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Vol 2 Chapter 1292: Eyed sea train

"Are you sure that a few fluttering words will make the Nafilutari royal family fall to our side?" Klokdal asked Guan Liyuan with some doubts.

Not long ago, Princess Vivi had returned to the western continent, and Kou Sha's patrol had subsequently received a withdrawal order and suspended the patrol.

"It's not to us, but to make them understand what is the best choice now." Guan Liyuan said.

"Well ... if they knew the 'best' choice, they would be Denon now!" Krokdal said.

Guan Liyuan understands that Clokerdal is talking about something 800 years ago, and he also understands that Clokerdal is worried, even if the Dragons have any thoughts about Alabastan, but as long as the Nafilutari royal family is willing to "join the same foul," it can Going with Tianlong people.

"'Believe' is also a strength." Guan Liyuan said.

That's right, Guan Liyuan didn't have any means to ensure that they wouldn't do this, but "believed" that Cobra and Weiwei would not.

"Fuck first, if your approach fails, I will always do it my own way!" Klokdal said solemnly.

Guan Li was far from okay with this, but he only commanded: "You're watching Alabastan, and I'll go to the capital of the Seven Waters ... there will be the first fulcrum!"

Like the royal family of Nafilutari, Clokerdal is not a "backward" revolutionary army, and Guan Liyuan did not expect that in such a large ocean, the parties can be truly united, as long as they do what they "should really do" Things "is enough to drive the world government out of the sea.

A few days later, Guan Liyuan, who was driving a speedboat, came to the capital of Seven Waters, and when he met with the iceberg secretly, the other person really put on a bad face ...

"Abominable! Did you do it? This is not the same as saying, you haven't said that you can achieve this level!" Bingshan was in the office, angrily shouting at Guan Liyuan.

"No, I told you from the first day that the sea train will really promote the times, and now you better understand who the real enemy is, and not vent your dissatisfaction here," Guan Liyuan said.

"But you haven't said ... you will ... attack the Dragons!" The momentum of the iceberg went down a bit.

"Oh? So what? If you don't, you still have the opportunity to give the sea train to Tianlong people? Don't forget Mr. Tom's dream." Guan Liyuan said.

"Mr. Tom created sea trains, not to bring war to the water capital!" Bingshan said.

"But this can't be omitted ... Tianlong people will now stare at the capital of the water, it is indeed the result of my guidance, but you should understand that I just make the time of this matter more controllable, otherwise someday soon , This thing will still happen. "

"But ... at least it's not necessary to use such a tough way ..." The iceberg's spirit was not very full.

That's right, just two days ago, after Charlose Saint caught his eye on the sea train, because he has been living with God for a long time and was unscrupulous in Maria Joa In a brave way, he chose to announce directly on the sea train. Including the current train, all sea trains were collected as the property of the Charon Saint of the Dragon Dragon, and the untouchables immediately rolled off ...

However, when most of the passengers were panicking, there were actually dragons on the car, and they were also watching the sea train. Several ultra-reckless crew members directly directed St. Charles Ross and St. Musgarud, and Their bodyguards dropped into the sea ...

Assault the Dragon!

Such a reckless, but also able to win the Tianlongren's bodyguards, of course, Guan Liyuan arranged long ago.

Of course, this is also because the Tianlong people don't think that they need too strong bodyguards-who dares to hurt them, just wait to destroy the island! No one usually does this!

This is also the reason for the anger of the iceberg. Guan Liyuan had not told him before, he would use such an extreme way ...

"So before, you still wanted to compromise first. After watching other people charge, see if there is any chance to pick up the cheap directly?"

"I'm not ... I don't ... I just worry about other people ..."

"Worry that other people dare not stand against the Tianlong people? Then let's take a look. The" leverage "that has been prepared for a long time is not hard enough! It was difficult for you to block the news for two days before." Guan Liyuan Said.

That's right, after knowing the iceberg, the passengers and crew were temporarily quarantined, and the news was forbidden, but ... at the time of Guan Liyuan Island, the agents of the water capital had been ordered to be busy.

Just an hour later, no one in the Seven Capitals of the water capital did not know the news that the "world government wants to take the sea train to its own, and please the dragons." The other heads of the islands also basically knew that. , The islands that pass by on all routes, almost no one knows the news!

Of course, this news also has some spring and autumn styles-it didn't point out that "Tianlong people saw the sea train and were attacked", but first said that the world government should please Tianlong people.

At night, the crowd was crowded outside the mayor's mansion.

"We're going to see Mr. Iceberg! Is the sea train really going to the world government?"

"It is said that there is not even compensation?"

"Mr. Bingshan, let's go and report jointly!"

"Very quietly, I heard that Tianlong people caught the sea train ... I heard my nephew from my uncle's cousin!"

"Tian, ​​Tianlong people?"

"He's cold! Lao Tzu's daughter is still waiting for the money to help him, Tianlong people ... do him cool!"

"Shhh, whisper ..."

"Which whisper? Are they afraid to say it?"

Hearing the noise outside, Bingshan asked with a somber expression, "This is also in your plan? Is there any childcare for you?"

"There is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but obviously I don't have so many childcare." Guan Liyuan smiled.

"That's why at the beginning, you asked that‘ hai train shares belong to all the construction staff and the people in the route ’as the prerequisite for the construction of sea trains?”

The iceberg felt that he was still too young ...

At the time when Guan Liyuan raised this point, Bingshan thought he was a "good man" and didn't want a penny of his own, and demanded that the sea train benefit everyone-now it seems to have been premeditated!

In this way, not only the high-levels of major business groups and the kingdom, but also the middle- and lower-level sea rail workers and civilians, have felt the pain of the skin, and these people are actually easy to incite!

As for the part that is not easy to incite?

Ha ha, although they are not easy to incite, but they have a higher ability to act when their interests are damaged. After the rumors that the world government is going to collect sea trains, the surrounding large business groups and high-level kingdoms are like storms. The tranquility before, the disturbing silence.

The most outstanding performance is that the navals who are organizing the demonstrators below are all incapable of blocking people from the office building of the iceberg. In the face of some people who are "big talk", they pretend not to hear anything. Looks like ...

After all ... the local navy has long been pulled into the interest group by Guan Liyuan. He usually rents equipment for sea defense at a high price, and hires additional protection teams that are not needed at all. Is the money spent for nothing?

You should know that due to geographical reasons, the capital of the water is stationed in the headquarters of the navy, and the highest officer is the brigadier of the headquarters!

As for the other countries in the sea train circle, there are only branch navies, and even there is no navy in the territory. The situation is even more imaginable ...

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