Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1303: Sea animal hideaway

On the 9th of October in the sea calendar, at 9 o'clock in the morning on October 9, sixty large warships and hundreds of frigates sailed out from Marine Fodor, the naval headquarters.

The Marshal of the Warring States and the Warring States personally led the team. The generals of the headquarters, Red Dogs and Aya, collaborated. More than 100,000 navies set off to seek the road maintenance alliance. The road maintenance alliance was informed. The cadres secretly encouraged morale and played a role in stabilizing people. In addition, the BigMom group led by Katakuli was not brave enough.

However, what others do not know at this time is that hundreds of small and medium-sized submarines rushed to Marin Fudo after the night of the day!

At this time in the submarine, all were the elite of the revolutionary army-not only the elite in combat effectiveness, but also the elite in the degree of trust.

In addition, although there are still 100,000 troops in the Revolutionary Army, their qualities are good and good, and they are all cooperating with various branches of the Revolutionary Army in the four seas.

These elites were brought together by the revolutionary army headquarters and the various local factions directly under one person!

The revolutionary will is far from the four seas and many branches on the Great Channel. Those guys who sell dog meat on the head of the sheep can compare, and only they can make the order prohibition, which way to fight. The strength of expansion and moisture is extremely great, and it is not much closer than "cooperation".

After all, those branches are pursuing their own independence and liberation, and they do not have a long-term vision. They can only guide but not order.

Even the current "collaborators", many are not very reliable, such as ... Why does Moonlight Moria appear near G8? Guan Liyuan didn't know!

Like Crocdal, they are not completely united with the revolutionary army, but just the same purpose.

The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army is elite. Except for a small part of it staying in the new world, everything is already here ...

Hundreds of submersible boats, hundreds of large people, dozens of small people, a total of eight thousand, of which three hundred were trained in the shadows, and cooperated with Guan Liyuan to make a sharp knife.

In terms of quantity, it is really small and pitiful. It can be seen how deep the revolutionary army was pitted two years ago-the loss of a large army was not large, but it was mostly damaged in "eliteness".

Even the world government's alert to the Revolutionary Army has relaxed a lot in the past two years!

Fortunately, in the past two years, Guan Liyuan pushed the situation like gears, so that the revolutionary army had a chance so quickly.

But it is not the same as two years ago. The current revolutionary army looks far more powerful and powerful than it was two years ago. However, the elite forces under full control of the headquarters are much less.

And the real final hammer is still to be done by the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army!

October 10, three in the morning ...

As the navy ’s headquarters, Marin Fodor and the Undersea Prison “Propulsion City” and the “Judicial Island” where the world government court Ainis is located are triangular and connected by special ocean currents. Move quickly between people.

At the same time, to enter Marin Fodor, one must pass through a gate on the high wall of the sea.

At this time, due to the large number of warring states deploying the headquarters navy to seek the capital of the Seven Waters, the defensive forces of Marin Fodor, the advance city, and the Judicial Island have all dropped a lot.

Among them, Propulsion City had almost all the navy withdrawn due to the special jailers inside it, and the Judicial Island also had a special guard. At this time, there were more than 10,000 people in the navy, and there were only more than 10,000 navies in Marin Fudo ...

But even so, no one thinks that the Road Protection Alliance would have the courage to attack the headquarters of the Navy, or even most of the Navy. At this time, the minds of the Road Protection Alliance were shaking, and the Road Protection Alliance were shaking.

The whistle lighter at the west gate, while still swinging the searchlight, was chatting quietly ...

"Mas, tomorrow, the Marshal of the Warring States Period will be able to go to the chaos area of ​​the Baoluo League? Would you like to bet on how long it will take for the Marshal of the Warring States to capture the capital of the Seven Rivers?"

"Well, do you have a brain teaser? You can't lie to me, you can indeed enter the area of ​​the Baolu Union tomorrow night, but it will take seven days to get to the capital of the Seven Waters, and it is natural that the contribution of the Seven Waters capital is only seven days later!"

"Hahaha, you lose ... I will bet within two days! There is no need to go to the capital of the Seven Waters, the Baoluo Alliance will surrender!"

"This ... makes sense, too."

No matter who it is, the Warring States defeats the Baolu League by default, and even "time" is not required, as long as it is there ...

After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is still very large!

"Huh? Look, what's that?" A sharp-eyed sentry called.

At this time, the lampman also shot in the direction he pointed, and found that it was a floating body ... but a floating body of a sea beast!

"It seems to be a large sea beast! Um? It's just floating with the water. It should be the sea beast's body."

"Yes, living sea beasts are afraid to approach here."

"Harper, you take someone to pull up the sea beast ... wait for our lunch at noon, haha."

The sentrymen didn't pay much attention and, as usual, pulled the carcass of the sea monster that happened to be floating up.

A major with a strong sense of domineering glanced a few more times, did not feel there were living people, and did not stop.

Sea animal meat has a long shelf life, and in the sea, it has been dead for a long time, and will soon be eaten by other fish, sea animals, and sea kings, so it must be fresh.

However, when several naval soldiers unraveled sea beasts into pieces and wanted to send them to the cafeteria, someone suddenly found out ...

"Well? There's something in this sea monster's belly?"

"Well ... such a big rock, this sea beast is indeed strangled, isn't it? Stupid ..."

"Wait, this is still a sculpture, is it swallowed from the ruins of the seabed?"

"It really looks like an artificial sculpture ... unfortunately it was picked up in Marin Fodor and it must be handed over to the world government."

"Hurry up! Come back after work!" A major reprimanded several people.

But no one found a captain and a lieutenant around. When they saw the "One-Eyed Stone Man" statue in the belly of the sea beast ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ his eyes fluctuated slightly, but he immediately covered it up ...

At four in the morning, the last darkness before dawn.

It is also the time for Marin Fodor to change defenses-the rules laid down by the Marshal in the early days, and a move in the early hours can ensure sobriety and alertness.

However, this time after the change of defense, the two naval officers did not return to rest, but came to the control room of the gate in the headquarters.

"What the **** do you guys do? Haven't the gate just been repaired a few days ago? I just saw that the left fan was shaking a little ..." Captain Banaka slammed the door of the control room impatiently.

"Ha? I think you're in trouble for our technicians ... said Akira every day, how many times did you fix it, come ... you come in and show me where Akira is!"

The technical lieutenant on duty said, dissatisfied, and opened the door. Recently, there were several other Captains in Banaka. They always said that the gate was not strict and there was any friction noise. The technical staff who thought that the other party was looking for the fault did not follow Process, check in and out of the control room, but let him in directly, let him see the screen on the monitor-it doesn't shake at all!


"you guys……"


However, this time there was an accident. As soon as the two officers came in, they stunned the responsible control room leader. Several other technicians were too late to ring the bell, and they were knocked out with a knife handle!

That's right, the previous sea beast hiders were the internal signal of the revolutionary army. At this time, the revolutionary army's diving fleet had arrived.

At 4:30 in the morning, not long after the change of defense, the newly-posted guard was complaining in his heart. When the changing time was too impersonal, a sound of friction and twisting sounded ...

"Well? Why is the gate open? Is there a boat coming in?"

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