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Vol 2 Chapter 1067: It's time to show the real technology (2 in 1)

"Please ask the challenger to enter the replacement Pokémon within five seconds." Seeing that Guan Liyuan had not yet released the next replacement Pokémon, the referee urged.

At this time, Guan Liyuan raised his hand and signaled, "Wait a minute, I want to apply for a 'real showdown.'"

The referee heard the words and apparently hesitated for a moment, but immediately looked at Fujisaki ...

Fujimaki shook his head as a matter of course and made an "X" gesture at the same time: "No, that's not beautiful, I refuse."

After the referee confirmed Fujimori's gesture, he announced: "Dojo Fang Fujimaki refused to conduct a" real matchup ", please challenge the party within five seconds ..."

"If I refuse, I will enter the unilateral battle with Pokémon!"

Fujimori's rejection did not go beyond Guan Liyuan's expectations. It is strange that such an application would be approved. It was originally intended to enter the market unilaterally after the other party rejected it.

That's right, the so-called "real matchup" is the matchup where the trainer himself also entered the field!

Even in the Pokémon world, the improvement of order is a process, and it also exists in the barbaric era.

The so-called "real confrontation" is the legacy of the barbaric era. For example, on the Saint Annu, the Rockets can be regarded as an irregular "real confrontation" during the civil war ...

In modern times when the order is gradually perfecting, Pokémon duels have replaced the more brutal Pokémon wars, and Pokémon duels that originally appeared to resolve disputes are all "real duels" in form, compared to the current pure treasure The matchups that can be seen between dreams, the "real matchup" also requires extra consideration for the protection of the trainer himself, and there are great differences in tactics.

With the further development of the times, human beings have moved away from the duel field, and directly attacking off-field trainers in the duel is undoubtedly a foul.

Unless there are disputes that are difficult to resolve, there will be no "real confrontation"!

However, in terms of rules, even in the league competition, as long as the two parties agree, they can come to an end and start the "real matchup" rule.

When the modern rules were just taking shape, there were still a lot of older trainers who liked to take the initiative to face off, thinking that fighting with Pokémon was the trainer ’s romance. At that time, many tactics were specifically aimed at attacking the other trainer ... ...

But in modern times where rules have been in place for a long time, this is hardly seen.

In the transition period, the older generation wanted to end, and the new generation of trainers would not accompany him. The trainer ended up with little protection for the Pokémon except for the goal of protecting Pokémon. The end is just chaos!

Therefore, the actual duel situation has gradually been completely replaced by modern duel rules.

Therefore, the referee heard the "application" by Guan Liyuan, and then watched Guan Liyuan jump off the trainer's position, and then he gave a stun-most referees will never encounter this situation in their lifetime.

However, after a moment of stunning, the referee still proficiently announced: "Um ... the challenger will unilaterally conduct a 'real matchup', the winning and losing conditions will be changed, and a winning or losing decision will be added ... uh ... The opponent directly won, and the trainer could not chase after withdrawing from the field. Well ... unless you change the Pokémon's time to withdraw from the field, it is regarded as giving in to the current Pokémon. "

At this time, the referee who was a part-time trainer of the Aromatherapy Museum also looked at Guan Liyuan with some resentment and secretly said, "This is the" black hand "to reach the referee world after the guest commentary? Fortunately, not long after my referee certificate was taken, these unpopular test knowledge points were not forgotten! 】

"Brother Li Yuan will still be pleasantly surprised ... personally? Is there any special tactic?" Fujimori said with interest.

"You can come down and try it yourself," Guan Liyuan replied.

"Giggle, if you call a good brother, maybe I will consider it!"

Guan Liyuan ignored him this time ...

On the other hand, the audience also talked about Guan Liyuan ’s own performance of jumping out of the stage. Audiences in this era rarely saw real duels.

There are only some gray-haired old men, who have some vague impressions, and expressed nostalgia for this rule. They are barely caught up with the tail of the transition period, and they may often see this confrontation in their childhood ... but the situation of unilateral end , I am afraid they have no impression!

The young narrator also scrambled to find relevant information with a portable computer at this time, and gave it to everyone-apparently he had an early examination and could not remember these unpopular knowledge points.

"... Before seventy-three years ago, with the prototype of the modern Pokémon duel rules, the trainer could choose not to enter in person. For the first time in the United States Contest held by the United League sixty-four years ago, it was in the region. In the first level competition, no real duel appeared during the whole process, symbolizing the modern duel rules and officially becoming the mainstream of Pokémon duel.

Forty-seven years ago, there were no real duels in the regional competitions for ten consecutive years in various major regions. The last time there was a real duel in the regional competitions was the Kanto Quartz competition nineteen years ago. The trainers who competed for the official Taoist hall qualifications, started out the real duel in the league competition out of old grievances.

In short, 'real duel' is now a form of duel that appears almost only in dispute duel. It is said that the Carlos League also had a proposal last year. In the alliance competition, this rule will be officially cancelled. What do you think? The commentator's simple science, did not forget to ask Ma Xiu.

As the owner of the official Taoist Pavilion, Ma Xiu should not have nothing to say ...

"Yes, there was such a proposal last year. In fact, after I became the official museum owner, I have seen a similar proposal for the third time, but it has not been rejected by a large proportion every time, including me, Most of the museum owners agree that this rule will continue to exist, even if there is no chance to open it ... because this is proof that the trainer and Pokémon are fighting together. "Ma Xiu said.

"It turned out that, the owner of the Ma Xiu Pavilion became the owner 14 years ago? It has been proposed three times in the past 14 years ..." the commentator said.

Ma Xiu: "..."

Not to mention the final exposure age series of the narrator, it is indeed not only the Carlos League, but also the major leagues often put forward to participate in the Pokémon contest. Repeal the "really duel" rule-most of these proposals were not professional trainers!

After that, they will often be opposed by trainers who occupy many seats in major leagues ...

Because the basis of the existence of "real matchup" is precisely the core of the trainer's thinking that "trainers and Pokémon fight side by side", which is absolutely correct for all trainers in the beginner stage!

It is just that "fighting side by side" is not only about playing together, but also in training together, traveling together, and working hard together. The modern duel rules just add a "patch" on this basis-the situation agreed by the trainers on both sides It is not necessary to enter the venue in person, the purpose is to "make Pokémon have a better result of joint efforts."

Even if real confrontation has rarely appeared now, but to directly abolish "real confrontation" is obviously a violation of the principle of "fighting side by side", so most of the trainers will oppose, even if they may not actually face off once in their lives ...

Moreover, this rule is originally a voluntary category and requires the consent of both parties to end at the same time.

As for the unilateral entry, there is usually no benefit at all, so even after the commentator explained it, everyone was still surprised.

But ... soon everyone understands Guan Liyuan's intention!

After Guan Liyuan personally entered the stadium, the Pokémon released was a "sword with a strong shield"-this very proud Pokémon, the Carlos people's impression of it was "very picky to the trainer"!

The Shield Sword Monster is one of the very few Pokémon that was not born during the outbreak of the species two million years ago. It is said that this Pokémon was originally born from the weapons of the Giant King, and in Pokémon It belongs to the late birth, like other Pokémon during the outbreak of non-species, so far no super stone of the Shield Sword Monster has been found ...

At the same time, it may be the reason for its origin. In many historical records, the Shield Sword Monster is praised as Pokemon who "sees through the qualifications of the king and only follows the king".

"Show your true form! Shield Sword Monster!"

I saw that the Shield Sword Monster is full of evolutionary light. The Shield Sword Monster has not found a super evolution so far, and the Shield Sword Monster that has just come on the scene does not have anything similar to Super Stone. It is sure that this is Guan Liyuan's special skill— -Fetter evolution.

Pokémon, which often fetters the evolutionary form, will be more anthropomorphic, but the shield sword monster is obviously an exception among them ...

Normal shield sword monster, in "sword form", it actually seems to have some anthropomorphism, with the sword body as the body, the hilt as the head, the sword grid has one eye, and arms are extended from both sides of the sword grid , Holding a round shield.

However, after the evolution of fetters, it looked much beyond everyone's expectations ...

The light of evolution of the Shield Sword Monster went straight to Guan Li next to him. Afterwards, in the discussions and the commentator's death, the light disappeared, and the "Shield" and " The "sword" part was separated, held in Guan Liyuan's hands.

The stickman-style "arms" that originally protruded from the sword grid were also separated from the Shield Sword Monster at this time, and wound around Guan Liyuan's arms. The fan-shaped decorative part formed the shoulder guards on Guan Liyuan's shoulders. ...

In addition to the separation of the parts, the shape of the sword body and hilt of the Shield Sword Monster, that is, the streamline and proportion, have also undergone subtle changes. From the original look that only looks like a sword, it has truly become a handheld sword. But ... the sword body or the shield is too big compared to Guan Liyuan!

The normal shield sword monster is one meter seven in height-that is, one meter seven from the "sword body + sword handle", and Guan Liyuan's Jian shield sword monster is even higher than the standard, I am afraid it is one meter eight!

The hilt part is smaller than the one-third "height" before the evolution of fetters, but for Guan Liyuan, it is still too long, too thick, and even unsure.

When Guan Liyuan first evolved the Shield Sword Monster, he was taken aback ...

At that time, the Jiandun Sword Monster had been on for a long time and had not yet completed the evolution. Guan Liyuan thought that something was wrong.

It was not until the shield shield monster sent a message to Guan Liyuan, saying that it felt vaguely that it seemed that Guan Liyuan was approaching to complete the process, and Guan Liyuan was close to the past ...

Guan Liyuan estimates that the original Shield Sword Monster cooperated with the giants in this way. Modern Shield Sword Monsters are not even conquered by trainers, let alone fetter evolution!

Even for the Shield Sword Monster itself, this is a very novel thing-after all, it is its ancestors that cooperate with the giants, and it does not have such memories.

Not only did Guan Liyuan have such speculations, after seeing Guan Liyuan's current situation, many trainers remembered the birth of the Shield Sword Monster, and its very discerning characteristics to the trainer ...

There are also some trainers who know the civilization of giants very much. When thinking of some murals of giants civilization, the images of "warriors" are often holding shields and swords.

Only in the hands of the giants are a long sword and a round shield, and in the hands of Guan Liyuan, a "door plate" and a big shield ...

The shield is also over a meter in diameter. For giants, it may be used for attacks in a specific direction, but for Guan Liyuan ... if you shrink, you can completely cover yourself as a tower shield!

"It's really surprising. Is this why the Shield Sword Monster is picky about the trainer?" Fujimoto said in the duel.

"Yes, because the Shield Sword Monster is not looking for a trainer, but a sword holder." Guan Liyuan said.

"Say ... brother Li Yuan, you have a lot of strength, aren't the shield sword monsters more than a hundred pounds?" Fujimaki wondered.

After all, the reality of the Pokemon world is different from the animation. Xiaozhi in the animation is holding a rocket bird of more than 30 kilograms in one arm, holding more than 100 kilograms of fried pork, and Kira ... this belongs to Basic operation, but in the Pokémon world, Xiaozhi can make a dozen pounds of Pikachu sit on his shoulder, and he has worked very hard!

"No, mainly these two things increased my arm strength and just offset the weight of the sword and shield. In fact, I now feel like I am empty-handed." Guan Liyuan said, shaking his arms.

It seems that the two black belts on Guan Liyuan ’s arms, that is, the arms of the original Shield Sword Monster, are not just decorative effects. In fact, it is not just as simple as increasing arm strength. For Guan Liyuan, there is no load on his whole body. Feeling, fettered shield shield monster has no weight for him!

Guan Liyuan's answer is true, but at the same time, with Guan Liyuan's physique, even without this feature, more than a hundred pounds of equipment can barely be lifted, but it will not be long before it will be tired, but it is not necessary to let others People know.

"So it is ... but in terms of speed, is there any defense of the shield?" Fujimoto asked with a hint.

"Guess?" Guan Liyuan didn't answer directly. If the previous question might be curious, then this question is all about clichés.

Regarding this form of the Jiandun Sword Monster from the ancient civilization era, whether it is Fujimori, commentators and commentators, or other trainers off the field ... I do n’t know very much ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But at least it can be seen that this form is likely to have a certain dependence on the sword skills of the trainer himself!

And Guan Liyuan went to the battle himself ... Will he have sword skills and not to mention, the size of the sword and shield is also difficult for Guan Liyuan to control?

"Then be careful ... Lili, let Liyuan brother see you, your real power!" Fujimori said.

The commentator took a moment to say, "Master of the Ma Xiu Pavilion, what do you think of Fuji Luli's Mari Luli?"

"You can also see right away that Fujiwara ’s Mario Luli has the characteristics of being a 'hercules'. Although Fujiwara ’s Mario Luli's time was not as long as the West Lion Sea Monarch and Aromatic Essence, now it is only 85. Level, but due to the characteristics of the "hercules", now Marly Luli, the combat power has reached the level of the Heavenly King, and the attack power is extremely prominent!

Especially after using ‘that trick’, its attack power is relatively scary in the Uranus level. The house owner obviously expected this, so he would recover the knight snail. It's just ... I don't know why the house owner thinks that he will perform better when he plays in person?

Even if he now has the defensive power of the Shield Sword Monster, I'm afraid he can't stop the attack of Mali Luli. As long as he is hit once, the fourth Pokémon has no chance to play ... "Ma Xiu said.

The commentator was a little embarrassed, and could not help asking: "That trick? What did the owner of Ma Xiu say?"

"Here ..." Ma Xiu said, watching Marly Luli on the field.


I saw that Mary Luli, after being inspired by Fujimoto, began to hammer her own "belly" ... or was her body actually a belly?

A muffled sound makes it clear that the intensity of this "hammering" is definitely not a joke ...

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Shuquge_Mobile version URL:

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