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Vol 2 Chapter 1068: End in person

I saw Maru Luli constantly hammering her abdomen on the duel field, as if she were an incarnation pump. With the hammering, Maru Luli's blue tail ball became bigger and bigger ...

The narrator and many trainers at this time saw the skills that Marilyn was using!

"Oh my god! Is it the" belly drum "? Super Marly, who has the characteristics of a strong man, will use the" belly drum ", how strong will it be?" The commentator said excitedly.

"Abdominal drum" is a general skill. In the Pokémon world, the general department represents its own power, physical power, and emotional power, which are all included, similar to the pure physical power and pure spiritual power in the main world. Collectively ...

The "belly drum" is a skill that stimulates physical strength at the cost of weakening one's physical strength!

Not to mention Esther and Salina off the field, even Guan Liyuan on the field was grinning at this time, and even hesitated in his heart: [Should you just end the game like this and let Z886 come up? Does it feel too irritating? 】

If Guan Liyuan is defeated directly, of course, the duel will end here, but if he leaves the field on his own initiative, then only the current shield sword monster is considered eliminated.

However, Guan Liyuan's only remaining morals did not allow him to counsel this way ...

You can't blame Guan Liyuan for being timid, but because of the effect of the "belly drum" and the "hercules" feature, she completely lifted Marly's attack into the sky.

The effect of "Belly Drum" in the game is to empty your own half of blood and increase the attack power by 12 levels!

According to the rules of the game, there are 6 levels of gains and deductions for various attributes. Generally, various gain skills provide one or two levels of gain each time.

The maximum increase is 6 times the enhancement to four times the normal value, and the maximum reduction is 6 times the weakening to the normal value ...

The so-called 12-level promotion, because there is a maximum 6-level limitation, is actually equivalent to "directly increase the attack power to the maximum gain regardless of the level of the ability before launch."

In the Pokémon world, there is no such precise algorithm, and there is no such thing as a six-level limit.

For example, when the Knight Snail uses the "Iron Wall" to improve its defense, the "Iron Wall" skill is a skill to increase the two-level defense gain at a time in the game. It is indeed used in the Pokémon world and is also relatively easy to use. The defense gain method is much more effective than the "rounding" and "hardening" that only improves the primary defense in the game.

It ’s just that the gap is not so digitized, and how many times can it be stacked. The test is the skill of Pokémon itself. If you are good at using "Iron Wall" and good at stacking defense, you can stack it more than three times. If you just learned It is difficult to superimpose the second time.

And the effect of the "belly drum" in the Pokémon world can not be measured by the promotion of the class. It can only be said that the increase is "terrorist."

And Guan Liyuan himself ... the physical fitness is completely controlled by the human physique of the Pokémon world. In addition to the advantages of "full attributes", the strength may not have the ancient giant people's congress. If you do not consider the fetters and shields in your hands, it is only Only a little confidence in combat skills.

If Maluri starts a malicious attack at this time, Guan Liyuan estimates that he may perform "Resurrection in Place" in public.

"Since inheriting the" belly drum ", it seems more troublesome than expected ..." Guan Liyuan could not help muttering.

Normal Mario Luli, whether it is the innate comprehension accompanied by the level increase, or the acquired training and learning, cannot learn the "belly drum" ...

Only through "heredity", inherit the "belly drum" skills in the blood.

From the perspective of Pokemon genetics, this kind of inheritance should originally come from the "mosquito coil frog" of the same egg group. If the father of Marly Luli has the skills of "belly drum", there is a chance to inherit this skill!

Different Pokémon, using the same skills, will take different forms to take effect. For example, the "Venom" of the Cavalier Snail looks like it works through "Fart" ...

When the mosquito coil frog uses the "belly drum", with the hammer, the "mosquito coil pattern" on the abdomen will change color. It is the energy that squeezes out blood pressure and blood pressure and stores it in the "mosquito coil pattern". Afterwards, it will consume the "mosquito coil pattern". Power, while Mario Luli stores power in her tail!

Guan Liyuan was also not polite at this time, and rushed directly toward the door panel. Fortunately for Guan Liyuan himself, the weight of more than 100 kilograms of the Jiandun Sword Monster did not exist, so "walking as if flying" was no problem.

After seeing Guan Liyuan's charge, he jumped and slashed towards Marly Luli. Most people, including Fujiwara, were convinced in their hearts that the Shielded Sword Monster that had evolved really improved the user's speed. However, this promotion is not obvious when it is placed in the battle of Heavenly King Pokémon.

Not yet! In fact, it's just that Guan Liyuan's body is better than ordinary people ...

Changing to other trainers, this evolution of fetters is useless!

After the evolution of fetters, while the "Shield Sword Monster" increased its combat power by one-third, its characteristics changed again and became "divided swords", which is not better or worse than before.

The effect is that Guan Liyuan's left-handed sword can exert the attack energy equivalent to the fettered shield sword monster. In the sword form, the right-handed shield can exert the defense energy only in the shield form.

At first glance, it is a very large increase, but in fact, because the user is Guan Liyuan, if Guan Liyuan did not attack with a sword, he chose to kick the opponent's kick or the like, it is still his own strength, and even worse, if he does not block the opponent with a shield His attack was directly stuck on himself, and it was no different from directly hammering himself.


I saw Guan Liyuan taking advantage of the opponent's "pumping" of the tail, and a sword (a large sword on the door) slashed, while Maru Luli raised her arms and held Guan Liyuan's door directly. sword.

Immediately after, Marulli's inflated tail ball shrank slightly, and at the same time, like a "gas" transfer, her arm was inflated a large circle, as if she opened a third gear ...

Disproportionate casserole ... No, the big fist of the wok drew directly to Guan Liyuan!

Guan Liyuan also responded immediately, holding the shield defense, and the shield flashed with a golden light at the same time-the exclusive skill of the shield shield monster "King Shield", the effect is equivalent to "hold", while reducing the attacker's power!

With a muffled sound, while everyone was sweating for Guan Liyuan, the imaginary scene that Guan Liyuan was directly hit by flying did not appear ...

Guan Liyuan has also experimented before. When using shield defense or using a door and sword frame to succeed, the damage is taken by the fencing shield shield monster, and he will not be harmed at all, especially when using a shield, not only the defense is Calculated according to the "shield form", and even the impact force will be completely offset.

At the same time, it can be seen that Marulli hit the arm of the King's Shield, at this time the swelling also shrinks a bit-on the one hand, the effect of the "belly drum" is being consumed, and on the other hand, it is affected by the King's Shield, resulting in additional Decay!

However, this consumption is not much, the tail ball shrinks slightly again, and the arm expands as before ...

The commentator seemed to notice something at this time, and said in surprise: "Oh? There was a green trace left on Mary Luli's arm ... The director had given a close-up shot. Is this a remnant of the insect power? Did you just use the worm's skills ... Is it 'Lian Zhe'? As we all know, the worm's power is restrained by the Fairy Department ... Ah! The assistant referee also determined that the 'Lian Zhe' was launched, and it has been recorded!

Is it because of the effect that the damage will gradually increase when consecutive hits of 'Combo'? House Owner ... seems confident in his sword skills? "

Different from what most people expected, Guan Liyuan took advantage of Mali Luli's abdominal drum, and after getting close, he had no intention to pull a long distance, so he was ready to be close to Mali Luli!

But I do n’t know if Guan Liyuan ’s idea was: [Even if Mary Luli is not good at speed, as a Heavenly King Pokémon, it will definitely be much faster than me once you run away, and only when shooting close, the sword and the shield are right. For me, there is no weight, the difference in shot speed will not be so obvious ...]

And in the "close-in" battle, everyone expected that the scene where Guan Liyuan was beaten out of the game did not appear.

I saw that when Mary Luli attacked and moved, her limbs or body would temporarily swell, and the small range of movement was completely "bouncing" ...

At the same time, he constantly launched attacks on Guan Liyuan, or punched or kicked his feet. At this time, the referee also recorded the two skills used by Maria Luli ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In addition to the "belly drum", there are also fairy "Playful"!

"Funny" is the only physical attack in the fairy skills, and there is no formula. Like its name, it launches an attack with fairy strength completely as it pleases.

The characteristic is that it can exert force from an unimaginable angle, and even violate the law of exertion, such as a straight punch that obviously does not seem to be able to collect power, but it can be easily and naturally converted into an uppercut!

However, at this time Guan Liyuan was in a close-knit battle with Mario Luli, and most of the attacks could be blocked by shields ...

In a small range of movement and shooting speed, Guan Liyuan is not too weak, at the most critical time, when Maruli Luli uses the playful characteristics to play unexpected changes, at least too much time to block with the door sword.

Although this will cause more damage to the fettered shield sword monster, because hitting the gate sword will cause damage according to the defensive force of the sword state, and it cannot completely offset the impact, which will cause Guan Liyuan's posture to be deformed ... but Guan Liyuan can always Quick adjustments!

At the beginning, many people still felt that this was a big credit for the shield, but gradually more and more people found that compared with Mario Luli's attacking power, it seemed that Guan Liyuan's combat instinct was more horrifying.

Obviously you only need to hit Guan Liyuan's body once to end the battle, while Guan Liyuan's sword hits Mary Luli, but it can only leave a green mark-regardless of the characteristics of "Hercules", in fact, Mary Luli's Race values ​​are more defensive!

But in this unfair duel, Guan Liyuan actually relied on his skills to stabilize the situation ...

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Shuquge_Mobile version URL:

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