replaced by the trainer of the squid king, it might be a different situation.

"It's nothing to tell you, Lord Squid is the General Staff's Pokémon, but unlike General Pokémon, if you want to find Lord Squid or the General Staff, don't waste your time." A said confidently.

Isn't the general staff code-named "X" actually here? Guan Liyuan could not help but suspect he was wrong.

However, at this moment, the door of the Pokémon Center suddenly opened, and a figure in a red uniform and slightly fat figure rolled in in a coma. At the same time, there was a figure all over the cape standing side by side. Holding Selina ...

Guan Liyuan felt that the negotiations seemed to be successful?

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