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Vol 2 Chapter 1302: Beginning of Chaos (2 in 1)

After leaving the Fishman Island, Guan Liyuan temporarily notified the revolutionary army ministries. After the official start of the incident, he regarded "Tiger" as one of the pioneers of the revolutionary army's philosophy, leaving out his resistance to humanity and advocating that Tiger was the same. Free the liberated thoughts of all slaves! & 1t; /

For example, when the revolutionary army liberated slaves, it could be said to inherit the will of "Tiger". & 1t; /

In this way, not only the slaves who were liberated by Tiger and the people who worshiped Tiger could enjoy the goodwill, but also the favorability of Fishman Island! & 1t; /

The basic purpose of going to Murray Island this time has been achieved, but there is still a gap between Murray Island and the revolutionary army. & 1t; /

In the next two months, the situation on the sea was rolling forward nervously and depressively at an unpredictable pace! & 1t; /

First, as the "origin" of the Seven Water Capitals, when the world government ordered the sea train countries to cooperate with the assigned officials to hand over all management rights and accounts, they encountered soft resistance, delays, or passive delays. Country, even strike protests ... & 1t; /

Within half a month, the conflict escalated. Only then did the world government realize that the sea train circle with the capital of seven waters wanted to resist itself! & 1t; /

The surrounding naval divisions also received instructions at this time, and began to cooperate with the subordinate officials who took over to forcefully take over the operation of the sea train. & 1t; /

At the same time, in the world that has always been "quiet", the wind and clouds have begun! & 1t; /

First, the most “quiet” East China Sea, a model of segregated society, the Kingdom of Goya, several insurgent forces emerged. In just three days, all the “suburbs” outside Central Street and Gaozhen fell ... & 1t; /

The Kingdom of Goya just fired its first shot, and in just half a month, there were hundreds of uprisings in the East China Sea alone, ranging from hundreds to thousands. & 1t; /

As for the West China Sea, North China Sea and South China Sea, there are only more than that! & 1t; /

Some are known to the world government before and are in the midst of the local navy's annihilation. Others have been hidden in the past, but now they have suddenly burst out. & 1t; /

And after gaining momentum, they hanged the banner of the revolutionary army-some were directly hanged with a pattern of "a rhombus surrounded by four straight red lines, and a solid red rhombus in the middle" as a pattern, and some were on their own flags Marked this pattern on the corner! & 1t; /

It is very similar to the war pattern on Dorag's face. This is also the banner used by the Revolutionary Army in recent years ... & 1t; /

There were so many smokes in the four seas at once, and there were many branches in the four seas. If there were negative start-ups or obvious signs of disengagement, the world government would even adjust the naval forces in the great channel, mainly in the first half. Ministry, go to the four seas to suppress the rebellion in the jurisdiction, but also to support the civil strife in the franchisees, and check out what is going on in those branches that have changed and stayed the same! & 1t; /

Therefore, for the capital of the Seven Waters, the world government is no longer polite and directly orders the navy to enter military control ... & 1t; /

After that, there was a naval change in the capital of water! & 1t; /

The Brigadier General of the Navy Headquarters in the Seven Waters City, although I also tasted some of the sweetness of the sea train, but when forced to make a choice, it is still clearly on the side of the Navy-after all, the Brigadier General has a large rank, and the headquarters There is room for promotion. & 1t; /

However, when he used force against the people in the march, he was attacked by a subordinate major general and a lieutenant colonel! & 1t; /

At the same time, as the second and third figures of the local navy, the two people energized the Brigadier General for slaughtering civilians, bribing election officials, and searching for civilian wealth for more than a dozen crimes of existence or non-existence, and announced the Naval Division of the Water Capital Will comply with public opinion, coexist with the capital of water and die, and will also telegraph the naval headquarters "think twice before you go." & 1t; /

The navies in other sea train circles were either defeated by the army or traitors, and were successively captured by the Baolu Army! & 1t; /

The Warring Kingdoms immediately ordered the G8 branch, not far away, to send troops to crusade the capital of the water-protection alliances ... & 1t; /

The G8 Division is the largest division of the Navy in the Great Channel. Although it is ironically privately described as "big and improper", its combat effectiveness and number of people are far from comparable to those of ordinary divisions. Moreover, the commander in chief is Jonathan. , In the first half of the Great Channel, enough to calm down the scene! & 1t; /

And the g8 branch is in the center of the first half of the Great Channel, not far from the sea train circle in the middle and rear. & 1t; /

As a result, in the afternoon of the same day, the Warring States Period received an urgent report from Jonathan—one of the Seven Wuhai Seas, and the moonlight Moria ’s horrifying barque, which suddenly appeared near the g8 branch ... & 1t; /

Although Qi Wuhai is theoretically the same as the navy, it is a world government camp, but at this time Jonathan cannot be unguarded. & 1t; /

The most important thing is that Moria ’s horrible barque, known as the largest pirate ship, went all the way from the Devil's Triangle to the vicinity of the g8 branch, crossing a quarter of the great channel, and no one was found ... … Even before the Navy knew that Molia had left the Devil's Triangle. & 1t; /

This is strange enough in itself ... as to say that Molia was not intentionally hidden? No one will believe it! & 1t; /

And in the shout, Moliya perfunctory the reasons for appearing here, and lingering in the vicinity do not go ... so Jonathan did not dare to leave the g8 branch! & 1t; /

At the same time, the Warring States also heard some gossip in the headquarters, such as "Jonathan and the capital of water as a consensus, deliberately not sending troops." & 1t; /

Although the Warring States did not suspect Jonathan because of this, it became more and more unusual. & 1t; /

After that, the Warring States sent a lieutenant general in the name of Naval Headquarters to contact Moonlight Molia. As a result, Molia said that he was invited by Cockdal, and said "I did not expect to affect the military activities of the Navy." "," Everything is misunderstood "," Send someone to go to the Navy to report it before, maybe it was unexpectedly not sent to "Yunyun ... & 1t; /

Well, geographically speaking, g8 is sandwiched between Alabastan and the capital of the Seven Waters. The reason for Molia is not completely untrue! & 1t; /

However, seven or eight days have elapsed at this time. The navy of the g8 branch has been trapped in the branch. The side of the Baolu Union has completely controlled or suppressed the navy in the sea train circle ... & 1t; /

Many of the division's navies are directly out of control or symbolic resistance. After a few clicks, they do not know when it will begin. Most of the navies within the Baoluo Alliance have been "corroded" and are standing in their own places. Stand, not the stand of world governments and navies! & 1t; /

Just as the "misunderstanding" on the side of Moonlight Molia clarified that when he thought he would leave, news came suddenly that King Cobra of Alabastan felt the recent instability of the great waterway. The General Marshal of Alabastan, followed by Krokdal, said that he had no other business with Molia, mainly for military exercises ... & 1t; /

Well, in the sea area half a day away from the g8 branch, conducting maritime combat exercises ... Jonathan is even more afraid to send troops! & 1t; /

The Warring States had already rushed to the crown at this time. Although the Baoluo League has not yet carried the banner of the revolutionary army, it now seems that these guys are definitely a stumbling block. & 1t; /

What makes him even more unacceptable is what does Alabastan mean? What does Clockdal, Molia mean? & 1t; /

Although it has long been felt that the Qi Wuhai is not reliable, and even has some criticisms of the Qi Wuhai policy of the world government, the Warring States did not expect that the two major Qi Wuhai were difficult for the world government at the same time? & 1t; /

Of course, nominally neither Qi Wuhai nor Alabastan did not blatantly oppose the world government. Therefore, due to the situation, the Warring States did not make any statement about their actions, but just let Jonathan stay at G8, and they could not be given a chance. . & 1t; /

And the Warring States in the fury, as well as the three major generals who feel the pressure, are just paying attention to these, but not paying attention to other subtle reactions ... & 1t; /

For example, Smog, who had been on the island of Kalez recently, learned of the incident of the Paulo Alliance, and then applied for the recruitment of naval forces in several nearby islands in case of emergencies—this document was passed by Red Dogs. & 1t; /

For example, in Rogge, Colonel Daschi, the new commander, led the Navy to victory over the Pirate Coalition who wanted to impact Rogge and open the East China Sea to the entrance of the great channel. The Warring States Period filed a promotion to Colonel. . & 1t; /

There are also those who have "not much relationship" with them. In the southwest of Hongtuida 6, which is almost at the center of the section between the West and South China Seas, a rebellion has occurred. "Thief guerrillas", Zefa wandering in the West Sea, also under the command of General Marshal Kong, directly from Xihaideng 6 Red Earth and 6 policy sources ... & 1t; /

Unfortunately, at that time, the large-scale uprising from the West Sea was only "advance" three days, otherwise, if Zefa was there, he would surely wipe out the revolutionary army around him. & 1t; /

And if Marshal Air didn't go to the southwest, maybe this time the world government will condemn the new army to rebel! & 1t; /

Although the Revolutionary Army is the enemy of all world government-affiliated organizations, the navy's responsibility is more to suppress the pirates, and now ... except for the two official pirates who jump, other troubles are obviously caused by the Revolutionary Army. from. & 1t; /

At this time, the naval branch of the four seas could not be expected at this time, and even because the navy failed to carry out effective repression in the everywhere insurgency in the four seas, it was condemned by the world government. & 1t; /

The closest g8 branch to the top beam column has also been frightened by Cockdal and Molia with unknown intentions. & 1t; /

Responsible for the various small naval divisions within the Road Protection Alliance, and even grassroots officials of the world government, most of them joined the Road Protection Alliance at this time ... & 1t; /

In the month that the world government ordered the sea train to be taken into public ownership, a series of accidents occurred! & 1t; /

For this reason, Sakaski, one of the three major generals of the Red Dog, directly used the authority of the general and moved the slaughter order to the capital of the Seven Waters! & 1t; /

After the Warring States and Karp knew about it, they were shocked, for which the Warring States even called red dogs for reprimand. & 1t; /

However, the reason for the red dog is also very good-at this time, if the most "jumping" one is not pushed back by the simplest and rude means, the chaos will be even more impossible to stop. & 1t; /

Don't say far ... Clockdal and Molia are obviously observing the situation. Once the world government is performing weakly, maybe they will soon attack the G8 branch, and even Alabastan may get involved! & 1t; /

On the other hand, if the Thunder is going to kill the Paulo Alliance, then you can calmly deal with the cloakdal and Moria of the rodent killer, as for a little sacrifice ... Comparably acceptable! & 1t; /

Besides, the red dog did not think it was a sacrifice. After all, the civilians in the capital of the seven waters also participated in the rebellion. & 1t; /

The Warring States also had to admit that Red Dog said something, not to mention that the slaughter order is irreversible, and even he has no right to revoke the red dog slaughter order. & 1t; /

Ten naval headquarters battleships, nearly 10,000 naval headquarters soldiers, and five naval headquarters lieutenants ... & 1t; /

This is not at the same level as one or two large naval divisions, and is stronger than the total strength of the g8 division! & 1t; /

Then the naval headquarters received an urgent news ... & 1t; /

The ten warships that executed the slaughter order were ambushed by the bigmom pirate group. Although bigmom did not appear, the four star Katakali appeared on the battlefield, and other dessert ministers also appeared digitally! & 1t; /

Of course, there is no need to say more-the railroad tracks of the sea train are covered by bigmom. & 1t; /

The pirates in the first half of the Great Channel can't resist a wave of slaughter orders, but the four emperors in the new world ... any one has the strength to single out the naval headquarters-but most of them can't win, they can be played for some Still no problem. & 1t; /

The bigmom Pirates, with the balance of the other four emperors, will definitely not fully support the first half of the great channel, but it is no problem to transfer a team! & 1t; /

As a result, the naval headquarters was sitting on the wax instead. The Tumor Order failed, and none of the branches in each area came in handy. Even in the branches around the world, there was a trend of steadily losing ground under the attack of the revolutionary army ... & 1t ; /

As for how Katakuri returned to the first half of the Great Channel without being spotted, the Warring States Period has no time to think about it-there are many possibilities. & 1t; /

"Haven't Porusalino returned yet? Then wait! Kuzan and Sakowski, you each unite the staff of this headquarters. I decided to lead the Navy of this headquarters in person and attack the water capital 48 hours later. Rebellion! "The Warring States ordered at the naval meeting. & 1t; /

At this time, because of other tasks, the apes were not in Marin Fudo, only the green pheasant and the red dog rushed back. & 1t; /

"Yes!" [31 Novel Network updated quickly] Red Dog and Qingyu answered one after another. & 1t; /

"Kapu, Marin Fodor will give it to you afterwards." Warring States said. & 1t; /

"Don't worry, even if someone is really brave, I will ask him to take a fist!" Karp said. & 1t; /

Although only the rank of lieutenant general, Karp's status in the Navy is second only to the Warring States. Like Marshal Warring States and former general Zefa, he is a veteran of the Navy, just to be able to fight in the front line and also express some decisions on world government. Dissatisfaction, he has always refused promotion. & 1t; /

In the case of the Warring States personally seeking a road maintenance alliance, Karp is undoubtedly the most reassuring-even the Warring States and generals who know his son's identity do not doubt this. & 1t; /

Nearly two months have passed since St. Charles Rose was attacked near the Capital of Seven Waters ... & 1t; /

The huge sluice gate of Marin Fodor opened, countless naval vessels poured out, and the target city of seven waters went all the way! & 1t; /

Even the Neptunes, facing this mighty, and many dangerous fleets ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, have all hid under the sea to make way out of the channel. & 1t; /

Although there is no concentration of all the elites of the navy as in the "Battle on the Top" in the original work, the strength of the naval headquarters at this moment is no longer comparable to a slaying order, even if it is against the bigmom's regiment. -Just may not win! & 1t; /

However, there is no pressure on a team led by Shangjia II! & 1t; /

The reason why such a disproportionate force was dispatched was that they wanted to blow the bigmom's regiments and the road-protection alliance in one fell swoop, and regain the momentum of the navy, otherwise the situation had started to get out of control. & 1t; /

At the same time, they are still arguing about the Red Dogs, whether to kill or catch the Warring States of Katakuri, etc. of the Bigmom Pirates. On standby ... & 1t; /

They have been here for nearly two months-in order not to be spotted, two months ago, when the navy was not on alert, they had brought enough supplies and "squat" to eat and drink Lazar on the sea floor! & 1t; /

Guan Liyuan also joined them half a month ago-Guan Liyuan has only one person. No matter how navy the Navy is, it is difficult for a man to show his goal on the sea. & 1t; /

"Are you ready? After the Warring States period of twelve hours after they left, we attacked Malin Fudo, and the male team and I made a sharp knife. Be sure to control Marin Fodor within six hours! Before they return in the Warring States Period, open the seabed Prison, destroy justice island! "& 1t; /

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