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Vol 2 Chapter 1307: Karp rebelled?

"Marshal, Marshal, new news from Marin Fodor ..." A messenger broke into the temporary conference room on the main ship.

After opening the door, it was discovered that the two generals of the Warring States Period, Qingying, and Red Dogs, as well as several Lieutenant Generals, were in a meeting. Seeing his malady, Red Dog's bad eyes flew over immediately.

"What's the new news? Isn't it that the Revolutionary Army has already occupied Malin Fudo more?" Qing Yan broke the embarrassment of the messenger.

However, the news he said was not auspicious, and the red dog was glared again, but Qingyu only saw it.

Before that, they have received the news that Marin Fodor has come twice in succession. The first one is "reporting peace". It is very meaningless-what kind of strength are you reporting?

Originally, the Warring States Period did not worry about Marin Fodor, and did not let people report peace in real time!

However, a short while later, a second emergency message came from the phone bug—Marin Fudo was attacked by the revolutionary army, and there were a lot of undercover, including the one who just passed the message ... Now it is in danger!

At this time, the Warring States and other people were meeting to discuss this matter ...

Marin Fodor has all been attacked. This review is destined to end without disease. Otherwise, is it necessary to conquer his old nest in order to seek the road maintenance alliance?

When the Navy loses its face and majesty, it will not make up for rolling the Baolu League ten times!

What needs to be discussed is how to rush back to support it, or should it be left behind? Would you like to send an advance team and rush back to Malin Fudo?

Since it was the revolutionary army that attacked Marin Fodor, and the relationship between the road maintenance alliance and the revolutionary army was not clear, it is very likely that the road maintenance alliance also knew this. If it retreats too quickly, will it be ambush by the road maintenance alliance? ?

At other times, the Warring States will not worry about this, but for the navy's main force now, time is the majesty of the navy!

For example, the red dog is still proposing, leaving him a small number of people to ask him to seek a road maintenance alliance alone, while Qing Yan suggested that he use his fruit ability to quickly freeze on the sea and take the opportunity to lead some Elite rushed back to Malin Fudo ...

And just then, there was new news-of course, no one took the words of Qing Ye seriously at this time!

Lieutenant General Capu took his place personally. Even if Marin Fodor's internal forces were empty and the revolutionary army was powerful, wouldn't he fall so fast?

However, at this moment, the messenger said: "Marin Fodor ... Marin Fodor ... Captain declared the naval headquarters in Marin Fodor, proclaimed Governor Marin Fodor, and declared war with the world government and the sky ... Open the evidence of world government! "

Sengoku, Aoki, Chiken, a series of alternate generals and lieutenants :? ? ?

Everyone looked at him with a "you're teasing me" expression, and the messenger also wanted to cry without tears, but he could only bite his head and said, "This is how the electricity is written, and ... there is a news agency penetrated by the revolutionary army. , Already sending a message. "

"Okay, you go down first." Warring States face said ugly.

The messenger's salute left ...

But in the conference room, the atmosphere became more dignified.

"Green 雉, Red Dog ... and everyone, what do you think." Warring States said.

"It's hard to believe that Capcom will make such a decision. It seems that the other party has some special ability of camouflage type, so you must be careful in the future." Qing Yan said.

However, Red Dog said immediately: "Now the focus is not 'after', and it is not whether we believe it, but what the world government will think!"

"I would like to know more about what will be announced in the fake Cap, whether it is completely fabricated, or ... will the Navy, or even some hidden government actions be announced?" Taotu said.

As a female general candidate, Peach Bunny and Crane Lieutenant General have forgotten their new year's friendship, but Red Dog is not very good at her.

"Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, please pay attention to your words! The news announced by the Revolutionary Army is, of course, fabricated rumors!" Chi Dog said.

Without letting them guess, soon the "image phone bug" on the navy ship also received news of emergency news around the world ...

The content of the news is mainly Lieutenant General Capu ... No, it is precisely the "inaugural speech" of Governor Capu!

In some news signals, an unprocessed version was played. While Karp was sworn in and declared war with the World Government and the Dragons, he also announced the criminal evidence of the World Governments and the Dragons as promised. Get involved in the event!

What Karp mainly wants to say is that the world government regards the navy as a servant of the Tianlong people, and even pays for their wayward and unreasonable behavior. To this end, he wants to "represent the navy" and break with the world government ...

Some old acquaintances of Karp, such as the Marshal of the Warring States Period, such as Lieutenant General Crane who is not here, at this time all saw that Karp had problems. Although the tone and habitual movements were mimicked, they looked exactly the same , But the difference can be seen in more details!

Most importantly ... they understand that Karp doesn't do this!

Representing the navy breaking with world governments?

In their view, it is harmful to the navy and the world government, and it may indirectly hurt more civilians. In contrast, it is not as good as default ...

For example, half of what Karp announced was true, and the other half ... Many did not know whether it was true or false, it might be framed, or it could be learned by the revolutionary army from other sources!

However, after being familiar with Karp, there are only a few people after all, and most other navies can only "take heart."

In fact, among the navy, there are many people who are dissatisfied with some of the actions of the world government, but most of them think that if the "two evils are the most important thing," then relying on the world government can exercise the justice of the navy. Even more practical-they cannot resist the orders of world governments.

But now there are "naval heroes" taking the lead in announcing that the navy is independent of the world government?

Will it be able to better implement "the justice of the navy" in the future?

There are really many divisions responding, especially those that are fighting the revolutionary army around ... some are really responses from the heart, and some are simply not wanting to fight, just have an excuse!

At this time in Marin Fodor, he was dressed in a Cap suit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but the guy with the face of Uncle Shemale said to Guan Liyuan, "Do you really need to kill that guy? I have observed him for a long time , I will definitely not have problems with Yirong, but if you are run away from the real goods, I am afraid that something will happen! "

"No, I asked you to come here. It was only temporary. You will return to more and more important tasks in the future. Capu was originally the best candidate for Governor Marin Fodor." Guan Liyuan said.

"What? You're crazy? He's a navy and a naval hero ... isn't it good for you to be governor yourself?"

Guan Liyuan shook his head and said, "We are still too weak compared to the world government. It is more in our interest to have a high-weight former navy as an agent, and ... by the way, he is still Dorrag's father. . "

"It was the boss's old ... ha? Ha? What did you say? Karp is ... the boss's father?" Uncle Simon felt that he was all bad.

"Did I say that before?" Guan Liyuan said curiously.

"No, I definitely don't! Don't forget my proposal!"

The reason why Karp was chosen was to choose him as the governor of Mariin Fodor. In addition to the longer-term purpose, it was also because Guan Liyuan also needed Mariin Fodor's navy to break through the judicial island ...

Otherwise, the 8,000 Revolutionary Army alone, the guard of Marin Fudo, and the breach of the Judiciary Island and the Undersea Prison ... Time is too late!

Of course, if you really want to persuade Karp in that situation and in a short time, Guan Liyuan can't do it, so he will pull von Cray to support the scene.

Shortly after working with Crockdale, von Cray and miss. Golden Week were pulled by Guan Liyuan to the revolutionary army. As a symbol of cooperation, Crockdale did not stop ...

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