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Vol 2 Chapter 1305: Battle of Marin Fodor

"No! You can't hurt these monsters at all!"

"Fuck off! Non-combatant school officials, don't get close to the guys who are all black! Brigadier General above, stand with me!"

"Ah! Help, help, the perverts here are so scary ..."

Indeed, Guan Liyuan, the pervert there, feels horrible-a giant with a length, width, and height, speaking uncle, but with a tone like a girl, and ... at this time "wearing" full fruit sheets and wearing a huge face White underwear ...

The naval soldier passing under his sheets, even if not attacked, is estimated to have suffered psychological trauma.

That's right, before Guan Liyuan crossed the Pirate World for the first time, in fact, the Huacheng niece with the forum id of "sox taught forever" also visited the Revolutionary Army once and also held a (jia) seat.

Although sox also barely counted as a revolutionary organization, after all, it was vigorously promoted * under the government rule that banned Huang Duanzi and other sexual propaganda, and aimed at overthrowing ascetic tyranny ... But Guan Liyuan didn't understand it. How can it help the revolutionary army!

On the contrary, it did bring a group of revolutionary trends of thought, among which the most distorted one was Mori, the commander of the "Western Army" of the Revolutionary Army, who came from a giant race and possessed the ability of clay fruit.

Originally, Morrie's thinking was extremely feminine opposite to the appearance. After experiencing the "brainwashing" of sox, it became synonymous with "pervertedness"!

In addition to Morrie, the captain of the Eastern Army, Belo Betty, was left in the world because of "encouraging the fruit"-the effect of encouraging the fruit is that it can arouse people's resistance and awaken people Potential power.

If this effect is not permanent, like Guan Liyuan's armed color aura, it will gradually decline. Now there are endless revolutionary forces.

However, this effect is the same as Guan Liyuan's halo, which is only effective for people around him, and it is the best for ordinary people. The true revolutionary army is elite and does not need psychological "inspiring". As for strength inspiring ... For stronger people, the effect is worse, but ordinary people will be judged as "two" after being "inspired".

So staying in the world, she can play a bigger role.

As for the commander of the Army of the South, Lindbergu, is good at using and designing and manufacturing various new weapons. Therefore, together with Frank, he is in the arsenal of Alabastan.

And the army's crow of the Northern Army ... Unfortunately, two years ago, Ivankov was locked in the city of advancement!

As a leader, Dorag himself remained in the New World at this time-in the New World, where the world's government has the weakest rule, the revolutionary army was not completely inactive.

At this time in Marin Fudo, the soldiers led by Guan Liyuan were like an indomitable black sword, cutting the navy's defense line recklessly ...

There are only major general officers above, or brigadier generals with special abilities, who have the ability to give them fatal blows. Even the lieutenant colonels and colonels of this headquarters can only restrict one or two.

And the part with special abilities, we must always be careful of the sea floor stone weapons in the hands of the captains of the male soldiers.

The navy below the school officer is basically hitting the stone with the male team!

What really counts as threats are only Lieutenant General Mole who is good at Kendo, Lieutenant General Stokkaberry who is good at two swords, and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider who is good at returning life ... Ghost Spider simulates six arms with a control head, each holding With a knife, he utterly used Yadao Liu.

However, at this time, the three Lieutenant Generals were each dragged by the captains of several male soldiers teaming up to siege-Guan Liyuan's armed color domineering, even they were not so easy to break through, and the "defense" aspect could resist, Naturally you can use the sea of ​​people to pile ...

As for Lieutenant General Dalmesia, because of his ability to form canine fruit and barley town, he was severely restrained by the captains of the male soldiers who possessed special characteristics, embedded with sea floor stone weapons, and were not a threat.

There is a lot of cooperation with the surrounding naval branches over the Baoluo Alliance. There are countless sea floor stones, and the Natural Revolutionary Army also has the materials for sea floor stone weapons ...

The five Lieutenant Generals, including recruit instructor Jan Endo, were being "hanged" by Morrie.

Because the giants are too bulky, after the ground softened and even formed waves, they couldn't maintain their balance at all, and howled by Morrie's trident!

Regarding the case where Moli, as a giant, has the fruit ability, Guan Liyuan also studied ...

Normally, it is difficult for giants to enjoy the effect of devil fruit. Most devil fruits are not enough to give such large-volume and high-potential creatures fruit ability. After all, animal fruits are also good, and most human fruits are also good. Well, as well as the natural fruits that can be elementized, are changing themselves.

Another example that Guan Liyuan knows is that when a giant eats "little fruit", it has the ability to become smaller ...

However, Morrie's situation is different, not because the clay fruit is special, but because he is very special. Soon after taking the fruit, Morrie awakens the natural clay fruit, so that he can use ordinary ground or soil. Ability to transform into clay properties!

While normal should have the ability to make himself appear clay, but Morrie still can't.

The naval force of Marin Fodor is not as good as the Revolutionary Army's Expeditionary Regiment. Unlike the top battle in the original, the navy has not recruited all its forces from the beginning. Not only can't all the divisions be expected, but the headquarters. The generals and generals are not full. At this time, most of the combat power is also taken away by the Warring States to seek a road maintenance alliance!

In addition, it was attacked from the beginning and was not fully prepared. Later, the defense team repeatedly tore the line of defense, making the Navy unable to organize an effective counterattack ...

Karp looked at the headquarters, and felt like this would continue. I'm afraid I really need to kneel. I can't help humming. He pulled off his shawl of justice, turned his fists into pure black, and jumped directly from the headquarters. Smashed into the male team!

With a loud noise, the members of the male soldiers around Karp's place, even with the protection of armed color domineering, screamed and flew out-after all, their armed color was not the original.

A long-legged soldier with a bunny fruit and snow rabbit form ability ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, swinging from the back with a long leg, flying up, and kicking Karp from the back, but However, Karp was present for the first time, and without turning his head, he directly waved his back and punched it back!

Look at his painful holding of his leg, it is likely that his leg bone was broken ...

"It is Lieutenant Capu!"

"Good, good!"

"Of course, Capu is a hero of our navy. The three generals respect King Capu!"

The navy was saved some morale by Karp's iron fist ...

However, when Karp was staring at the most conspicuous, and was using a trident plus clay fruit ability to press the five giant Lieutenant General Murray, Guan Liyuan stopped him!

"Is Tekken Karp? If you want to join the revolutionary army, you can come here to sign up, but if you want to make a mess ... this road is not working." Guan Liyuan said.

"You devil, how dare you say that? Domineering ... Not the bigger the coverage, the stronger it is!" Kapu blasted towards Guan Liyuan like a cannonball, and his right fist completely turned into a dark color!

"It's not that the older you get, the stronger ... active punches!" Guan Liyuan continued to slap Carp.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan also bluffed his right hand, and a ball of black and purple appeared in the palm of Guan Liyuan's hands out of thin air. It is Guan Liyuan's reference to the life force cohesion method of the Naruto world to return the armed color domineering with soul attack effect and return life. Combining, the means of direct use of domineering attacks were developed!

It was as if Captain's iron fist was caught in the palm of his hand, and the fists of the two collided together.

Immediately centered on the two of them, the ground was lowered a bit, and even caused a huge blast. Both the male soldiers and the navy were hit by invisible shocks. Even the major-general navy was unstable for a while. ...

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