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Vol 2 Chapter 1309: Advance City and Justice Island

At this time in the advancing city, the director of the prison, Magellan, was moaning in the toilet because of his addiction, and the deputy director Hannibal was "bright and brave" and enjoying the thrill of being the "director".

Although the strength is much worse than Magellan, Hannibal still thinks that he is more suitable as the director. After all, Magellan sleeps eight hours a day, ten hours in the toilet, two hours to eat ... Only four hours of work time!

Obviously the most slack job, but even the duty time can not be guaranteed ...

Hannibal, like Magellan, is a sub-human Devil. He has two small bat wings on the back. Although his personality is defective and his ambitions are often inflated, he also likes to be complimented, but he does have Responsible.

At this moment Hannibal was visiting the newsroom, and the Deputy Chief Warden Domino was here ...

"Cough!" Hannibal coughed intentionally.

Seeing this, Domino immediately said, "Director Hannibal, any instructions?"

Hearing the other person's title, Hannibal felt very happy, and asked without a word: "Is there any news recently?"

"Marin Fodor has just released news and hopes that we will receive a batch of pirates and go to prison." Domino said.

"Come straight from Marinford? Uh ... Since it hasn't passed the Judiciary Island, obviously it doesn't matter what the pirates are, right? Then arrange it on the first or third floor." Hannibal nodded pretendingly, and said, " As the caretaker of the promotion city, although we are usually isolated from the world, we also need to be more concerned about the facts. We must not just look at the news that others have given us ... "

"Yes! I am mindful of the instructions of the Director of Hannibal, so I will sort out the news during this period and send it to your office." Domino's meticulous performance should be accompanied by Hannibal's performance.

Hannibal saw this, nodded with satisfaction and left ...

Before leaving, it was just a few words, "The caretaker of the long rain, Xi Liu, was just punished. We should take it as a warning. I see that you are very good and will continue to work hard in the future."

But I do n’t know. Domino has just received the news of “Marinford Incident” from Mary Joa in a special phone bug and asked them to increase their alertness. At the same time, she must not trust the news of the Marinford ship. Completely pretending not to see, only said a message that Malin Fudo came over!

Due to the location and function of the propulsion city, the internal and external signals are completely cut off in normal times, and the internal phone bugs cannot connect to the outside, and the external phone bugs cannot connect to the promotion city ...

The only exceptions are the fixed telephone worm in the message room, and the director's telephone worm carried by Magellan.

However, at this time Magellan had collapsed on the toilet, cursing the **** who put the “sea floor stone pushpin” on the toilet circle, and Domino intentionally concealed the news, which directly led to the advancement of the city. What, also ready to receive prisoners from Marin Fodor!

At the same time, on Justice Island ...

Because the situation is completely different, the news of the Judiciary Island is more informed than most parts of the world. At this time, the matter of Marin Fudo has been known!

At this time, it was the deputy commander of CP9, Spandall, who was sitting on the judicial island.

Although because of a series of changes, at this time the commander of cp9 did not fall on Spandall's head as in the original work, but was defeated by the "aspiring young man" of Robucci, the second generation of Spandal, but In cp9, Spandall is still the deputy commander and has his own confidant.

In normal times, he basically doesn't care about each other with Rob Lu Qi, Lu Qi feels that there is nothing to communicate with the idiot, but Spandall understands this as Lu Qi despise him! Occasionally beat his little report, drag his hind legs ...

Among the core members of cp9, including Gabla, who is unattractive to Lu Qi, and Kaku, who almost became a deputy commander, Bruno with special abilities, and the three most valued by Spandal, are all with Lu Qi Standing on the same front.

In contrast, only Kalifa and the Owlless Owl, Lion Snap, and Weasel Nairo, usually walk closer to Spandal.

In addition to Kalifa, the other three are second-rate characters in the core members of cp9, especially the ferret Nairo. If it wasn't for Spandal, he would only be a peripheral member now!

"Master Spandal, this is a rare opportunity. The navy idiots actually did this kind of thing. If the rebellion can be made earlier than the Marshal of the Warring States Period, the world government will certainly be able to show you a stronger side than Lu Qi "Karifa, dressed as a strong woman, seriously suggested to Spandal.

"Hahaha, do you think so? It is indeed Kalifa, and she really has wisdom and vision!" Spandal obviously did not know what self-knowledge was.

However, Spandal's only remaining IQ made him laugh calmly and said, "But ... the other party is not so easy to deal with. Although the old Captain of the Navy is only a lieutenant general, it is said that before and many seas The thieves have fought each other, as has the revolutionary army commander Mori ... "

Seeing that there was a tendency for Spandall to be on the cliff, Kalifa hurried to make another foot ...

"Master Spandal is too modest! And now that the currents are different, it is likely that Marin Fodor has opened the gate to the judicial island, which means that the other party is going to take the initiative to attack the judicial island ... Hero, but after the rebellion, I definitely dare not see Lord Spandal, and there must be many navy soldiers who are unwilling to rebel, so he must leave Marin Fodor to sit in the town, that is to say, only Mori!

Although the giant race is very strong, before Ling Zun was the judicial island before, has he conquered two giants? As long as they keep the door open, they will be the second enemy, then there will be no problem! As long as you defeat them once while defending, and then chase and completely defeat them, you can conquer Marin Fodor along with the trend, and we are not disadvantaged in the top-level combat power. ”Kalifa said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com Do n’t suffer? Really dare to say!

Spandall nodded for a while and really believed her evil!

"But ... forget it." Kalifa seemed to be worried, but didn't say anything.

"What do you want to say? Don't hide it, you can't decide what you want, I can make a decision." Spandall looked very decisive.

"I guess the reason why they dare to come to Judicial Island shortly after the capture of Marin Fudo, there must be some conspiracy, the most likely ... is to find someone to lie down first! But if you think about it, there may be The navy who is unwilling to rebel, in case I make a mistake ... Keke, so don't doubt them first. "Kalifa said a little bit embarrassed.

"Ha? Scam? No, no, they are already wanted by the world government. Just kill them! Whether he is a scam or a real drop? These guys should pay for their choice! Even if they do n’t choose it themselves , Also has the effect of killing chickens and tamarins! "Spandall said" wisely. "

"Then ... I'm going to tell Snoop and the Owl?" Kalifa looked a little worried.

"Go! If anyone dares to be close, kill him first!" Spandall said directly.

Leaving Spandal's office, Kalifa had a look of disgust on her face and snorted ...

[First ... then ... then ... well, it's Spandal's idiot's pot, and I won't be contacted by the Revolutionary Army. In this way, Lu Qi's status will be completely solid! ] Kalifa deduced silently in her heart, feeling fine.

That ’s right, Kalifa is actually still on the side of Lu Qi, but he is undercover here, and Lu Qi is the same, and he often cooperates with the revolutionary army without leaving a handle ...

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