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Vol 2 Chapter 1308: Governor's Pre-War Mobilization (2 in 1)

"Shit, how dare you do that? You thought you could control the navy by disguising the dead lady as an old man?" Capu said, staring at Guan Liyuan.

If it hadn't been for the whole body locked up and locked in the cell, it would not be as simple as staring at him now.

"Governor Karp, don't get too excited. If I were you, think about it later, Marin Fodor ... Ab, it's Marin Fodor, the Judicial Island, and the development of the urban triangle." Guan Liyuan said.

"Who promised you what governor? What a fool! Idiot!" Karp retorted even more angrily.

"Well? Did n’t promise us? That ’s really a shame. So far, the first half of the Four Seas and the Great Channel have already had one-fifth of the naval branch, and announced that they will follow the" Governor Karp "and pursue the true justice of the navy. ... This number continues to increase. What will happen to them if Governor Karp is false in the future? "Guan Liyuan said intentionally.

Karp could not help but be silent for a while-if all these people used their excuses as a truce with the revolutionary army, then Karp would not have to worry about them at all, and would even be happy to seduce "traitors".

But now ... Karp understands that there must be a part of it, and what "navy justice" is to follow sincerely!

In particular, the Department of Archives actually has an undercover revolutionary army, which directly publishes and publishes some of the Navy's confidential operational data.

Although it is simple to say that these are "rumours", at the same time, because these things are real, as an insider, if you check it a little, you will find clues. There will be a nagging navy and a tangled navy. It is also normal to be dissatisfied and betrayed.

And this number also shocked Karp-it was just a few hours before a fifth of the divisions announced that they were following? Wouldn't it be fooling him ...

Looking at Karp's suspicious eyes, Guan Liyuan just contacted Malin Fudo with an emergency call phone and showed the list of followers to Karp-of course, Karp would not know that the branch in the four seas A large part was "taken down" long ago by the revolutionary army in disguise.

Just then, Bellumber entered the prison, holding a telegram that the telegraph phone bug spit out.

"Secretary, there is news from Mary Joa, which is published to the world." Bellumber said.

"Well ... kid, you're quite capable? I used to feel that you had a problem with your chin-broken dad. It turns out that ... Is this young already a revolutionary army?" Carp's tone was dissatisfied, but There are not many complaints.

"I'm very sorry, Governor Karp. Because of the mission, I didn't reveal my true identity to you for the time being," Bellumber said.

"Dare you call me" Governor ", believe it or not, and I will break your chin?" Carp, instead, was dissatisfied with the title of "Governor".

Guan Liyuan looked at the telegram at this time, and said in front of his eyes: "Even if he is not called" Governor ", he can only be called" Old Man "... the world government has informed you of the relationship between Lao and Dorag, and this time Malinfo's incident has been characterized as a revolutionary army that has been dormant for a long time. All the disclosures are fake. All your old positions have been officially revoked and wanted. At the same time, the naval branch that responded to you is also characterized as revolution Army ... well, this list is more than I just gave you. "

Karp heard that she turned black ...

Guan Liyuan doesn't feel strange!

The relationship between Karp and Dorrag is not a secret in the highest levels of the navy, and the senior officials in the natural world are also aware of it.

However, in this case, at least before today, neither the Warring States nor the world government had ever doubted Karp. If the former is based on emotional trust, then the latter is definitely because of Karp Do too much to dispel doubt.

but now……

This "trust" is gone in the latter's heart!

Since the official notification from the world government that Karp and Dorrag are father-son relationships, they have completely cut off the possibility of "reversing" Karp's case. Whether Karp is true or fake, from now on ... Karp, And the navy that follows Karp is no different from the revolutionary army in the eyes of the world government, even if it proves that Karp was fake in the future.

"How? Try to explain it to the world government. Someone pretended to be you. As for the navy that follows you ... ha, they are all their choices, and they have nothing to do with you?" Guan Liyuan asked.

Karp was silent for a while, then said, "You and Dorrag are idiots! Do you really think that you can defeat the world government? Even if you seem to have prepared a lot, it seems to make the world government Crashing, but ... I don't know the other ones, you can't control it just by Clokerdal, Moonlight Moria?

The best you can do is just to lose the hegemony of the world government and plunge the sea into chaos between the various parties. In that case, the civilian population will only suffer more serious injuries! "

Karp didn't seem to have a head, but his eyes were sharper than Guan Liyuan imagined.

"I agree with all but the last sentence." Guan Liyuan did not deny-until now he does not know when Clocdal and Moria were together!

"Are you confident that you can control the loss?" Karp asked Guan Liyuan, seemingly trying to see his guilty conscience.

However, Guan Liyuan did not want to lie and shook his head directly: "No, which side is more 'serious'. It is better to just look at the damage and sacrifice hundreds of millions for the future. There are already many opportunities. In the 800 years, even the oppressed mermaids have given the world government more than one chance, but they have only dismissed them.

By the way, in fact, Dorag wanted to give the world government a chance before, and there are even more naive guys who put their hope on the world government and are still pushing the city to squat. "

After Karp and Guan Liyuan looked at each other for a while, a sigh came from the prison ...

After half an hour, Feng Kelei's nose was swollen and his face swollen and Guan Liyuan complained, "Isn't it reasonable? Obviously you directed it, why did you end up being me?"

"Hahaha, the old man is so good-looking, let him be relieved after being stung! Don't care, like a man!" Guan Liyuan patted Feng Kelei's shoulder.

"No, this baby is not a man!"

"Well, that's like a girl ..."

Guan Liyuan was in a good mood. At this time, Karp had been "convinced" and was doing his best to attack the unit of the Judiciary Island-about seven or eight thousand people, of which only 30% were the revolutionary army, and the other 70 were the navy!

Of course, Karp was not "convinced" because he did not really accept Guan Liyuan's statement, but because Guan Liyuan finally said to him-whether you stay in prison or continue to organize and implement true justice Navy, my plan will not stop ... or you can try, can you kill me here?

That's right ... Kapo now has no choice to return to the world government side, either "abstain" or assume the responsibility of "Governor Marin Fodor".

And Karp knows that the world ’s government is doing some things, and he still serves them, just to avoid more victims-Tianlong people can bully men and women, and suffer more than the whole sea chaos. Are still a minority.

That is to say, the result of the "minority of the two evils being taken lightly", and now Guan Liyuan has proved that even if Karp does not cooperate, the hegemony of the world government at sea will inevitably be shaken ...

So now, if "the two evils are the least," Karp is obviously more willing to believe that he can do well-if the sea is bound to be turbulent, then Karp is willing to continue to uphold his justice in this turmoil.

Karp can serve the world government in order to victimize as few people as possible, and at this time, he can better serve the "true navy" ...

At least one organization can stabilize the naval branches in various places, enable the navies in various places to continue to perform some functions, and avoid the total chaos in each place.

Although Karp didn't say he joined the revolutionary army in the end, and he also gave Feng Kelei a fat meal, he finally accepted the post of "Governor Marin Fudo"-after all, he knew he had no chance to kill Guan Liyuan in situ!

From beginning to end ... In fact, Karp's "justice" has not changed. If he can kill Guan Liyuan and stop the turmoil, he will certainly do so. As for what the world government wants ... hide it later!

But since turbulence is inevitable, what Karp has to do is to keep order as much as possible in the chaos and to end the turbulence as soon as possible.

It ’s just that Karp is not so free and easy, so he finally retaliated again. Since Guan Liyuan could not be beaten, then Feng Klei was angry!

What felt most incredible was the admiral's admiral—except for Giant Admiral Jando and Dalmercia, who had the ability to dog and dog, all other admirals were forced to stay in Marin Fodor. .

For the general navy, even if Yang Fengyin violates, it will not affect the overall situation. 30% of the revolutionary army in the team is enough to ensure that the situation will not get out of control. When the judicial island is laid down, there will not be any guy in the ordinary navy holding the illusion of "turning back to shore" .

However, the general-level navy of the headquarters is not necessarily so honest. Although they have been wanted by the world government just a few hours after the incident, they are not like Carp, who has the "father of the leader of the revolutionary army". Status, so they have the opportunity to "turn back".

The reason why Lieutenant General Dalmesia and General Gendo were selected to the list of offensive justice islands. The former is because of the information center that should be rewarded in the shadows. The positions of world governments are separated, and even privately there have been "illegal" acts that may entail sanctions against non-joining countries, secretly releasing water so that fugitive slaves are not captured, etc ...

Therefore, it is considered that it is very possible to really support the formation of the "true navy"!

As for the latter ... it's all because his IQ is not enough!

In fact, as a giant clan, Jondo is full of minds that are loyal to the world government, and often even denigrates General Sauro, the giant who saved Robin in O'Hara in the past ... but his IQ is hard-wounded. Therefore, Guan Liyuan was chosen as the "sacrifice" object.

As for the team leader, it was Mori, the commander of the Western Army of the Revolutionary Army. Although he was a pervert, he was able to be his own and reliable as the commander of the army.

Before these naval admirals had doubts about the identity of the "fake Karp", but Karp, who was inspiring morale at this time, was absolutely true!

After all, after accepting the settings of the "New Navy" and "Governor Marin Fodor", Karp also understood that in the face of the disparity of the conquest army, only by winning all the propulsion city and the judicial island, will there be a chance to fight each other.

Although "True Navy" occupied Marin Fodor, the soldiers in the naval headquarters were not dead, they were just taken away by the Warring States, I am afraid they will return soon!

In addition, there is another team consisting of 5,000 revolutionary army, which includes the three hundred male soldiers' propulsion city. They have already set out before that ...

Guan Liyuan will be in charge of the battle-because of the speedboat, Guan Liyuan is completely able to arrive first, so let them set out first and persuade Carp in Marin Fodor.

"It's a big loss ..." Guan Liyuan could not help muttering before leaving.

After the departure of Guan Liyuan and a small group of revolutionary army protecting Feng Kelei, there were no revolutionary army in Marin Fudo-only some of the former "undercover", whether exposed or not.

It can even be said that the revolutionary army has laid Marin Fudo for Karp. In the event that Karp repents, the gate will be closed and the currents in the "Marin Fodor-Advancing City-Judicial Island" triangle will be blocked. There is no return of blood ...

Of course ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Karp also knows that Guan Liyuan said it intentionally, in fact he has already determined that he won't do it!

As for the "true navy" forced by Karp, will it be controlled by the revolutionary army in the future?

Guan Liyuan can only say that at least those people who are more than Capklo Clodal are too reliable!

Since even Crockdal can tolerate it, naturally it is no problem for Capu ...

For the Revolutionary Army, the independence of the Marin Fudo Triangle can still continue to hold the banner of "Navy" and absorb the strength of the former navy, weaken the world government and attract the attention of the world government. thing.

So far, Marin Fodor's plan has gone more smoothly than Guan Liyuan imagined, especially that the former General Marshal Steel Skeleton of the entire army actually "just happened" to go to the southwest of the laterite continent to level up chaos. In addition to the original army and navy, the world government, when the revolutionary army was at its peak a few years ago, also ordered Marshal Air to train a new army-which also has a certain combat capability in naval battles.

Two years ago, after the vitality of the Revolutionary Army was severely damaged, the new Army was also disarmed and restricted several times by the world government, but if the Marshal of the Air is here, the situation of the Revolutionary Army will be even more troublesome.

Although I always feel that this is a bit of a coincidence, especially when Zefa was summoned by the air marshal before the chaos broke out everywhere ... but at least for now, this is beneficial to the revolutionary army.

Later, under the suspicious eyes of Karp, Guan Liyuan asked him to send a message to the city of advancement—that is, a pirate had to be escorted to let the other party pay attention to the reception.

Normally, the advance city should have received the news of the Karp rebellion and the change of Marin Fodor, and they will definitely be specially alert to them. How can they receive Karp's notification?

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