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Vol 2 Chapter 1086: Gorgeous contest

All the issues of funding and negotiation were left to Tomoko to solve. Guan Liyuan returned to Miluo City, waiting for the start of Miluo's annual gorgeous contest ...

The goals entrusted to Tomoko are simple, asking for money, and eternal Z pure crystal, as for the price ... In Guan Liyuan's words, asking for money is mainly to find Sakaki, anyway, there is a long-term strategic cooperation agreement between the first house in the world and Kanto. For how much money, you can use the cooperation proceeds as collateral directly.

As for the Arora Alliance ... If you have no money, ask for Sakaki. If you lack Pokémon, you can sign an agent training contract. In short, the short invoice can be opened indefinitely, but the goal must be achieved!

Negotiations with the Alora Alliance were first handed to Tomoko, and the key point that Guan Liyuan has to prepare for now is still the annual gorgeous competition in Miluo City.

As a Samsung coordinator, Guan Liyuan has already signed up for the competition, and has also announced that the second season of Gem Princess will perform in this annual gorgeous contest, so many people came here.

However, two days before the game, there was something wrong with Guan Liyuan-the small broken diamond was "ill."

Guan Liyuan didn't know if this should be considered an illness, but after the small broken diamond rose to level 99, he began to lose energy. In the two days before the game, the diamond became hot and lethargic.

It is said that the mineral-type Pokémon should not have this kind of fever. It is possible that a similar situation may occur when it is disturbed by a strong magnetic field, but it is obvious that it is not the cause of the magnetic field and the surrounding magnetic field is normal!

"How? Well, don't force yourself. If it's uncomfortable, the next day's performance will be given to another little broken diamond. I can just let Little Hupa pick her up without any trouble." Guan Liyuan Seeing some weak "嘤 嘤 嘤" said.

"Hey, hey!" [No, I ... can insist! Be sure to let me play! Bian barely raised some strength and rejected Guan Liyuan's offer to find a substitute actor.

"But you are now ..." Guan Liyuan was also surprised. The shy and weak shyness had such a stubborn side.

"Hupa knows, Hupa knows! It's the guy who is Gogo, and he said to him, if he was replaced by other small broken diamonds and became a hit, maybe she will be squeezed out of the starring lineup!" Xiao Hupa said at this time.

Guan Liyuan: "..."

Guan Liyuan then silently decided that after the performance was over, he would send the ecstasy eyes that had been idle all day to the old world, and enjoy the "Ghosts" training with Da Pippi and Da Guigui!

[No, it's not Gogo's fault! I myself ... want to participate in a show. 】 嘤 嘤 嘤 explained.

In fact, Guan Liyuan also understands that the Gogo guy's egg is not even a secondary reason, mainly because He loves the Pokemon movie itself.

Because she is born with a different color and has "special abilities" that depletes the veins, she is also a stranger, and her courage is extremely small. But in Pokémon movies, 嘤 嘤 嘤 seems to regain her "self", not only In the role of "Princess Gem", I usually like various scripts and various characters when practicing.

For the second season of "Gem Princess", I have always been looking forward to ...

"Okay, then you have a good rest. If you can play, then you will play. If not, you will not be willful ... There will be many opportunities in the future." Guan Liyuan said.

Guan Liyuan has asked Miss Joy, who is in charge of the Pokémon Center in Miluo City, to give a careful inspection to him, and also to see the old card and other healing animals with the ability to treat it. The conclusion is that there is nothing wrong with the body, but the cause is unknown. Weakness!

Even according to the old card, the situation of crickets has already meant to develop in the direction of the beast.

However, the puppet itself is not strong. Compared with ordinary small broken diamonds, the consciousness of fighting is relatively salty, but it can develop in the direction of the beast. The reason is also very puzzled for the old card. There are also many beasts born in the new era. It's not surprising that old cards don't understand it.

And ... it's just a sign of development towards the beast. In fact, the value of the race is only in its early 500s, which is far from the 600 limit.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan suspected that the recent upgrade was too fast, leading to "digestion", or that the beastization of God was approaching, and that He was not ready for this ...

After Guan Liyuan asked Dr. Oki, it was found that there were indeed some Pokémon that had been upgraded too quickly. A similar situation would occur, but the symptoms were not so severe.

However, the other so-called "upgrade too fast" is just that the training intensity is too high, like 嘤 嘤 嘤 ... Guan Liyuan now dare not even give her BUFF, but after the individual value reaches 150%, the upgrade speed can't stop completely Come down!

But the good news is that now it ’s going to be level 100. Since it ’s moving towards the beast, the level wo n’t break through the 100 level, no matter whether it will break into the beast. Will begin to ease.

Only one day away from the game, so Guan Liyuan did not let "嘤 嘤 嘤" return to the wizard ball.

Under the petrochemical state of the old world, the upgrade speed will also be suppressed, but now it is only the last level, so it is better to go up as soon as possible before the gorgeous contest!

Guan Liyuan originally wanted to take a rest in his room, but before Guan Liyuan left the room, he begged Guan Liyuan to give her a double experience of BUFF in order to try to recover as soon as possible.

In order to ensure that he can reach level 100 before tomorrow, I first proposed to train ...

Guan Liyuan didn't want to agree because it would be more uncomfortable to speed up the upgrade now.

But I saw that I worked so hard for the first time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So I simply added BUFF to me and sent it to the old card ... There is an old card watching, even if there is any accident, it is too late to stop .

When Guan Liyuan came out of the room in the Pokémon Center to make the elevator to the first floor, the elevators opened and suddenly heard a scream outside ...

"En?" Guan Liyuan heard the sound and found that it was a group of young girls who were blocking the door of the Pokemon Center, but was stopped by the staff at the door.

Fortunately, this is the Pokémon Center. Several security guards at the door let out a strange power. After opening their arms, they stopped everyone outside ...

Guan Liyuan will "hide" to the Pokemon Center after every match. This is the reason.

And this time, the person who "hide" to the Pokémon Center, Guan Liyuan has also seen a back view-he is wearing a white cape, and he can see that he is wearing a purple trousers with a **** his head. With white beret.

Every time Guan Liyuan hid in the Pokémon Center, he honestly shrank. This waving and blowing kiss to the female fans outside ...

"Thank you for your love, and I love you too. The day after tomorrow will be a gorgeous contest!"

The voice is a neutral male voice, and ... highly recognizable! Even Guan Liyuan, who didn't see the gorgeous contest, heard it ...

And at this moment, the man turned around and just saw Guan Liyuan coming out of the elevator ...

"Oh! Wonderful destiny, see who's here? Mr. Li Yuan, the first time I met, I was Mickey from Fengyuan. My sweetheart and I will also participate in the contest the day after tomorrow. I hope the day after tomorrow will be a wonderful day!"

That's right, the visitor is the owner of the Liulidao Museum in Fengyuan District, and it is also the world's most popular male coordinator, Mickey.

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