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Vol 2 Chapter 1291: Alabastan and the sea train

"Ikalem, you take everyone away first, and I talk to him." Wei Wei was so surprised when Guan Liyuan was so big, but suddenly appeared in front of herself, but then calmed down immediately.

"His Royal Highness ..." Ekalem was clearly uneasy.

"Retreat first!" Wei Wei said firmly.

One is that Weiwei really wants to talk to the high-level of the revolutionary army, and the other is ... At this time, Weiwei also saw that Ikalem and several other guards could not stop each other at all. Continuing the blocking may cause damage. Unnecessary casualties.

"A wise decision." Guan Liyuan said.

Ekalem stared at Guan Liyuan with a resentful glance. Then he took eight guards and spread around, but still stared at Guan Liyuan and Weiwei.

If Guan Liyuan had any wrongdoing, Ikalem would let him know how terrible even if he died!

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Wei Wei asked.

Even in the face of Guan Liyuan, who is strong and looks different from herself, Weiwei did not show much fear and panic. The long blue waist is shining in the moonlight ...

Looking at Weiwei like this, Guan Liyuan showed a look of appreciation-some wanted to add another candidate in the "hero plan".

But it's too early to say these things. After all, Wei Wei now thinks how to kick all the revolutionary troops out of Alabastan.

"Tell me what the Nafilutari family is most interested in! For example ... how to save the distressed Alabastan." Guan Liyuan was like an ancient lobbyist, and when he met, "I just wanted to save you" Tone.

Although Weiwei didn't lose her temper and raised a dip to cook him, she couldn't help but say something angry: "Now if you leave Alabastan, everything will be solved, right?"

"No, Princess Weiwei's opinion is too superficial." Guan Liyuan said and shook his head.

"Isn't it caused by the civil unrest in this country now?" Wei Wei asked.

"'Internal strife' is just a small problem. If we want to stop, we can stop at any time, but the world government that uses Tianlong people is not that you don't want him to exist, they don't exist." Guan Liyuan said.

"So what? At least the world government didn't hurt Alabastan." Vivi said.

"But it's just now ... if we don't show up, for a maximum of two years, Alabastan, or the Nafilutari royal family, it will be an existence that will be wiped out by the world government."

"You don't think, I will believe that, right?" Wei Wei asked back.

"Oh? Tianlong people's style of work, you should be the clearest, right? After all, you almost became one of them." Guan Liyuan said.

"Indeed they ... but this is not the reason for the war between Alabastan and the world government!" Wei Wei said with some hesitation.

What are those dragons, Wei Wei, who accompanied Cobra to the World Government Conference when she was a kid, naturally knows that they are ashamed of them.

However, no matter how open-minded the Nafilutari royal family is, at most, they only regard the people as the main body of the country, and it is impossible to set liberation of the world as their goal, otherwise Alabastan would have been killed by the world government.

"What if they're going to stare at Alabastan someday?" Guan Liyuan asked back.

"It's just your hypothesis, isn't it just like that ..."

When Wei Wei talked about half, Guan Liyuan interrupted: "Princess Wei Wei, please understand that before, the Tianlong people did nothing to you, half because you were not weak but not strong enough, half because you were too barren ... … As for the so-called robe feelings of 800 years ago, and respect for the royal family of Nafilutari, the proportions are negligible. "

Weiwei heard the silence for a while, but then said, "What about it? Before that, Alabastan was barren, but it was still a member state of the world government, and it gradually enriched its citizens until you guys came. after that……"

"Oh, princess Weiwei, please pay attention to your attitude. Even without us, your country is about to enter the dry season. You know this. You also need to know the desalination of seawater, water conservancy projects for sand reconstruction, and saline-alkali land planting ... These are actually provided by me. "Guan Liyuan interrupted.

Princess Vivi suddenly didn't speak for a while, then bowed to Guan Liyuan: "Sorry, I was so excited before, Alabaster is very grateful for your help. If you just want money, even if you want the land of Alabastan Just make sure you do n’t bring war to Alabastan ... "

"No, no, no, I don't need all of them, I just want Princess Vivi to understand one thing-guess, without us, after a few years, with the help of these things, strong and rich ... Will Alabastan, a billion people, millions of regular troops, and gold everywhere, become the target of the Tianlong people? "Guan Liyuan said.

Yes, in the final analysis, Alabastan wins "not weak", but also "not strong". "Not weak" makes the idiots Tianlong people restricted to come to Alabastan to "touch the porcelain". Strong ", so it did not jeopardize the world government!

"It's just your guess ..." Vivi's spirit became less full.

"Oh? That's an example .... The capital of the seven waters, now the core of the Haitian train traffic network, should you know?" Guan Liyuan asked.

Wei Wei nodded, even if the news of the Great Channel was closed, but the newspaper still had news birds to send it. The Seven Water City is absolutely "thundering" to any country now.

"The reason why HaiTian now runs smoothly in the transportation network is because of the generosity of the owner of HaiTing Technology ..." Guan Liyuan also added here silently: Of course, there is also my generosity!

That's right, without Guan Liyuan's key technology, the sea train could not be improved to the present level.

"Because of the private ownership of the sea train, all the islands in the transportation network centered on the capital of Seven Waters have become rich. The world government has also increased taxes, and the Tianlong people have increased a lot of heaven. But ... Make a bet? Within three months, the Tianlong people and the world government will start the sea train and want to have it in their own pocket. "Guan Liyuan asked.

Will the Tianlong people do this kind of thing? Will Weiwei think about it and have a bad answer, but the question is ... why did Guan Liyuan know that it was within three months? This time is a bit too accurate, right?

However, Instinct told Weiwei that this bet cannot be played!

But whether or not to make this bet, in fact, as long as the Tianlong people really start the sea train, Guan Liyuan is already proven to be correct, even when Wei Wei thinks about this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Liyuan's purpose has been achieved .

Some things, as long as they are pierced, Wei Wei herself will also have associations. In the original work, cpo wanted to tie away White Star because of Saint Charles Rose, and wanted to openly treat Vivi, who represents Alabastan, and Ni, who represents Dragon Palace. Putton's shot is enough to see the gap between "almost to become a Tianlong" and "Tianlong".

Although this scene has not yet been born, but have seen Weilong Tianwei people, can not imagine their status?

These are the two most special countries among the many franchisees, and other countries are even more imaginable when comparing the status of Tianlong people.

At the same time, in the vicinity of the capital of the Seven Waters, on the course of the sea train, in a luxurious car that was subscribed ...

"How's it? St. Charles Rose, let me say that this thing is great, isn't it more cool than the slave mount trained by the swimming champion among the mermaids that you invited me to last? 桀桀Hmm ... "A dragon dragon with a banana skin and a breathing mask arrogantly mocked another dragon who looked like" the silly son of the landlord's house ".

And Charlose Saint was obviously very upset. After a long stun, the dead duck said stiffly, "Musgalud Saint, you are really depraved ... What's so proud of it is just an independent box, behind There are a lot of pariahs in the car, right? Alas, I feel sick when they think of a car, and ... this is not your thing, right? "

Suddenly, Charlose looked--yes! This is not Musgarud saint, but it can be mine!

It is a pity that Charlos Saint, who is owed by IQ, will not show up. Muskrud Saint, who specially brought him to the sea train, saw a "successful" smile after seeing his look changed ...

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