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Vol 2 Chapter 1077: Xiao Ai's best partner

At this time, it was the night of the new world. During the journey, Xiao Ai still "requisitioned" Guan Liyuan's tent, but before all, she and Xiao Xia, Esther, and Salina explained them clearly.

Of course, things in the old world, whether Guan Liyuan or Xiaoai, were not disclosed to them.

Under Guan Liyuan's round field, Xiao Ai's explanation was that the God Beast she happened to conquer was a new God Beast that humans haven't yet understood, and that God Beast's mission was to "guard the human and the reproduction of Pokemon", so Xiao Ai said before Yes, it's just the purpose of her trip!

Xiao Xia also cautiously asked Xiao Ai to reproduce the scene when Guan Liyuan answered "No problem", which confirmed the misunderstanding before.

However, Guan Liyuan did not let Xiaoai buy another tent, because after that Guan Liyuan would go to the old world at night, leaving the tent useless.

Of course, only Xiaoai knew that Guan Liyuan went to the old world to find the first beast. To Xiaoxia, they just said that at night, Guan Liyuan had to go back to the "first house in the world" to carry out some cultivation processes.

As for the "super dream" constitution, why do we still need a tent?

Xiaoai privately explained to Guan Liyuan that since human beings need tents, she also has to try it.

In addition, Xiao Ai's illustrated book, Guan Liyuan directly sent Sakagi to the next stop of "Fish and Fish Town". It is estimated that ... it is impossible to predict the time to arrive at the next stop!

Because Xiaoxia had taken the lead since she left Xiangxiang Town, Esther and Selina did not understand Xiaoxia's "special ability", so they did not oppose it. As for Guan Liyuan ... in the face of Xiaoxia who was obviously suffocating, There was no objection, and Xiao Ai was even more indifferent.

What Guan Liyuan didn't know was that it was because of Xiaoxia's lead that they missed the warm Sakagi!

After noon Sakaki hung up the phone, he changed into a special flight suit, and the super-evolved Big Needle Bee took him all the way directly.

After the super-evolved sting bee, it can normally reach 1.4 meters. After the super-evolved sting bee, almost one person is long. It is very easy to carry Sakagi, and the direct speed of the sting bee is only a few hours. Fly from Kanto to Carlos ...

But after that, Sakagi only searched for Guan Liyuan along the route of "Xiangxiang Town-Yuyu Town", but ... Guan Liyuan, who was led by Xiaoxia, was unable to use common sense. The route was two round trips. I specifically went to the surrounding caves and mountains, and tossed most of the places for nothing.

Sakagi's heart was very complicated. Although he was expecting his daughter, but he did not expect to send another grandson, he did not know that Guan Liyuan was also thinking about him ...

"The Sakagi guy is really stingy ... just let him get me an identity book, and actually took the opportunity to 'blackmail' a Long Island ticket for the first house in the world, pretending to be very enthusiastic, let me Sorry to refuse? Huh ... "Guan Liyuan secretly dismissed Sakaki's" stinginess ".

That's right, although Tu Jian can't receive the telephone signal in the field, Tomoko can contact Guan Liyuan through the contract.

While Guan Liyuan expressed disdain for Sakagi's "stingy" behavior, he also asked Tomoko to bring in a member of her family, Zoroya.

While Xiaoxia, Esther, and Salina were not paying attention, Guan Liyuan got into his tent ... it was just his own tent!

"Eh? Ready to study, about human reproduction? Should you be male? Xiaoxia said, if there is a man and I studying this problem, I will call the police directly." Guan Liyuan looked at the crooked man in doubt.

"Shh! Show you something good ... And don't listen to Xiaoxia's guy talking!" Guan Liyuan said mysteriously.

I saw Guan Liyuan directly release a Zoro from the ball.


As soon as Little Soroa came out, he called lively two times, and then seemed to be curious about Xiao Ai, smelling something at Xiao Ai's feet.

Zoroya belongs to a very rare Pokémon. If it were not for the adult Zoroak, Tomoko, Guan Liyuan himself might not be able to find it.

But now in the first house in the world, there are several of the same family that Tomoko has found ... all are not yet evolved Zoroah. It looks like a small fox, with gray fluff all over his body, limbs, and eyes around him. Tufts of flaming hair, dark red, have the same special ability as Soroac-illusion.

Xiao Ai had raised her foot and wanted to avoid it—she wasn't used to being so close to other Pokémon.

But what seemed to come to mind immediately, Xiao Ai stopped herself from escaping, but bent down and hugged Little Soroa.

Guan Liyuan looked at this scene and couldn't help nodding his head secretly, whether it was the second middle school or the brain tonic, at least the result was good!

According to the settings in animation, comics, and games, initially, it is very irritable and dangerous "Super Dream". At this time, it becomes a good thing to become willing to communicate with other Pokémon and humans.

Afterwards ... I saw Xiao Ai holding Zoro's ear in his left hand and looking for something in the hair near Zoro's tail with his right hand ...

"Do you have a small 'Beep'? If there is no 'Beep', it's a girl, isn't it? Soroa ... is it a land egg? Would you like to have a shot? Little Nima is also a land egg ? "Xiao Ai said expressionlessly.

So-Soso! Cable--

"Please stop, it's still a child ... and Tomoko will go on strike!" Guan Liyuan recaptured Soroya, who had a hairy hair from his childhood, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What does that do for me? Xiao Ai asked, in a natural tone.

"Ha? When did you become a full-time professional in this area? At least a bit of common sense, Zoro ’s gender difference is not there ... and I gave you Zoro, I want you to partner with it!" Guan Liyuan Helplessly said.

"Partner?" Xiaoai glanced at Little Zoro with a doubtful look, as if asking "What's the use of such a weak partner".

"Since you are going to pretend to be a trainer, you always have Pokémon?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"I don't need Pokémon, I'm a Pokémon myself, too." Xiao Ai now was half-human and half-Pokémon, and she did not shy away at all.

"Then you always need a" trainer "? I mean ... you can turn into other Pokémon, but then you have to stand in front of everyone as a trainer, right?" Guan Liyuan Guiding asked.

If Xiao Ai has not used any Pokémon and has not conducted a Pokémon showdown at all, it will feel suspicious.

For example, during dinner, when Sallyna asked Xiaoai what kind of Pokémon are, and when she was ready to prepare food, Xiaoai's answer was "not hungry" ...

Guan Liyuan thought of a good way!

That is, in the Pokémon duel, Zoro, who has become her appearance, is released directly in front of Xiao Ai, and at the same time, she becomes a certain Pokémon-Xiao Ai can manipulate the "phantom light" interference It seems to others that it's just that Xiao Ai released her Pokémon, but she didn't know that the "trainer" and "Pokémon" had exchanged identities at this time!

In this way, Xiaoai can be like a real trainer ... at least it looks the same.

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