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Vol 2 Chapter 1140: Mud Giant Giant Flight Mode (2 in 1)

"The dull king, super evolution!" Ge Jihua said a cloak inside the starry sky, and saw one of the stars flickered, and then the pink gem in the center of the shell above the dull king flashed.

Guan Liyuan then saw clearly that the original Ge Jihua was still in the cloak, and was set with keystones for super evolution!

The shell on the head of the normal dull king originally had a pink gem, but now in the same position, I replaced it with a pink-based super stone, and I didn't really recognize it without looking carefully.

"Deleta is very graceful ... just waiting for the owner of the Geji Flower Museum to super evolve." Esther looked at Deleta admiringly.

"Ha? Isn't it because he knew Ge Jihua?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"No ... you didn't feel that Deleta, although he looked shy, had a ... dignified temperament?" Esther said after considering the wording.

"Is it temperament?" Guan Liyuan then focused on this aspect.

Esther prefers this kind of upright spirit. She is also the same, so she is more sensitive. Guan Liyuan, before, only looked at his appearance, such as ... the face that was spit by fate and looked super dismal at first sight. .

Guan Liyuan was the first time to see the super evolution of the dull king. The super rock of the dull king is much rarer than the super stone of the dull beast.

Another kind of evolutionary "ghost beast" after super evolution, the shell not only bites the tip of its tail, but also "bits" all parts below the neck-the whole body is covered with shells, only the tail and head At both ends of the shell, the other hands protrude from the hole in the side of the shell. It seems to be standing only with its tail, but it is actually a semi-floating state with super powers.

At this time, the super evolution of the dull king is the shell on the head, which has been enlarged several times, covering the whole body of the dull king, and the "giant shell" is slightly off the ground, looking like a high-tech spaceship. The proportion of the original pink gemstones is larger and has a translucent shape. You can see that the dull king inside is looking out from this "window".

A shell flying saucer ... or a small conch shell on each side of the flying tower.

Pokémon that is related to the Great Sword Ghost, including Mizusakase and Double-Edged Pills, will use a shell sword called "scallop shell", which not only uses the sharpness of the shell itself, but also forms a "water sword" on the shell. ... Can the super dull king also be?

The shell part on the head was originally only about two meters tall, and it didn't look much smaller than Deleta's Muddy Giant after super evolution!

The normal clay puppet giant belongs to the relatively tall Pokémon. The average individual generally has a height of about two meters and eight, and this one from Deletta seems to be at least three and a half meters and even higher.

In this way, the super-evolved dull king looks like a small flying tower controlling two auxiliary engines ...

After the super evolution of the dull king was completed, Deletta also waved: "Mud puppet giant, come out!"

"Going out? Very special command word." Guan Liyuan could not help but say.

At the same time, I saw the mud puppet giant on the field, the original lower half of the body retracted, the palms of both arms also retracted into the wrist, replaced by golden light from the wrists and waist, making the mud puppet giant "floating" .

"Oh?" Guan Liyuan saw it, and couldn't help it.

In the animation and the illustrated information in the game, the mud puppet giant is such a setting that can deform and fly, but in the Pokémon world ...

"Well? Li Yuan, Mud Giants ... are they all like this?" Xiaoxia couldn't help wondering.

"No, in the record ... only some of the first clay puppet giants had this ability." Guan Liyuan said.

Even the ancient mud puppet giants seen in the ruins of the evil system were walking away honestly at that time.

"Eh? Is there any difference between the first mud puppet giant ... and the current mud puppet giant?" Xiaoxia didn't know much about the "ground + ghost" dual-line mud puppet giant.

"The first mud puppet giant refers to the part that was originally made by the ancients, but most of the mud puppet giants that can be seen now are the result of breeding." Guan Liyuan said.

That is, only the first-generation mud puppet giant has this "flight mode" ...

Although Guan Liyuan looked at the rust marks on his body before, it was speculated that it was a mud puppet giant from a long time ago, but he did not expect that it was a very small number of artificial parts!

The clay puppet giants are ancient people of the new world. The artificially created Pokémon are not all in the same batch, but as of thousands of years ago, during the period of the giant civilization of Carlos mainland, the production method of the clay puppet giants has been Lost, the later clay puppet giants are breeding offspring, that is to say ... this clay puppet giant, at least three or five thousand years old!

From the ruins of the evil system, although the mud puppet giant Guan Liyuan has seen, although it is a product of the giants civilization period, it belongs to the breeding mud puppet giants-even in ancient times, there are many mud puppet giants.

Because it is a mineral and has the attributes of a ghost system, the mud puppet giant has a much longer life span than ordinary Pokémon. In addition, it can also enter a deep sleep state to "counter" time. It is not surprising to live to this day, but ...

Usually, this ancient Pokémon has a personality that is incompatible with modern trainers!

When Guan Liyuan was puzzled, the Muddy Giant and the Super Goofy King had already fought. The Muddy Giant used the "heavy collision" in flight mode and rammed through the air, even the Super Goofy King who seemed to be very good at defense. Avoiding fear.

However, the latter is not without power to fight back. At the beginning, the super dull king from time to time used the entire shell to launch the "Mind Hammer"-the "Flying Tower" as a whole attached a strong super power, and then hit the opponent !!

Just a few times after the collision, the dull king has also found that in the case of the mud puppet giant using the "heavy collision" and using the "mind hammer" to collide, he can not take advantage of himself.

Although "heavy collision" is a steel skill, it does not belong to the genus of the "ground + ghost" dual-line mud puppet giant, but ... it has the characteristics of heavier weight and greater power.

The clay puppet giant originally belonged to the heavier Pokémon, and the original clay puppet giant fully exerted the thick sense of its appearance-the ordinary clay puppet giant, which is close to three meters in height but only more than 300 kilograms, actually Some "hollow" feelings, but the weight of the first mud puppet giant is actually "solid"!

It is said that thousands of years ago, humans also created a mud puppet giant because they discovered a source of extraterrestrial energy.

Because this energy source seems to exist only in the Hezhong area and the Carlos area, only the ancient civilizations in these two areas will create the Muddy Giant.

And after the exhaustion of this special energy source, the production of the Muddy Giant also stopped, and the Muddy Giant after that was the product of reproduction.

There is also only this special energy source, which can be used for the activities of the first-generation large-tonnage mud puppet giants ... The breeding mud puppet giants have a significant decline, as if they have become "hollow".

Some contemporary scientific organizations have also studied whether this mysterious energy source can be reproduced-but all ended in failure.

Because of the sheer disadvantage of large tonnages, the dull king could not take advantage of the collision at all, so Ge ​​Jihua switched to using small conch on both sides from time to time to launch "hot water" to attack!

That's right, these two "little conch" are not used as sharp weapons like the big sword ghost series Pokémon, but they are used as "spouts" ...

Even the mud puppet giant, where it was "hot", would turn red for a while, and it would take a long time to cool down.

So the mud puppet giant switched to ground-based "100,000 horsepower" as an explosive skill ...

The power is weaker than the "heavy collision" under the blessing of large tonnage, but the speed is extremely fast!

In the game illustrated book, the mud puppet giant is marked as "capable of flying at the speed of sound" ...

Of course, the game illustrated book has always been exaggerated, just like in the illustrated book information of Banguira, "Angry Banguila will make the mountain landslide, the river will be filled, and the map needs to be redrawn", "One hand can make The "mountain collapse" and other exaggerated settings-in fact, the situation in the Pokémon world, as well as the information in the book, is not so exaggerated.

But at this time, the speed of Deleta's first mud puppet giant was indeed staggering. It is difficult to imagine that such a clumsy Pokémon can fly on the duel field as fast as a fly in the window mezzanine. same……

Ge Jihua saw that the dumb king not only did not have the advantage, but also continued. The defeat was only a matter of time, so he chose to use the exchange right first!

Otherwise the situation will be even more unfavourable ...

One of the characteristics of the first mud puppet giant-because it is an unknown energy source function, so the endurance is almost unlimited, and the tactics of exhausting energy are not effective for it!

This is somewhat similar to Biktini, but the energy of the Muddy Giant cannot be shared with other Pokémon, and it has no effect on healing.

"It's entrusted to you, it symbolizes the bird!" Ge Jihua said using another big ace of his own.

Ge Jihua's three major Pokémon are the dull king, the super-powerful meow, and the symbolic bird. The most legendary is the symbolic bird ...

Not to say that the strength of the symbol bird is the strongest of the three, but ... the symbol bird was a top heavenly king who actively followed Ge Jihua when he was young, had just traveled, and was still weak!

Symbolic birds are also common in Pokémon in ruins, and are usually found in non-legacy ruins.

For example, the evil relics that Guan Liyuan visited were left by the owner and passed on to future generations, and there is another kind of archeological relics--that is, not intentionally made, but after the destruction and disappearance of civilization, it remains Mark of.

Symbolic birds often fly in ancient ruins according to specific routes, and belong to the totem Pokémon that has a close relationship with ancient people.

At that time, Ge Jihua ’s original Pokémon Miao Meow had not even evolved. With the "prophetic" gossip, he discovered an archeological relic and magically conquered the symbolic bird. ...

At the time, Ge Jihua also belonged to the type of "hate people"-on intimacy, symbolizing that there was no separation between the bird and Ge Jihua. A young new generation trainer had one who could participate in competitions and face off. What is the mood of her top heavenly king?

Of course, now the strength of Ge Jihua can already match the symbolic bird, but for Ge Jihua, the symbolic bird is not inferior to the grandfather in the ring ...

However, after the symbolic bird appeared on the field this time, it was called "elephant-elephant-", and the mud puppet giant stopped, the pattern of "eyes" flickered, as if talking about something.

After half a ring, the symbolic bird flew back to Ge Jihua.

After a moment of silence, looking at the symbolic bird that was still ...

The audience off the pitch couldn't help talking about it-Carlos ... No, the world-renowned Tianwang-level trainer Ge Jihua and Pokemon "runaway" and refused to compete. This is really big news!

"It seems that the symbolic bird of the owner of the Geji Flower Museum ... something went wrong. What do you think, Lord Shimi?" Barbaro was also a little stunned.

"Ancient Pokémon is still very different in thinking from the current Pokémon. It is very likely ... Muddy giants and symbolic birds have known each other long ago? They may even be" unearthed "from that site. If it is modern Pokémon, 'dueling' does not mean hostility, it can also be mutual recognition, even a courtesy, so it does not exclude confrontation with friends.

However, many ancient Pokémon do not think so, so when two ancient Pokémon they know meet, they may refuse to confront their old friends ... This is not a simple out of control, but a difference between ancient and modern. Species. "Zimi's statement sounds very professional ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But Ge Jihua is more embarrassed because the exchange right has just been used. At this time, the exchange of the symbolic bird will only make the symbolic bird concede and lose out!

"Even after this long time, it is still more close to you." Ge Jihua said, and stretched out his hand to slap on the head of the bird-like stick-Guan Liyuan speculated that it was equivalent to touching his head, but it looked strange.

I don't know if Deleta feels Ge Jihua's tone of "resentment", but just said something lightly: "Maybe, but your training is also good and it is stronger."

Sure enough, Deleta knew the symbolic bird earlier than Ge Jihua ... In other words, Deleta actually found the site earlier?

"If the symbol bird continues to be off the court, I will start the countdown," the referee reminded.

"No need, I will lose this game," Ge Jihua said.

"Then please send the next ..."

"No, it was the whole game that I gave up, but ... I have already predicted that you will still lose to Guan Liyuan later!" Ge Jihua said to Deleta with some patience.

"Haha." Deleta just smiled, not even grinning her lips.

———— Small theater dividing line ————

The Pirate World, one of the nineteen largest nations on the laterite continent, is in the largest turmoil since the first year of the Chinese calendar. Domestic revolutionary organizations have sprung up ...

At this time, the high-level commanders within the Casagavan Revolutionary Army were receiving training from the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army. As a subordinate trainer, Saab wrote on the blackboard "the enemy advances and retreats, the enemy stays in my disturbance, The enemy is tired, we fight, the enemy retreats and chases ", and conveys the experience of coping with the siege of government forces that still has a large disparity to the revolutionary organization of Casagga.

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