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Vol 2 Chapter 1101: transaction

After the friendly match that made the audience heartfelt, Guan Liyuan usually disappeared, and this time just to avoid the other people's attention, he immediately called the driver Lao Hu to pick it up, but just communicated with the soul to notify Xiao Ai so that they didn't have to wait for themselves.

Because this time Guan Liyuan was directly transferred to the oasis of the old world and old card!

When the previous friendly match came to an end, Lao Card mysteriously contacted Guan Liyuan, saying that it was Alzeus who wanted to "visit" him ...

【visit? Is there something to ask me? ] Guan Liyuan asked expectantly.

[You can understand it this way ...] Old Card said.

[How big is it? Does it matter? Do you think if I let him pay for it ... Keke, I mean to ask him to contribute to the birth of the new beast, would he agree? ] Guan Liyuan looked forward to more and more.

The old card probably felt that this topic was a bit out of order and refused to answer.

[Bagbag, you and your mother will recover their physical strength as soon as possible, and may take you soon ... to "blind" your mother! ] Guan Liyuan and the Baolong mother and daughter specifically ordered a sentence, and then gave them a lot of full medicine.

After Guan Liyuan asked Xiao Hupa to pick him up, and entered the oasis, he saw that the Ferro beetle was again suppressed by the "rock seal", and at the same time, the old card rarely sat on the ground ... instead of being stuck on the ground.

On the level of his head, a figure similar to Yang Tuo (the thick fog) floated, and the body exuded seven colors of light, as if communicating with the old card.

"Eh?" Guan Liyuan was also a little surprised. Look at it like this ... It's actually the body of Alzeus. Guan Liyuan thought that it would be the riding of Radina.

Pheromones was struggling and scolding Alzeus at this time. For the strange beast, Alzeus was undoubtedly the same as the "great devil"-this should also be the reason why she was imprisoned again, otherwise As long as she didn't run away, Old Card did not press her with a rock seal.

At this time, Alzeus also noticed the arrival of Guan Liyuan. Although it was not the first time to see Guan Liyuan, this time Alzeus repeatedly reminded himself that this time he came to cooperate. Do not investigate other things ...

"Hello, human trainer." Alzeus didn't move his lips, but his voice came from Guan Liyuan's ears.

I don't know if it is like the sound of Tomoko, or if other methods are used to make the air vibrate and sound, it sounds like an echo.

"Hello, Alzace." Guan Liyuan stared curiously at Alzace's mammoth.

How long haven't you seen this look? Arceus could not help but secretly said: This man is indeed the same as the king of the sea said, can not be judged by common sense.

Fortunately, Alzeus also had some psychological preparations-after all, he was the guy who dared to study to pull him to breed in the back, and it was not surprising to show this look in person.

A person who randomly changes a Pokémon world, even if it is Sakagi, will not be so calm to "look" the creation god!

"Listen to the King of the Sea, you can communicate with heaven and earth and get a kind of can that can provide energy for the Beast ... I have also seen Miracle Seeds and Repair Grasses. They are really amazing. Thank you very much for the old world. In everything you do, your personality is just as sublime as your ancestors and ancient humans. "Alzeus said a little bit.

Old Card also said to Guan Liyuan that he limitedly explained some of the identity of Guan Liyuan to Al Zeus. Of course, it was not all true. He just shaped Guan Liyuan into a "Pokémon World Human" who could "connect with the world".

Because Alzeus once crossed the walls of the old and new worlds, and even participated in the formation of the rules of the new world, he can also understand the "outer world"-only Guan Liyuan understands that his understanding is actually wrong, compared to Ultraman As far as the world is concerned, the old and new worlds known by Al Zeus are actually different planes of a world.

Alzeus praised Guan Liyuan with conscientious congratulations, thinking about this, and the subsequent consultations went smoothly ...

But I didn't know that while Guan Liyuan laughed more honestly, what he thought in his mind was: even Alzeus put down his body and praised me? It's definitely not a small matter to "please" me for a while. There is definitely a door to meat compensation!

"In fact, I'm not that lofty, and I'm always upset for small things, such as my bag dragon recently having some trouble ..." Guan Liyuan pretended to be frowning.

If Al Zeus hadn't followed him before, I'm afraid I really don't know why Guan Liyuan suddenly raised his bag dragon.

However, now Alzeus's eyes shook, and some of his teeth were cut off: "This time I came to you, mainly because a change that threatens the safety of all Pokémon and humans is happening. I hope you can supply the cans of Beast. So that they can contribute to this. "

Al Zeist emphasized that this is not just his own thing, but also other Pokémon, including humans!

"That's it ... If there is one more beast, it should help a lot, too?" Guan Liyuan's eyes were burning.

And Alzeus continued without saying: "Just a few days ago, I was riding the Radina avatar, and I got the bad news ... Have you heard of Yppeltal?"

"The legendary **** of death and termination in the Carlos area?" Of course, Guan Liyuan knew that the "evil fruit" in the previous "Princess Gem" was based on Ipertal.

In the legend of the Carlos region, the highest-ranking beast of the same rank as Kilgold is not the **** of space and time, Hoop, nor the **** of gems, Tiensi, but "the **** of life and origin", Zernyas. , And the "Death and End God" Ypertal ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, the records of the activities of these two kinds of beasts are very few. In modern times, there are only several sighting records of Zernyas, only from In ancient ruins, it can be seen that these two beasts were once active in the Carlos area.

As far as the Carlos area is concerned, the fame of the two is not less than that of Al Zeus-Al Zeus has actually not had an exact record of activity for a long time.

"That's right, it's the **** of death and end, and ... you've encountered a weird king of squid before?" Alzeus asked in return.

"Eh? Related to that Squid King?" Guan Liyuan could not help but look confused.

According to Xiao Ai, although the strength of the squid king is very weird, it should only be about the same level as her. For Alzeus, it is not difficult to deal with it.

"It can be said that it is related to 'it', but that is not the King of Squid, or ... it is not just the King of Squid," said Alzeus.

After waiting for Guan Liyuan to ask, Alzeus asked, "Did you not find that there is a strange feature on that squid king?"

"It's weird? Sorry ... I just fainted when I first saw it, and didn't see any features ... wait! Did you mean ... has a claw?" Guan Liyuan said half of it, suddenly remembered Xiao Ai He told him that the King of Squid had strange claws.

Guan Liyuan also felt strange at that time, shouldn't the squid king be the only one with tentacles? Is it that Ai loves to call tentacles claws?

"Yes, it's two black, crystal-like claws, right? In fact, that's the body of 'it'. The king of squid is controlled by the most powerful and evil evil beast. Its The name is ... Necrozma! "

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