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Vol 2 Chapter 1087: Face value

"Li Yuan, Li Yuan, have you heard? The Micheli from Fengyuan is here, and it seems that he will also participate in the gorgeous contest the day after tomorrow!" Esther said hurriedly when she saw Guan Liyuan.

"Not only I heard, I also saw it." Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

Originally, Guan Liyuan had an appointment with Xiaoxia while observing Mi. When they met at a restaurant in Miluo in the evening, when they came out of the Pokemon Center, they just happened to "hide" into Pokémon. Mickey in the center.

"Mikeli is going to participate in the gorgeous contest ... Brother Liyuan, are you sure?" Selina asked.

"Ha? Don't you want to participate too? At the gorgeous contest, I don't have to take the first place. What does it matter if Mickey is here?" Guan Liyuan could see it openly.

After all, from Guan Liyuan's point of view, his main business in the Pokémon world is still a nurturer ... What is better than a chef's craftsmanship when he wins?

However, in the minds of most people, Guan Liyuan should “do not want to open it”. After all, Mikkeli will come to participate in the annual gorgeous contest, obviously for Guan Liyuan!

Otherwise, although the annual gorgeous contest is not limited to the upper limit of the level that can be registered like the quarterly contest and daily contest, but as Mikli, if you want to participate, you must also participate in the regional contest. How can there be a city-level annual contest? How about it?

It ’s just that Guan Liyuan doesn't really care about it ... if he cares, it will also be whether he will be hit because he did not get the desired ranking, but at present, he is more enjoying the gorgeous competition The process is not very concerned about rankings.

However, Xiaoxia apparently did not listen to Guan Liyuan at all, but muttered on her own side: "With Mickey's presence, the scoring standards will definitely be elevated, and Li Yuan's appearance will definitely be No hope, skills show ... Although 'eight stars and eight arrows' can be regarded as the level of signboard performance, Mr. Mikkeli's signboard performance should not be too much ... It seems that I can only hope that the performance of 嘤 嘤 嘤 can come back! "

At this time, Xiaoxia and they didn't know yet, that the current situation was not good, and they were in the happy trouble of "upgrading too quickly".

"I didn't say it, I didn't have to ... what did you mean by" I didn't expect it at the appearance stage "? Although Mickey's Minas was strong, he was so cute and yelled, Do you have any opinion about her? "

Mikkeli is the owner of the Waterway Museum, and whether it is a trainer or a coordinator, the signature Pokémon is "Minas", a type that is considered by many to be "the most beautiful" "Pokémon in the name!

It is an evolutionary type of ugly fish. Before the evolution, the value of the ugly fish was as low as its name. The racial value was similar to that of the carp king, both were 200 points. Even the skills were the same as the carp king. In addition, not only will the race value skyrocket to 540 points like the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but the face value will skyrocket.

However, the ugly fish wants to evolve, which is more difficult than the king of the carp ... Although the upgrade of the king of the carp is difficult, at least there are some hopes, and the evolution of the ugly fish is extremely abstract!

You need "beauty" or carry "beautiful scales" in the game, but in the Pokémon world, there is no such thing as "beauty". As for "beautiful scales", it is only to cultivate the best beauty Nas can be produced.

In the Pokémon world, in addition to the rare "beautiful scales", there is also an ugly fish that has a way of evolution, and only the legendary Minas evolved in this way can show its most beautiful side, Otherwise, even with the use of "beautiful scales", the evolved Minas will have the same inferiority as the ugly fish ...

This royal way of evolution is to make the ugly fish itself and think it is beautiful from the heart!

If it is the ugly fish that humans subscribe, the trainer must be as beautiful as the ugly fish ...

This is how Mickey's Minas evolved, so it is not only elegant and beautiful, but also very confident and dignified.

However, as a coordinator, Guan Liyuan still has confidence in him!

However, in the face of Guan Liyuan's "blame", Xiaoxia looked at him silently, and then said with a sigh, "No, I don't have an opinion on him, it's just that someone is really behind him. "

"Isn't he?" Guan Liyuan gave a stun before he reacted-Xiaoxia was actually talking about himself!

"Do you mean ... my face will be hindered?" Guan Liyuan said in an unbelievable tone.

Xiaoxia heard Guan Liyuan's question and nodded indifferently. When Guan Liyuan looked at Esther and Selina, he found that both of them had their heads down and drank drinks. They did not look at themselves at all. Only Xiaoai still looked at him blankly.

"Little love ..." Guan Liyuan looked at Xiao Ai moved.

"I just searched for Mikuli on the illustrated book." Xiaoai's learning ability is very strong. The illustrated book or something has been used by her for a long time. Don't surf the Internet too easily, or even some complicated ones that Guan Liyuan doesn't know. Functions have also been developed by Xiaoai.

"How?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"I remember him." Xiaoai said solemnly.

"Ha? What do you remember?" Guan Liyuan was confused.

"Just let him be absent from the competition the day after tomorrow?" Xiao Ai continued to be serious, but what he said was unpleasant.

"No, no, no need to achieve that level, even if you lose ... Besides, how do you know I will lose?" Guan Liyuan said unconvinced ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If I want to win, I think he will be compared in absentia Easier. "Xiao Ai seems to be ready to let Miquel disappear for a while.

Guan Liyuan said that it was Xiao Ai who had given up this dangerous idea, and was also inspired to win the competition—Mikeli or something, is a mother-in-law, where is handsome? Pooh!

I forgot that more than two months ago, someone still wanted to take Mickey's line!

However ... the sky is not the right time for everyone, just after Guan Liyuan was inspired to win, on the day of the game, I failed to reach the 100 level.

Although Xun still pretends to be mental, Guan Liyuan can feel her weakness.

"Well, next time, when the Carlos contest is over, it will be the gorgeous contest of Carlos. At that time, there will be a bigger stage and more spectators ..." Guan Liyuan already wanted to give up, even if he abandoned the match now, Some people may think that he is "frightened" by Mikkeli, but Guan Liyuan does not want to force him.

【It's ok! Li Yuan, I, I want to be on stage! Believe me, please?嘤 嘤 嘤 Chuan Yin said.

"It looks like your partner's condition is not good, but ... it seems to want to appear on its own? It is a wonderful bondage, a wonderful scene. If its status is not a delay, I suggest obeying its own judgment." Mike Lee's voice came over.

At this point, Mickey and Guan Liyuan have both changed their outfits, and in the rest area in the background ...

Although Miqueli couldn't hear you, Guan Liyuan whispered quietly, and even if she didn't say anything, she could see what it was refuting, which seemed very unwilling ...

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