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Vol 2 Chapter 1059: Z eight hundred and eighty-six

"If you sign up, please wait in the afternoon. I'll come with my friends! I had a night of toss last night, and I'm a bit tired now." Guan Liyuan said.

Fujimori can also guess that Guan Liyuan suddenly appeared with the core of Kegelde, it must have encountered a major event, so he did not urge.

"It's okay, then I'll be waiting for the drive at the Dao Pavilion this afternoon." Fujimori said that Guan Liyuan was sent out of the Dao Pavilion.

He was also very considerate and blocked other media interviews with other gymnasium trainers, saying that the specific gymnasium challenge process would be announced tomorrow morning.

Guan Liyuan slipped back to the Pokémon Center. Although there are many trainers at the Pokémon Center, everyone is still orderly here. Even if they see Guan Liyuan, they will not be around.

After successfully checking in, Guan Liyuan slept until noon. In the end, Esther knocked on the door, and Guan Liyuan woke up.

"Well? Didn't you not sleep last night? Why so early?" Guan Liyuan yawned.

The body of the Pokémon world is still relatively "weak". After exploring all night in the Xiangxiang Cave, he had to avoid the attack of the double-axed battle dragon himself in the middle, and Guan Liyuan also felt tired.

"Have you forgotten and promised us to 'study' about Kegelde together?" Esther said, leaning back.

It seems that interest in Kegelde has caused Esther and Salina to even temporarily block physical fatigue.

Apparently, Esther and Selina would not give Guan Liyuan a chance to sleep again, and squeezed directly into the room, asking with enthusiasm before Guan Liyuan ...

Guan Liyuan had to talk about since Esther and Salina left last night, but there was no mention of the old card, and the part about small love, but also only said that he was a friend of his own—a friend with a beast!

Last time when Esther met Xiao Ai, she didn't see anything. So far, she thought that what saved Salina was a friend who was more "shy" and more fierce than Guan Liyuan. It was when Xiaoai shot the King of Squid that she passed out.

After learning that Z651 had been delivered to the owner of the Ma Xiu Pavilion, Esther was still a little disappointed, but also understood that it was the business, but at this moment, Guan Liyuan said: "Z651 also asked me to take care of the other A Kiegeld core, the number should be Z886 ... You can help me think of a way! It ’s okay to train and cultivate Pokémon, and it is not difficult to flow, but how to teach the growth of the beast is not my strength Now. "

"Keigard's core? Certainly Kiegeld's core? Please take care of you?" Esther and Selina could not help but widen their eyes.

Why is this "God Beast" alone always encountered "easily" by Guan Liyuan?

"Jiggled, who was just 'born', is just at the core. Now I can't even speak ... I'll call it out and show it to you! After that, let it be more outside." Guan Liyuan said, using The Elf Ball released Z886.

For convenience, Guan Liyuan has used the elven ball as a retractable item for Z886-of course, just like the little Nima's elven ball, it is positioned in the "oasis".

Otherwise, Z886, as a beast ... or a part of the beast, enters the dead zone of the reversed world in the ordinary elven ball, and will not be forced into sleep, and unlike the strange beast, it can stay awake in the dead zone. Instead, it will "bounce" out of the reverse world.

Unless actively enter to sleep, the beast cannot be conquered by the elven ball.

And now Z886, the emotional intelligence is lower than most of the new ordinary Pokémon, and will not "obedient" self-sleep, just like the baby will not sleep because of a sentence "You should sleep" ...

"Z, ZZ!"

As soon as Z886 came out, I didn't know if it was the tail of the tail. I jumped and looked very lively. Esther and Selina immediately squatted down and observed.

If it was n’t for Z886 ’s “Keegeld Core” halo, it ’s definitely not cute and even uglier, it would definitely rank among the top in Pokémon, but now Esther and Salina are curious. Around Z886, Esther was brave and poked Z886 like a blistered body with her fingers.

"It's so cute! 886, aren't you still talking? Come on, learn from me ..." Sister "!" Esther said about Z886.

Guan Liyuan: "..."

Sure enough, there is a halo of "God Beast", which can completely make up for the lack of face value, as if someone with a plain appearance has the halo of the first cultivator in the world, it has also become popular.

"Is 886 a boy?"

"Kegelde should be a girl ... otherwise, why is there a new Kiegeld core?"

"Z?" Z886 was slightly blinded by the two humans in front of him.

"Ahem, Kegeld belongs to a special breed of breed, and does not require male and female collocation. It is a new individual split by itself ... let's call it an" individual "." Guan Liyuan explained.

Guan Liyuan has already signed a contract with "Z886" at this time. Although he can't speak yet, he can simply communicate if he uses spiritual communication.

Many Pokémon in the superpowers and fairies, as well as almost all the gods and beasts, also communicate with each other mentally, but the "psychological communication" with Guan Liyuan is not a concept. Their spiritual communication is only a "spiritual transmission" "

And Guan Liyuan ’s spiritual communication is a direct means of communication that transcends language—the difference is particularly apparent in creatures like Z886 who have not yet learned logical languages!

However, from the perspective of the main world, the conquest of "Z886" did not bring any "real" benefits to Guan Liyuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ On the core of Kidder, the race value is only 60 points ... even Z886 was born with a level of 100, and its combat effectiveness is only on par with Guan Liyuan!

This is the result of Guan Liyuan's own measurements, and there is no relevant record in Carlos's book.

After all, Kegelde's core fighting power is not reflected in himself.

The Kegelde core with a racial value of 60 points has three characteristics, two of which are related to the effects in the game, namely-"gas field destruction" and "group deformation".

But the effect is different from the game ...

In the game, "Gas Field Destruction" is completely aimed at "Zernias" and "Ipertal". The effect is to "the fairy gas field" or the "dark gas field" effect. Reverse, from strengthening the power of the fairy and evil skills, to reducing the power!

However, in the Pokémon world, Kiegeld is obviously not so competitive with the two beasts of Zernyas and Ipertal. The role of "gas field destruction" can make the environment within a certain range, not Exploited by any Pokémon, but limited to energy use ...

For example, on the electrical site of Tanigawa Dojo, if the "gas field destruction" is in effect, those electromagnetic equipment on the field will not be motivated by any skills, and it will not provide additional recovery for the electric department Pokémon; but if it is in In the pit of the Crystal Road Museum, the physical help of the "sand gravel field" to the ground system cannot be offset.

In the game, the effect of "group deformation" is that when the health is less than half, Kiegold directly enters the "full body form". However, in the Pokémon world, the effect is only the most basic-Keiger De cores can gather Kigeld cells.

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