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Vol 2 Chapter 1304: Male team

"Well? Why is the gate open? Is there a boat coming in?"

"There is no application for entering or leaving the ship ... what the guy in the control room is going to do? It won't really break, right? I thought it was Panaka who was unhappy about the people in the control room."

And undercover of Banaka and another revolutionary army, the control room had been "battled" at this time. After all, although some technicians also had the ranks of sergeant and captain, they were only technical ranks, and their actual combat effectiveness was weak. Chicken……

Because in Panama they have always been looking for faults recently. The people in the control room just wanted to talk to them and didn't enter and exit the control room according to the normal process ...

Just when several sentinels wanted to report the matter normally, a Brigadier General in charge of this aspect of defense, using his sense of domineering, heard the dark sea floor faintly, and there were abnormal sounds!


Gradually, the contours of the group of submersibles came to mind.

"Not good! Sound the alarm right away!" Brigadier General shouted.

The sentinels just stumbled for a moment, and immediately followed suit!

Suddenly a few minutes ago, the very quiet Navy Headquarters became "lively", the harsh alarm sounded everywhere, and the resting navy, rolling up and getting up, quickly dressed, able to The bright searchlights were all moved out ...

Although no one expected that the naval headquarters would be attacked, the basic qualities of the navy were not lost.

Karp had already put on his "justice" jacket at this time, and came out with dissatisfaction, while muttering, "Little cubs ... you really do it!"

Although the control room has been recaptured, the equipment inside has been damaged, the gate cannot be re-closed through the organ, and even if the two captured captains are arrested, their heads look violently ... And at this time, Karp has already I can "see" that in the gloomy sea water, a large wave of shadows has poured into the gate!

Marin Fodor built a circle of high walls in the middle of the sea outside the island, and between the high wall and the island, there is a small sea area. The center of the island has a heavy naval headquarters ...

"Follow my direction, fire the gun!" Karp stood on the building of the headquarters, holding the shell with one hand, and then throwing the shell out by hand when he was wrapped in an armed color domineering!

I saw the shell hit the sea in front of the headquarters faster than the artillery fired ...

The other navies everywhere also took this as an indication, hundreds of artillery aimed at this direction, firing shells like rain!

At this point, Karp ’s purpose was not to kill the other party alone, at least to suppress it first, and to delay until the navies were in place—because it was a sneak attack in the early morning and directly entered the gate. There seemed to be some people inside At this time, the Navy was not ready to meet.

However, at this moment, I saw one small, three big, three swarthy submersibles, "jumping" from the sea, and smashed into the square in front of the headquarters with fearless artillery ...

That's right, it's Guan Liyuan who drives the speed boat, and three submarines-all covered with Guan Liyuan's armed color!

Although the sky was not yet bright, the surrounding area was already lit by searchlights. Seeing that these three submarines were intact in the artillery fire, the navy also showed an incredible expression!

"This is ..." Karp looked at the black "coating" with an ominous hunch.

Wouldn't it be armed domineering?

After researching and training for so many years of domineering, and Karp who is good at armed color, I don't know how big Armed Color can be.

After hitting the ground, the three submersibles opened immediately, each with hundreds of elites. It was Guan Liyuan's trump card-the Xiongbing team!

As for Guan Liyuan, at this time, he waved the speedboat directly and knocked down the two giants who wanted to kick the submarine back!

"What is this weird power? Actually, in power, we have won two giant lieutenants?"

"Quick! Kill the Landing Troops!"

The admirals were stunned as they watched the two lieutenant giants who slumped and turned, but other admirals immediately responded and immediately commanded ...

"Xiongbing! Target, Naval Headquarters! Capturing Karp!" Guan Liyuan shouted with a slogan that caused Karp to jump above the head.

At this time, in addition to the four giants who were only responsible for fighting, there were also Gen. Jando, who was also a giant but was responsible for training recruits, and five other commanding generals. Cap ", in addition to Lieutenant General Mole, Lieutenant General Dalmesia, Lieutenant General Stokkaberry, and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider.

Four lieutenant generals and five giant lieutenants have also reached the front line.

However, after the navy organized several rounds of rifle fire, it was found that the number of people on the other side did not decrease at all, and even the momentum of the charge was not weakened!

Although the standard musket of the Pirate World is not a powerful weapon, but ... the ones who can avoid the musket and split the bullets are also some capable guys. As for the muskets that do not evade and do not ignore them at close range, Put in the first half of the great channel, it is also a little master!

"What?" The ghost spider staggered, and then found ...

There are a total of three hundred chaotic troops. Although the weapons held at this time are different, the same thing is ... everyone is covered with armed color!

Hundreds of masters who are armed and domineering and have practiced to cover the whole body?

What a joke!

Several Lieutenant Generals felt a bit ruined ...

However, at this time, the three hundred male soldiers had already entered the flock and entered the navy. One by one, they had excellent swordsmanship, sharp swords and axes, exquisite physical skills, or hammered thunder ...

The most terrifying thing is that the attacks of ordinary naval officers and school officials are completely countless, relying on armed arrogance and resistance, and their strength and perception have also been greatly improved.

That's right, this is Guan Liyuan's military team specially trained to attack!

It is true to say "elite", but in fact, the strength is not top, but at the expense of further possibilities, no need for self-creation at all, relying on duck-style training to be equivalent to about ten million pirates, In other words, it is a "pseudo-master" on the level of Sauron, and masters some "return to life" skills.

As for the aspect of armed domineering and seeing the domineering ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the halo effect completely given to Guan Liyuan ...

The reason to master some "return to life" techniques is also to better control yourself-otherwise the frontal Buff halo of the armed color domineering aura will also cause a little dissonance to the body.

As long as within 500 meters of Guan Liyuan, 300 members of the male soldier team can exert the power of 300 "close to supernova pirates". Even if the personal strength is still weak, the male soldier team knows how to cooperate, some of which are strongest, or Is it taking the fruits of the animal department, or the weapon of the sea floor, when encountering a powerful opponent, it will naturally form a team of three or five people, or even a dozen people, as a sharp knife to attack!

Even when Guan Liyuan was by his side, he had the strength to be able to collide with Kaidu ’s Beast Corps, but only 500 meters away from the switch, the effect of the halo would gradually fade away. Without Guan Liyuan, it was just an ordinary "elite" ...

However, at this time Guan Liyuan led the team personally, and saw that there were not many black people, but it was like a torrent of steel that completely broke through the navy's undefeated defensive circle, and the frequency of artillery fire dropped suddenly. Hundreds of submarines also landed !!

In addition to the male soldiers, followed by a group of white cloaks and white masks, the performance is also very eye-catching, headed by a giant who can soften the land and make waves ...

But ... if you look closely, you will find that the so-called "cloak" is just a cut-out sheet, and the mask is just a white underwear ...

"The more you hide your identity, the more you will pay attention to it. Exposing everything is the best option ... Charge! The sky allows me to fly! Waves!" The giant Mori shouted fiercely while stirring the softened with a trident. ground.

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