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Vol 2 Chapter 1102: Necrozma

The name Nekrozma appears strange because Pokemon is not recorded in the Pokémon world, but Guan Liyuan reacted immediately after listening to Alzeus—Research Extremely Swallowing Beast Necrozma!

The Necrozma, which exists alone in the game, looks like an alien beast with a prismatic body and black body. The two giant claws are particularly prominent. It has a relationship with Solgario and Luna Yarra. The ability of the sun **** and moon **** in the Rolla area to "fit".

After being combined, the sun **** and the moon **** are not only under the control of Necrozma, but also they are continuously absorbing the light energy ...

The most obvious change in the shape of the fit is that there will be a pair of black giant claws, and at the same time, there are some black crystals on the body of Necrozma.

In the series of games, he was titled "Beyond All Legends Pokémon".

Of course, according to the settings in the game, including Alzeus, many **** beasts belong to "Phantom of Phantom", but even so, the legendary Pokemon already contains most of the **** beasts, including even Super-first class beasts such as Kegeld and Rift Seat ...

In the Pokémon world, ordinary trainers do not have access to too much information about strange animals, but the top ten strange animals undoubtedly do not include Necrozma, which is equivalent to " legend".

It is just that in some ancient records, there is the existence of Nekrozma, which is said to have caused solar eclipses and lunar eclipses, and was eventually destroyed by other gods and beasts ...

"Necrozma? Does Necrozma still exist?" Guan Liyuan was surprised.

"Yes, it seems that you have heard some ancient legends too. Nekrozma is an extremely dangerous beast. It brought us a lot when we moved to the new world two million years ago. The trouble is because it has a weird ability, that is, it can attach to other Pokémon, control their bodies, and seize their power. If it is not contained, its power will expand infinitely with plunder ... "

Because this is a new world thing, the old card does not know what's going on, so Alzeus is also explaining to the old card, but he doesn't notice that the older the card, the more strange the look.

According to Arceus, Necrozma has a strong "parasitic" ability, and when "parasitic" can also draw on the strength of the other party to strengthen itself, thereby achieving unlimited enhancement.

In the beginning, Nekrozma was only able to parasitic some weak Pokémon. Later, as its strength gradually increased, the parasitic Pokémon became stronger and stronger, and eventually developed to the point where it could parasitize the beast. .

And after parasitizing those beasts that fit the rules, Nekrozma can not only absorb their power, but also deprive this part of the rules for their own use!

A million years ago, Nekrozma was strong enough to threaten the entire Pokémon world. In the heyday, Nekrozma parasitized the sun **** and the moon **** who are the rule of light ...

The day and night changes in the new world are the rules of "Sun God" Solgareo and "Luna" Luna Yala. After conforming to the rules, they are continuously guided year after year and gradually formed. Otherwise, they will discover new ones. At the beginning of the world, the direct sunlight and the refracted moonlight were all chaotic.

The rule of light is probably more powerful than the tidal rule of Lokia. However, even the sun **** and the moon **** are parasitic by Necrozma, capturing the "rule of light", making it an unprecedentedly powerful state!

In the end, all the avatars of Alzeus came out, teamed up with more than ten first-class gods and animals, and even the three ancestors of the place of origin shot together. Only then blocked Nai Kloz near the current United Region ...

Although the gods and beasts, including Alzeus, were considered too mild by the old card, many gods and beasts were ready to be completely killed in the face of Necrozma, which was too dangerous at the time.

However, at that time, Alzeus discovered that although his own power was stronger than that of Necrozma at that time, even he could not destroy Necrozma's body.

And just after blocking Nekrozma, the other side came to the same end to summon a black dwarf, and hit the main life planet of the new world ...

In the game, Nekrozma's prototype is related to black holes and black dwarfs.

If it were not for the physical rules of the Pokémon world, it would not be exactly the same as Guan Liyuan's familiar world. As long as a black dwarf is close, it is enough to destroy the galaxy!

Even in the Pokémon world, a black dwarf approached, and the damage caused was enough to collapse the life planet. Without the main life planet, the new world is meaningless.

Therefore, with the assistance of the three great ancestors and beasts that returned to the original state, Alzeus carried the black dwarf called by the other party. As a result, the body of Alzeus also fell asleep for thousands of years before recovering. The mythical beast was unable to fight Nekrozma again.

Although the other avatars of Alzeus and the siege of several first-class gods and monsters still suppressed Nekrozma, they could not cause damage to his prism-shaped body.

However, Necrozma has a fatal weakness, that is, it consumes a lot of energy and cannot generate any energy by itself. As long as it is separated from the parasite, it will soon be "powerless ~ www.wuxiaspot.com After the separation of the sun god, the moon **** and Nekrozma, the latter gradually lost its power, and finally was equipped with a prism-shaped body, like a spar sculpture. At the time, the "God of Life and Origin" philosophy Irnias, didn't feel any more angry about it.

Because Alzeus's body fell asleep directly, other gods and beasts were exhausted. There was no excessive treatment of the body of Necrozma, who had died, and allowed him to fall into the exposed magma of the sea floor. In!

At the same time, the United Nations world was severely damaged by this war. Fortunately, the rules of the world did not collapse.

The beasts deeply affected by the damage to the environment also understand the principle of preventing micro-fading, so the avatar of Alzeus will fuse the five pieces of the original slate used to form the avatar into the orb of life, which is used to restore the unity area Ecology ...

But in recent years, the gods and beasts, including Alzace, have discovered that Nekrozma seems to be dead, or another Nkrozma may have appeared, and gradually rely on "parasitic" Pokémon to accumulate strength.

However, because the beasts already had experience this time and guarded against them, Nekrozma could only develop in secret.

"Wait! Does secret development mean ..." Guan Liyuan suddenly responded.

"Yes, now we have discovered that the Flash Flame team is actually under control of Necrozma, not only the chief of staff ... In fact, the chief who only contacts the chief of staff does not exist at all." Al Zeus said .

"People from the Blast Flames approached me for Ypeer Tal. Didn't ... Nekrozma's goal was Ypeer Tal?"

Alzeus heard the words and said after a silence: "To be precise, it is no longer the 'target' ..."

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