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Vol 2 Chapter 1076: Sakagi: I don't only have one sentence for MMP, but also four ...

When Guan Liyuan went to contact Sakagi, Xiaoxia, Esther, and Salina also looked at Xiaoai with curiosity, not only because of the "beast trainer", but also because ... Xiaoai had nothing on her!

Didn't you say you want to travel together? She didn't prepare anything? And ... how did she come to Fragrant Town? unarmed?

"Xiao Ai, where is your luggage stored? If it is far away, we can leave tomorrow." Selina said thoughtfully.

Xiaoai continued expressionlessly: "Luggage? What's that? Do I need that kind of thing to travel?"

Is "luggage" a necessity for travel ... Well, it always feels like a philosophical question.

"Well ... we don't need anything to eat. We have prepared a lot. The inflatable tub can be used with Sally and me, but I still need to change clothes and tent?" Esther said.

"It doesn't matter if the clothes aren't dirty. I can use one with Guan Liyuan in the tent." Xiao Ai said expressionlessly.

But everyone else ... looked at her in shock.

"It's not good to use one, isn't it?" Xiaoxia said blushing slightly.

Maybe I remembered Guan Liyuan said earlier that Xiaoai was from a remote overseas country. Esther guessed that Xiaoai was just "simple", so she said gently: "Girls can't have a tent with boys!"

Xiaoxia and Salina also reacted at this time, the former even said: "If you are in trouble, you and I can have a tent, but the weather in the southwest coastal area is very cold, you still need a sleeping bag."

"With you?" Xiao Ai frowned and said, "I'm mainly to protect humans and treasures ... well, human reproduction, can you also?"

Xiaoxia, Esther, and Selina: "..."

There was no room for maneuver this time, and the other three were petrified directly for Xiaoai's "straightforward".

Xiao Ai thought it was very clear-indeed, her purpose was to protect the reproduction of human beings and Pokémon, but for the purpose of confidentiality, Xiao Ai specifically took back "Pokémon" and did not mention it.

It's just that ... Xiaoxia, Esther, and Sharina are clearly subtle in their understanding of the "guardian"!

At this time, Guan Liyuan had already told Sakagi about the need to obtain an identity certificate for the Kanto trainer.

For trainers, the "picture book" is an identity card. Although in principle, the unregulated areas in all major areas are accessible to everyone, but trainers who have "picture book" will be recognized by the alliance, otherwise they will not be recognized. You can't participate in the Daokan battle.

Sakagi didn't even ask, who is the trainer that Guan Liyuan wants to "apply for?" After all, Sakaki is not a mascot-like champion. I do n’t have time to pay attention to such small things.

"Originally" just wanted Guan Liyuan to send him the photo and name quickly, and then he gave it directly to the assistant ... even Sakagi wanted to remind Guan Liyuan that next time he didn't want to find him, just talk to his assistant. It's up!

However ... just after Sakagi glanced at the photo sent by Guan Liyuan, the whole person was stunned.

This girl Sakagi has not seen, at least not in reality, but ... but dreamed many times!

[If Xiaoai grew up, it should be like this, right? 】 Sakaki's mind flashed this thought.

That's right, the human genetic part of Xiaoai is actually Sakagi's dead daughter, Sakagi Ai.

That is, in the photo of Sakagi's pocket watch, the five- or six-year-old girl.

However, there is no second person other than Sakagi who knows this. Even the Rocket scientists who are also involved in the "Super Dream" plan only know that the human gene is extracted from a baby tooth provided by Sakagi of.

After Sakagi was thrown away by his wife when he was young, his daughter can be said to be the sustenance of his life, but because of an accident, Sakigi died at the age of six.

Then I fell into crazy Sakagi, and suddenly remembered that when I was a child, I saw a magical Pokémon that can be changed into other Pokémon arbitrarily ... Only when I grew up did Sakagi know that magical Pokémon Dreams are "dreams".

Different from the change of the monster, the ability of the monster to change is "imitation" and "replication", while the ability of fantasy is to stimulate a part of the genes in the body to become corresponding.

In despair, Sakagi had a vaguely "crazy" plan ...

Although many years have passed, there are already more than one reason for Sakagi to establish the Rockets. Even in the dream plan, does Sakagi want more of "making gods" or wants his daughter to "resurrect" more. He himself was not clear.

Even more than two decades later, Sakagi, who has calmed down, understands that the dream of cloning a human gene whose part of the human gene is his daughter, even if he can become a human, can he really be considered his daughter?

However, after the plan started, Sakagi still used the bones of his daughter as a human gene in the plan. At that time, Sakagi didn't know what he thought ... simple fluke? Or is it a memory of "the past self"?

Later, the dream plan can be said to be 80% successful, but the remaining 20% ​​was irreversible and irreparable failure!

"Super Dream" looks closer than humans in dreams, but it is much worse than expected, and ... maybe because of some mutation in genetic recombination, and the destruction factor of Super Dream goes deep into the genes deep!

The new-born super-dream has only a short period of "weak and small" stage. After just a few simple battles, it has shown amazing potential ...

Facing the out-of-control "Super Dream", Sakagi could only lock her in a special spirit ball with mental restraint, and dare not let it go.

The scientists involved in the experiment have suggested that Sakagi "destroy" it-this is completely uncontrollable and full of destruction ... The most important thing is that it has a potential for terror, which is definitely more terrifying than the other beast!

But Sakaki once again did not know why, and rejected this "optimal choice" ...

But at the time Sakaki still forced herself to convince herself: I already knew that she was not Sakaki Ai, I was just reluctant to use a **** animal!

Until then, "Super Dream" was released by the rebellious Lamda, and killed Lamda to escape, and then "repelled" by Guan Liyuan ...

In theory, Guan Liyuan killed Chao Meng directly, which is the best situation for Sakagi. In this way, the "Super Dream Project" does not need to worry about exposure. However, after learning that Guan Liyuan let go of Super Dream, Sakagi relaxed. Tones, even seeing Guan Liyuan is pleasing to the eye.

Now ... When Sakagi saw this face that he had only seen in his dreams again, he couldn't help jumping.

After thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind, Sakagi took the pictorial book he had just handed back to him in the surprised look of his assistant, and waved his hand to signal the assistant to go out ...

"What's the name?" Sakagi tried to tell himself not to expect too much and asked as calmly as possible.

Guan Liyuan was also very puzzled ... Isn't it that the champion of the city is going to meet with Sakaki and discuss the important matters of the quartz league, can these be left to the assistants?

But there was no doubt, after all ... Guan Liyuan didn't know yet, this is how Sakagi's daughter grew up!

At this time, the life of "Little Love" is completely a combination of animation, games, and comics. In games and radio dramas, Chaomeng is the creation of Dr. Fuji, the old man in the game, and is also cloned in the radio drama. Fuji Ai ’s daughter, who grew up with Chao Meng, is not Sakaki ’s daughter in either setting.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan said with no alert: "Little love ... um ... wait, there should be the full name on the picture book? Then ..."

When Sakagi heard the name "Little Love", he couldn't calm down anymore. For twenty years ... Sakagi rekindled hope.

If the appearance may be a coincidence, then the name ... Sakagi remembered that Guan Liyuan let go of the "Super Dream", and the once "delusional" came to mind again.

[Little love ... she ... is it really ... no, impossible ... no! It must be ... otherwise how could she be called 'little love'? ] Sakagi tangled in his heart.

Although there have been such fantasies, Sakagi understands that intellectually, even if the Super Dream Project is successful, he has only cloned a "dream that may turn into a small love."

But Sakaki never called "little love" to Chaomeng, did she ... she really has some memories of Xiaoai?

However, when Sakagi was in a mess, he only heard Guan Liyuan say, "Then I'll call it Guan, and call it Guan Ai!"

Sakagi: "..."

"Well? What's wrong?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

Although talking through a book, ... Guan Liyuan felt as if he heard a broken string sound?

"It's nothing, I just heard ... um, that guy had a car accident, ha ha ha ha ..." Sakagi said.

"Is it serious?" Guan Liyuan's face was aggressive, what kind of ghost was he got out of the car accident? What car is so fierce ... and you laugh so weirdly out of a car accident?

"Not serious, not serious ... By the way, now to handle Kanto's VIP book, you need three-dimensional images. You used to open the lens, around the board ... hey, around the pass ... I love walking around and let me see!" Sakagi said.

Guan Liyuan gave a strange glance at Sakagi-not serious, why are your eyes bloodshot? Wouldn't it be your Rockets ambush?

"If you have anything else to do, actually let the assistant help me ..."

"No! I'm not busy at all. I can just take the guy directly to the hospital ... Keke, I mean, there has been so much cooperation between the first house in the world and our Kanto area. Of course I have to deal with this little favor. . "Sakagi made his smile look as kind as possible.

Guan Liyuan heard the words and didn't delay anymore, after all, Sakagi seemed to have something important.

And just when Guan Liyuan was close to Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai just said that he wanted to set up a tent with Guan Li Yuan, and also what he wanted to protect human reproduction ...

At this time, Sakagi was staring at "little love" with great anticipation, and his voice was turned to the maximum. It seemed to want to see clearly, when he was his own daughter, he faintly heard this explosive conversation!

Guan Liyuan coughed twice at the same time, signalling that Xiao Ai should not talk in a mess. Guan Liyuan didn't want Sakagi to know the identity of "Super Dream", so as to avoid extracurricular branches ... But Guan Liyuan didn't understand what she was talking about.

It is also because of concern but chaos. Otherwise, with the wisdom of Sakagi, I can definitely hear Xiao Ai's words with deep meaning, and I will not think of some dirty things like Xiao Xia and them.

And at this time, Sakagi could forcibly deceive himself because of Guan Liyuan's coughing sound-indeed, it was very vague.

But at this moment, Esther could not help but ask Xiao Ai: "But your thoughts ... maybe you think it's normal, but Li Yuan won't agree?"

Until then, they still thought that Xiao Ai only knew relatively little in this area-in fact, this point of understanding is correct, Xiao Ai really didn't know anything about this, but ... people didn't say anything about this !!

At this moment, Xiao Ai turned her head to look at Guan Liyuan, and then looked at Esther and said, "No, Li Yuan said 'no problem' before."

Guan Liyuan suddenly noticed that Xiaoxia, Esther and Sallyna were looking at themselves with a strange look, and could not help saying, "What's wrong?"


"It's ... hey."

"Brother Li Yuan, so ... it doesn't seem very good."

Guan Liyuan was even more vague: "Ha? What the **** are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, just that you let me discover the meaning of my existence." Xiao Ai added aside.

Xiaoxia, Esther and Selina: "!!!"

Guan and Guan Liyuan made her "discover"? Still "meaning"? Is it Guan Liyuan ... not only pretending to be stupid, but also actively seducing ignorant girls?

Guan Liyuan found that the expressions of the three people looking at themselves had become frightened, and he intuitively told him that there must be a misunderstanding!

However, because Sakagi has not yet been disconnected, Guan Liyuan did not explain too much ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ just said to Xiaoai: "I think it's better to say something clearly, for example, how can I make you discover ... "

"Well? Do you really want to tell other people about the process?" Xiaoai feels about the old world. Don't let too many people know.

"Then pick up what you can say ..." Guan Liyuan rolled his eyes and turned around Xiaoai.

Later, before Xiao Ai, Xiao Xia, and others explained it, they said directly to the book: "Okay, the stereoscopic image data is also available. Please register the book as soon as possible! If there is any difference, just look at the PS."

After Guan Liyuan said, he hung up the phone in a hurry, so as not to hear what Sakagi might think.

Because of this, he did not notice Sakagi's reaction ...

as well as……

Sakagi now is Lenovo's most!

After a while, Sakagi ’s assistant heard a “dangdang”, and Sakagi actually slammed out of the office—although it was the boss of the violent group, Sakaki was usually out of temper.

At least Sakagi's assistants knew that even when facing the two idiot members last time, Sakagi was not angry enough to fall the door ... no! Now this is too angry, right?

"Well? Saka, Mr. Sakagi, where are you going? We will meet with Mr. Shizuto, champion of the city soon ..." The assistant couldn't help but ask Sakagi as he walked out of the office building.

"I have something more important! Let him go to the mini dragon breeding base ... No, let him go to Long Island, the first house in the world, and pick it casually, it's a penalty!" Sakagi said with gritted teeth.

"Hah?" The assistant gave a stunned look.

I saw that Sakagi had already left the Rockets office building and shouted to the big needle bee in the park: "Big needle bee, let's go!"

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Shuquge_Mobile version URL:

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