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Vol 2 Chapter 1141: Dragon King Xue Sha

Along with Ge Ji's confession of defeat, Guan Liyuan's opponent in the quarterfinals is also determined to be the mysterious Deleta ...

"What are you thinking about? Are you scared to start worrying?" Xiao Ai asked Guan Liyuan, who made a deep ‘groan’ after watching the game, expressionless. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹ.сом is updated fast. .

"Worry is not enough ... but do you feel that when Ge Ji's" Hua "admits defeat, she feels coquettish and ignored?" Guan Liyuan asked.

Xiaoai continued to look at him blankly and said, "What? Is the gossip instinct awake?"

"Not a gossip ... Before the open match, Ge Ji 'Hua' came to me once, do you remember? That time ... wasn't it really a confession that I secretly loved me? Will there be a kind of me being ntr? Feeling? Usually, the angle 'color' set by people like me is very unpleasant if it is ntr! "Guan Liyuan is very conscious of the main character's consciousness.

Xiaoai was still expressionless. After a pause of three seconds, hey sighed ...

"Ha? What do you mean by sigh? Did you just sigh? Are you suggesting something!" Guan Liyuan asked unhappyly.

"Wake up, no one is secretly in love with you, and ... in contrast, you now feel better about yourself, even more unpleasant." Xiao Ai revealed.

Guan Liyuan: "..."

Whether Guan Liyuan was ntr or not, the game is still going on, and each of the next four quarterfinals is very interesting.

The first game was "Dragon and Dragon vs vs. Can the Dragon Reverse the" Sex "Snow Shame", the second game was "Paschi vs Fu Ye, the battle between the old and the new four kings", and the third game was "Douzi vs. Liu Bo, the match between the beasts and the beasts ". The fourth game was" Guan Liyuan vs. Deleta ". Guan Liyuan itself was a highlight. At the same time, the strength of Deleta also attracted many people!

On the day of the first and second games of the quarterfinals, it may be because of the "old dragon's shame". As a guest, she was actually the new champion of the United Region ...

In the current league championship, Alice should be the youngest one, younger than Ka 'Lu' Nai in Carlos and Zhulan in Shen'ao. She should be about the same age as Nazi!

You can see through the glass that Alice, whose skin is tanned, is sitting in the commentary room, wearing a pink robe and pink robe.

Alice is from the dragon world of Pokémon, the trainer's holy place in the world of sex.

It is said that when I was a child, I was able to communicate with the Dragon Pokémon. After I started traveling as an adult, I even saw the fissure seat in Fengyuan area and obtained the "dragon wings" of the fissure seat ...

That's right, it's the part similar to shark fin! Although it is a "dragon + flying" dual-line **** beast, the Fissure Seat actually retains a lot of features similar to aquatic Pokémon. It also has fin-like parts on the body, and will fall off and update on schedule!

You should know that the fissure seat in Fengyuan area is "suspected" of male 'sexuality' and there is no descendant. The only fissure seat refers to the first-class **** beast living on the pillar of the sky.

And it is not an ordinary "first-class". Like Full Geigold, the Rift Seat is considered to be the top beast after Alzeus!

Alice, who has shown her talent as a protagonist since she was a child, has experienced the protagonist who has experienced the role of "God Beasts Send Treasures". In the first year of her trip, she won the United Youth Championship and later became the key training target of Dragon Village. Succeeded as the owner of Sungyong Dowon Museum, and in this year's championship change, he became the new champion of the United District ...

Maybe it was found that Guan Liyuan was looking at the direction of the commentary room, Xiaoxia also reminded: "It is the champion of Alice in the United District ... It is said that he has the" Dragon Heart "talent once a century in Dragon Village, which is better than Yulong. A stronger Dragon Trainer talent. "

As the sacred place of the dragon family, the original people lived with the dragon Pokémon generations. Almost everyone has a rare "power of the imperial dragon", and the "heart of the dragon" is among the people of the dragon family. And very rare talent ...

But at this time, looking at Alice in the commentary room, although she was about the same size as Nazi, and she was very formal, it seemed to be the robe of Longzhi Township, but ... Guan Liyuan always felt like she was a child. .

Especially when seeing that the two sides sent their respective Pokémon, and the old dragon released the "double axe battle dragon", Alice's eyes seemed to flash light to show that her love for the dragon Pokémon was not 'getting 'Fake it.

When she saw the icefield bear sent by him, Alice sneezed and sneezed like "Aqiu".

"Oh! There is a big temperature difference between Hezhong and Carlos? Would you like to adjust the air conditioner?" Barbaro said aside.

"No, I'm just not good at dealing with the ice system. Just like the dragon babies, I just feel cold when I see it ... ha ha ha." Alice did not care about throwing out her weakness.

"It is indeed the treasure of the dragon ..." Some of the guests who were unsuited to sitting next to themselves hacked themselves, feeling that their work had been robbed.

Looking at Alice's double-axed battle dragon, she seemed very concerned. Barbaro could not help asking: "Ms. Alice also has a double-axed battle dragon?"

"Yes, it's so cute!" Alice nodded sharply.

Barbaro imagined for a long time and did not understand what kind of double axe battle dragon can be described as "cute" ...

"But playing against the ice system is very unfavorable to the Pokémon of the dragon system. I don't know if the dragon players will be affected by the" yin "shadow of the six series of" monsters "of the demon's" jing "..." Barbaro opened. Topic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yes, Longlong is most afraid of cold ... but Laolong is definitely fine! "Alice said.

Long Xiaolong has studied in the hometown of the dragon in the United District for a long time, so it is not surprising that Alice knows Dragon Xiaolong, and it seems that Alice and Dragon Xiaolong are still very familiar and directly call the dragon in their fifties. Xiaolong is called "Old Dragon".

The double axe battle dragon and the icefield bear are both single-sex Pokémon. The former is a dragon system and the latter is an ice system. According to the rules of the Pokémon world, the icefield bears are "simple" in restraining the double axe battle. Long!

As a veteran ice shop owner in the Carlos area, Defu is not weaker than Ge Ji's ‘Flower’, and his age is much larger than Ge Ji ’s ‘Flower’, so the ace Pokémon has grown to the limit ...

In contrast, the old dragon in his fifties is actually "tender".

"Oh? Miss Alice is very confident. Didn't she just say that Pokémon is afraid of cold?" Barbaro asked.

"As long as it's a dragon, it's fine!" Alice said with a thumbs up.

Barbaro: "..."

To some extent, this type of Alice is difficult for Barbaro to get hacked, or ... after being black, the party did not feel hacked, so the undead bird lost the pleasure of black people.

However, in terms of strength, it seems that it is indeed ashamed to be brave and to be stronger by a series of old dragons who have traveled the world for twenty years after the Sixth Generation!

In addition, the ice system's restraint against the dragon system is not as strong as the demon 'fine' system. The demon 'fine' system is almost immune to the dragon system's strength, while the ice system only has a high resistance to the dragon's strength.

In the end, the icefield bear was actually defeated by the double axe, and he was defeated with "dragon's rage" ...

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