Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1060: Go, sign up!

Kiegeld (Shard, No. Z886);

Attributes: Dragon and ground (variable);

Level: 100;

Race value: 60;

Individual correction rate: None;

Characteristics: Gas field destruction (unexcited), cluster deformation (0/60), kernel regeneration.

This is the specific information of Z886 that Guan Liyuan found after the contract ...

To some extent, Z886 is not yet a complete individual, but is a "fragment" of Kidgel, and perhaps for this reason, Z886 is completely different from other Pokémon in many aspects!

For example, the "individual correction rate" is directly "none"-according to Guan Liyuan's analysis, this "none" is not 0%, but is similar to the meaning that does not need to consider the individual correction rate. It can be considered as 100% in a narrow sense, but the practical significance There is a difference.

In addition, the attributes and characteristics of Z886 do not have "Lv", and the ground system attributes have an additional "(variable)".

Of the three characteristics, the effect of "gas field destruction" has not yet been stimulated, but only the approximate effect is known, and Guan Liyuan does not know whether Z886 can excite this characteristic now ...

In addition, the "group deformation" also does not have the so-called Lv, but it can really improve the characteristics of Kegelde's core combat power.

Guan Liyuan also sensed the nearest Kidder cells through Z886, and then let Little Hupa directly "stretch out his hands" to catch them. After Z886 aggregated a Kidder cell, Guan Liyuan found that Z886 had not evolved into a "base Form ", but the racial value has become" 60 + 40 ", and at the same time the characteristic" group deformation "has become" (1/60) ".

"Huh? Any changes?" Sally asked, looking at Z886, who had "absorbed" a Kilgold cell.

"Looks like a big circle ... I can't see any trace of the incorporation of Kegelde cells," Esther said.

From the appearance, there is only one Kiegeld cell integrated. For the "Kegeld core", there is no change. The Kiegeld cell without the core, after being integrated into the core, is Pure "long meat", just a little bigger ...

Only about Li Yuan's contract and forum measurement, he noticed the changes in Z886's race value and characteristics.

"Little Hupa, grab another one." Guan Liyuan said.

"Huppa, catch the worm! Hum--" Little Huppa brought his hand into the gold ring with a voice, and he had already taken a Kidder cell when he pulled it out.

Z886 can sense their position, and as long as Xiao Hupa communicates with Z886 through Guan Liyuan as a signal tower, Xiao Hupa can perceive the position locked by Z886 to accurately "catches".

If the core of Kegelde is still controversial, then the Kegelde cells can be said to be "not an individual at all" and have no independent consciousness.

In the absence of the Kegelde's core constraints, these Gegelde cells, like large planeworms, instinctively distribute in the ecosystem, acting as monitors and alarm identities-mainly in Carlos and Arora area.

The Kiegeld cell itself has no fighting power, and generally finds a place that is motionless and unconscious. It can usually be considered as a part of the natural environment. Carlos and Arora ’s trainers have also been used to seeing the occasional Gerd cells-like a clover, although rare, they are not missing.

It's useless to find it at the same time, at most it is a symbol of "good luck" ... Kiegeld cells are easy to capture and will not resist, but they cannot be collected into the elven ball, and without the core of Kegeld Ca n’t keep them in any container.

Instincts make them want to be "posts" that they should stick to and lack the Gelgerd cells.

Even if he is willing to spend a lot of money to "guard" the Kegelde cells, not to "run away" and forcibly detain them, after a period of time, the Kegelde cells will die out by themselves, and in a certain ecological environment, they will breed. The new Kiegeld cells, like the core broken by the old card, will condense again.

As for the large number of "detained" Kiegled cells, there is no doubt that it is a violation of the rules of the alliance, and it is the kind that cannot run away-the core of Kiegled can sense where the cells are!

Just for research needs, temporarily taking a few to study, Kidder will still not care. Really destroying the monitoring network on a large scale will definitely be taught by Kidder and the Alliance ...

After the second Kidder cell was integrated into Z886, Guan Liyuan discovered that the race value of Z886 has become 60 + 80, and the characteristics have also changed to "group deformation (2/60)"-it seems that each cell Can increase the race value by 40?

"Looks a bit fatter?" Selina hesitated.

"How many Kidder cells can be integrated into the basic form? Li Yuan, did you beat Kidder in the basic form when you were in the Kanto contest?" Esther asked directly.

"The opponent at that time was, to be precise, an ever-changing monster that can only become the core of Kidder. How many Kidder cells are required, and I don't know the number of" only "... it is a pot. Guan Liyuan said.

At that time, Bao Jian came up with a rice cooker. Guan Liyuan almost thought that he was going to use the magic wave ... It turned out that there was a pot full of Kegelder cells, and it was not clear how many.

The Quigeld cell is not a double volume when the two are superimposed together, and it is like a fluid, and it is not easy to estimate the number when they are together.

But as for Guan Liyuan's "one pot" concept of quantity, Esther and Selina were still blindfolded ...

"Ahem, but at least I know, Z886 must be able to reach the minimum standard of the evolutionary basic form now!" Guan Liyuan said, commanding Xiao Hupa and Z886, "catching bugs".

Before in the Xiangxiang Cave, although Z886 was "exploded" by its "mother", it may be able to fuse a small number of cells, but it can certainly reach the "basic state".

"Li Yuan, so many Kidder cells have been brought over, will there be no problem?" Esther said a little worried.

"Rest assured, sixty ... nine cows and one hair only ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Moreover, Z886 is also the core of Kiegelde and has the right to gather Kiegelde cells by itself." Guan Liyuan said.

At first, even Baojian's "fake" little soft, gathered a group of Kegelder cells, no one said anything, no reason Guan Liyuan's genuine core is not enough.

Until the fiftieth Kidder cell was fused, Z886 finally turned into a Doberman ...

And even before the fiftyth cell was fused, even when forty-nine were gathered, the Z886 was a target with theoretical combat power without any actual combat capabilities!

When the sixty-first cell was caught after fusing sixty cells, it could no longer continue to fuse.

At this time, the race value of Z886 has reached "60 + 2400", counting the level 100, which is just over the 240,000 mark, which is equivalent to the third beast at the bottom ...

Z651 may be more fused than Z886. At the beginning of the Xiangxiang Cave, Z886 was able to explode and continue to absorb the separated cells on it.

Seeing that Z886 finally changed shape, Esther and Selina also celebrated, as if there were any big discoveries, and they remembered the notes.

After that, Guan Liyuan took Esther and Salina to the Aromatherapy Museum ...

"Li Yuan, do you really ... sign up with Z886?" Esther said with sympathy.

"Of course! Z886's receipt information can prove that this is the Pokémon I received in the Carlos area. Isn't the registration just right?" Guan Liyuan said with confidence.

In fact, Guan Liyuan had to sign up again in the afternoon, and he wanted to try it first. Can Z886 form a combat force, and Esther's sympathy is obviously not Guan Liyuan ...

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