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Vol 2 Chapter 1306: Karp ... Governor? (2 in 1)

"Actually greeted the fist of Lieutenant General Capu? He's dead!" & 1t; /

"Yes, the legendary Captain's iron fist can break an island with one punch ..." & 1t; /

"Even Roger and Shiji of that year trembled under the iron fist of Lieutenant General Cap!" & 1t; /

The navy apparently had some self-consoling anticipation ... & 1t; /

With the fierce collision sound, Guan Liyuan and Karp's counter-fist centered, not only the flying sand and rocks, floor tiles were scattered, but also the surrounding soldiers and the navy were also washed away ... & 1t; /

However, after the dust was settled, Guan Liyuan and Karp were separated. Guan Liyuan was still standing at the center of the collision, keeping his palms swollen, and Karp ... although he hadn't fallen yet, he squatted in half. In a posture of nearly 100 meters away! & 1t; /

Under the feet of the two slightly flexed legs are two inch deep trenches, which were obviously pushed away by the impact and barely kept standing ... & 1t; /

If you look closely, Karp's right fist will tremble slightly at this time, but it will be adjusted immediately. & 1t; /

After a brief period of silence, the navy was still dead, and the revolutionary side was cheering! & 1t; /

For a long time, as the elite of the revolutionary army, they all knew that the former chief of staff Guan Liyuan was very strong, but it is a mystery to what extent ... & 1t; /

Although the coverage area of ​​the armed color domineering can not absolutely explain the strength, but the coverage area can reach such a large size, at least not less than the four army commanders and the naval generals, right? & 1t; /

But now it can be clearly seen that Guan Liyuan is in the field where the hero of the navy hero Karp is best-brute force collision, occupying an advantage! & 1t; /

"It is worthy of Lieutenant General Capu, who is always strong and strong." Guan Liyuan said, while applauding sincerely. & 1t; /

"Boy, you are quite capable ... but my husband hasn't been abandoned by the times, Kakaka ... It hasn't been loose for a long time!" Carp laughed as he tore off his jacket suit, revealing The healthy muscles swelled in a circle. & 1t; /

Guan Liyuan could not help but let go of his lips—what's the point of making muscles bigger? A little mastery of life return can do it! But how much can you make yourself stronger? & 1t; /

However, Karp's purpose has been achieved. The navy saw this scene, and morale has recovered. I probably thought that Lieutenant General Karp had not used all his strength before. & 1t; /

Only some of the lieutenant generals and major generals saw Carp's embarrassment, but at this time it was of no help ... & 1t; /

"Since this is the case, I have to be more serious!" Guan Liyuan said. & 1t; /

Guan Liyuan ’s body directly swelled slightly ... & 1t; /

Some naval generals and major generals, as well as the commanders and chiefs of the revolutionary army, could not help but secretly feel funny-thinking that Guan Liyuan was also unwilling to use the same method and wanted to boost morale. & 1t; /

But then, everyone showed some differences. At the same time that Guan Liyuan's body was slightly inflated, his body shape, especially his skin color, had also changed significantly. At the same time, the power that seemed to be irritating to the skin gradually dispersed! & 1t; /

"Here, this is ... the devil fruit? The devil fruit of the animal department?" Lieutenant General Moore could not help but shrink his pupils. He was stricken by the head of an animal department tauren with a male soldier on his stomach and then severely beaten. few times. & 1t; /

The devil's fruit ability is actually "the same thing" in the eyes of a real master, not to mention the most insignificant animal department in the fruit ability? & 1t; /

But now the situation is different ... & 1t; /

Without the use of animal-based fruits, you can suppress Karp on a hard-to-hit basis, and then use animal-based fruits that have the greatest increase in their own power ... Is this heaven? & 1t; /

And at this time they did not realize the most terrifying thing-yes, Guan Liyuan used the professional transformation of "Sacred Soul White Tiger", which showed that the main world is not only the "Animal Department", but the "Animal Department and Phantom" The power of the "white tiger form" ... was awakened! & 1t; /

After turning around, Guan Liyuan pulled up to about four meters in height and was still human. After removing his coat, he could still see the pectoral muscles and abdominal muscles, but the exterior had a layer of bright white tiger skin with a light black pattern. & 1t; /

The hands are still human, and the nails are not getting longer, but on the knuckle root on the back of the hand, a sharp claw-like spike is prominent ... & 1t; /

There is a white tiger on his head, but the human face appears in the mouth that is wide open-it looks more like a tiger head helmet. & 1t; /

From both shoulders, they pulled down a slender fur belt, which hung all over the waist, representing the white tiger's wings! & 1t; /

"Animals? No ... not a normal animal ... Was it an awakened? Or a fantasy beast?" Carp said with some dignity. & 1t; /

"Congratulations, you guessed it right." Guan Liyuan said, his fists hitting his chest. & 1t; /

Suddenly, a dark purple streamer lingered on Guan Liyuan's white fur—the power of the awakened fantasy beast is no longer covered by the domineering color of the armed forces. Unlike the previous body turning black and purple, Guan Liyuan was white at this time. The lines on your fur become black purple! & 1t; /

The fruit of the fantasy beast is more precious than the fruit of the natural system, and the difficulty of awakening is comparable to that of the natural system! & 1t; /

Corresponding to this, after the awakening of the fruit of the fantasy beast, not only the strength and vitality of the animal system will be greatly improved, but also the special ability unique to the fantasy beast will be further strengthened. & 1t; /

For example, Marko of the White Bearded Pirates. In addition to the general ability of bird and bird fruit, the undead fruit also has the ability to fire and regenerate. If awakened, these two forces will also strengthen ... & 1t; /

The cat cat fruit, fantasy beast species, and white tiger form have the ability to "kill" and "wind"! & 1t; /

I saw between Guan Liyuan's double fists, with Guan Liyuan as the center, a gust of wind rolled around-Bai Hu kill, wind from tiger! & 1t; /

It's not the animal demon fruit, but also a fantasy beast! & 1t; /

Karp and many other admirals and lieutenants who are still thinking about it have fallen into deep doubts-since they have the devil fruit ability, why can they still fly from the sea? Guan Liyuan just came out of the sea in a speedboat! & 1t; /

And what is the concept of the awakening of a fantasy beast? & 1t; /

Even if it is not domineering, the awakening of magical beasts alone is enough to reach the level of generals? If it is superimposed with the physical accomplishments shown by Guan Liyuan just now ... what kind of monster is this? & 1t; /

At the same time, an invisible tiger howl sounded in the minds of the surrounding navies, and immediately stunned hundreds of navies ... It was the combination of the holy spirit white tiger and the overbearing color. & 1t; /

Although nominally overbearing and domineering "does not fear the sea tactics", it is only relatively speaking. & 1t; /

Regardless of the scope or the number, there are actually restrictions, and they belong to the very long "cool down time" big move-often without the effect of the real big move. & 1t; /

For example, in the original battle of White Beard in the top battle, because it has a wide range of fruit capabilities, it has never used the overlord color domineering. & 1t; /

As for Luffy's large-scale, overbearing tyrant that is tens of thousands of people, not only because his overlord is inherently powerful, but also because it is a special effect of his overlord, like Guan Liyuan ’s armed color domineering For the soul effect, Shanks ’domineering color and domineering can affect matter ... & 1t; /

Like Karp ’s domineering color, there is no special effect at all, or ... his special effect is "strong"! & 1t; /

In fact, combined with Luffy, there are similarities between the ancestors and grandsons--Luffy's overbearing color and domineering in the original work also enhances its own scope and number of influences. & 1t; /

And Guan Liyuan ’s overbearing color domineering, although it died the day after tomorrow, but because of the effect of soul power, the power is not inferior to the innate and powerful existence-the overlord color domineering is largely related to the congenital life style. In other words, it is related to the "degree of favor of the will of the universe". The avatar has the strongest qualifications, but does not have the strongest life form. & 1t; /

Therefore, Guan Liyuan cultivated the overlord color in the Pirate World. Although he can get started, it is actually the least efficient ... & 1t; /

But even so, it is already a first-class level, but the range is not too large, and it is not even as good as the halo range of the armed color domineering. & 1t; /

However, within the range, the majors below were completely destroyed, and the majors also did not resist! & 1t; /

"Is one of the million people overbearing and domineering?" Lieutenant General Ghost Spider sank in his heart. & 1t; /

The rarity of overlord color and domineering is not contradictory to "as in the new world, such as crossing the river"-the probability of "one out of a million people" is indeed very small ... & 1t; /

However, we need to know that there are more than a billion people only by the four seas and the great waterways. The New World is the essence of the group of "pirates", and it is normal to say that it is like crossing the river. & 1t; /

For Guan Liyuan's overbearing color domineering, the Lieutenant Generals also behaved calmly-this is already the most reasonable thing among many incredible, if Guan Liyuan does not have overlord color domineering it is strange! & 1t; /

At this time Guan Liyuan just tried it at hand, and did not expect to rely on the overbearing color and domineering power. & 1t; /

Immediately in the howling wind, I rushed to Karp again ... & 1t; /

This time, it was not just boxing, but a physical boxing fight with the actual addition of boxing. & 1t; /

But ... Guan Liyuan and Karp had a hard time before, the latter had already suffered a small loss in their best area, and now Karp is only a symbolic "inflation", but Guan Liyuan actually took out before The strength retained can be imagined! & 1t; /

I saw Karp ’s "Iron Fist of Love" directly hammering Guan Liyuan's tiger, but it only crooked Guan Liyuan's neck and slightly distorted his features, while Guan Liyuan's punch could cover Karp's arrogance. Five holes were also broken in the chest by the spikes at the end of the knuckles on the back of the hand! & 1t; /

"Lieutenant General Cape is fighting his own battle. The heroes of the Navy may lose, but the spirit of the Navy will not lose! For justice!" Lieutenant General Dalmesia shouted. & 1t; /

Just after shouting, another soldier captain with a sea floor stone nunchuck drew a red mark on the dog's face ... & 1t; /

And Guan Liyuan also held Carp's face at this time, accompanied by the strong wind, and broke into the navy headquarters all the way! & 1t; /

The navy and the revolutionary army outside are still fighting, but the difference is that the male soldiers are now naturally guarding the cave where Guan Liyuan carried Carp in. & 1t; /

Not only did he not want Guan Liyuan to be disturbed, but also because they had to be around Guan Liyuan to be able to use their strength. & 1t; /

The Mole Lieutenant also realized this, but there was no good restraint, or ... I thought of restraint, but it was not practical! & 1t; /

For example, killing Guan Liyuan directly will cause the male soldiers to lose their armed and domineering arrogance, which can greatly reduce their strength, but ... even Captain Capu ca n’t do it. Now, let ’s worry about whether Capu will It is better to be killed. & 1t; /

And no one noticed that in the chaotic battlefield, there was a member of the male soldiers team, followed by Guan Liyuan and Kapu into the headquarters while chaos! & 1t; /

"Why is it so long? Did the call for help go out?" Mole demanded a major general who was returning as he forced a few soldier captains with his sword. & 1t; /

"The internal liaison room was also undercover. At the beginning, it gave the wrong signal. Fortunately, it was revealed in time ... but the Marshal of the Warring States rushed back, at least at midnight! We ... it was difficult to keep it!" Said the general. & 1t; /

At this moment it was just bright, and there was still a full day before midnight. & 1t; /

After all, it has been 2o hours since the Warring States Period left, and even if you drive back with full power, considering the current and wind direction, it may not be too fast. & 1t; /

Lieutenant General Mole gave a little hesitation, and immediately ordered: "Notify everyone! After the officers of the rank or above in the battle sequence are cut off, others will return to the headquarters and must be dragged back to the Marshal!" & 1t; /

When the ghost spider heard it, it couldn't help but stun it, and even the "arm" formed by a head was cut off! & 1t; /

After all, the so-called headquarters of Mole at this time refers to the headquarters building behind them-indeed there are some institutions such as falling doors that are conducive to defense, but ... Is it necessary to stay at the headquarters building in Marin Fodor? Wouldn't it be a disguised admission that Marin Fodor had been captured? & 1t; /

But the ghost spider thought it over and understood it. & 1t; /

Now I admit to retreating, and then there is a chance to fight with the Marshal of the Warring States Marshal. If they are completely captured by the opponent, not only will the Marshal of the Warring States Marshal be very passive, but for the Navy, the loss of face is even greater! & 1t; /

Just when other Lieutenant Generals were hesitant to do this, someone made a choice for them ... & 1t; /

On the high platform of the headquarters building, Karp suddenly stood out ... & 1t; /

"The navy has already stopped in the revolutionary army!" Shouted Karp, who was **** and wounded, but still full of vitality. & 1t; /

After hearing the words, the navy stunned, and after Guan Liyuan also appeared behind him, the men of the male soldiers also stopped first, and the battlefield was quiet quietly ... & 1t; /

"You all listen to the words of the old man ... The world government goes against the law, slaughters innocent people, persecutes dissidents, indulges the Tianlong people to keep their slaves, ignores the justice of the navy, and treats the navy as a home slave with the family law of the dragon! It's hard to say that the justice of the navy is intolerable, and today it's released its various criminal evidence to show the world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and ... From today, the naval headquarters Marin Fudo will implement the true justice of the navy. The position of Governor-General is based on the promotion of the four seas, the settlement of civilians, and the punishment and removal of evil. He officially declared war on Mary Joa and declared war on the world government. He failed to abolish slavery one day and did not stop the persecution of non-joining countries. , The war will not be lifted in one day! "& 1t; /

Mole, Ghost Spider, Stockbridge, Dalmesia :? ? ? & 1t; /

The navy is very nagging, the navals are very nagging ... you always read the wrong lines, right? & 1t; /

At the same time, as Captain's confidant, Naval Swordsman Cappadic, he suddenly shouted, "Support Lieutenant General Capu, support Governor Capu, support the justice of the Navy!"

As soon as Scarpadic spoke, there were really a lot of responders ... & 1t; /

"No, no! Bellumber, do you feel it? This Captain is very wrong ..." & 1t; /

"Well, I feel it!" & 1t; /

Kirby was going up to question Scarpadic-no one else could see it, he wouldn't see it! & 1t; /

Although the other person's expression and tone are indeed exquisite, and they look exactly the same, but in some details, familiar people can see the difference, especially ... this paragraph is not like Karp said! & 1t; /

But Kirby had just turned around, and was immediately hit **** the head by the handle of Gulke's machete. & 1t; /

Before fainting, Kirby turned to see Bellumber and said, "You should take a break ..." & 1t; /

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