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Vol 2 Chapter 1311: filter

Seeing that the gate was controlled, Guan Liyuan was relieved. Although the domino was exposed, others were relatively smooth ... The most important thing is that Magellan has not appeared so far, it seems to be under control.

Otherwise, the fruitful ability of large-scale killings and the casualties caused by the storm will be horrible. Even if the male soldiers are armed and domineering, the defense effect against "poison" may not be as good.

But since the door has been opened and Magellan has been controlled, all the jailers in the advance city are less than 10,000 people, and ... within the advance city, the revolutionary army also has an internal response.

On the one hand, it is the internal response of the caretaker official, of which Domino is the highest official, on the other hand ... Among the prisoners, a lot of power has already been caught!

Since there is an internal response among the caretaker, it is natural that Guan Liyuan is connected with Ivankov.

Although it is not possible to contact directly through the phone bug, it is possible to use the "news secret code" to promote the internal response in the city and convey simple messages. The revolutionary army also secretly masters several newspapers and sometimes reports some wonderful news, such as "pirates. The kidnap received a fake currency and reported to the Navy "," Someone pretended to be Roger and claimed that he could take onepiece to swindle toll "," **** Pirates Group was treated by Neptune as a similar mating for two hours because of the special image of the ship "...

These news will also be sent to the promotion city through the news bird, and others have only seen it with a laugh, but Neiying in the promotion city will translate these into cipher text!

Afterwards, there should naturally be a way to pass these to Ivankov and others in prison. Because of the change two years ago, more cadres were arrested in the Revolutionary Army than in the original work, and Ivankov was later Also secretly attracted a lot.

In fact, last night, Domino hid the stone floor pin of Hailou on the toilet ring of Magellan's toilet, and went to monitor the prisons on each floor.

Looking at the monitoring room before, in the six-story submarine prison, apart from the screams of the prisoners, it was quiet and peaceful ...

However, in reality, arrested cadres of the revolutionary army such as Ivankov, and prisoners who have been attracted or identified as "reliable" over the years, have started a covert "jailbreak" one hour before Guan Liyuan arrived. "Behavior-of course, it's just changing the level in the sixth floor, there is no chance to come out.

By the time Guan Liyuan arrived, they would have joined the other prisoners who had lifted their restraints and started to push the city's largest riot!

As for the images seen in the monitoring room? It's just a video from half a year ago ...

Just as the male soldiers controlled the gate, some of the elites of the Revolutionary Army and the male soldiers rushed into the first floor of the submarine prison. While others controlled the advancement of the buildings on the ground, the prisoners on the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors also rushed outward!

The prisoners who can come to the city, even if they are only on the first floor, have millions of bounties. They can be scary when they are placed in the four seas. Most of the second floor are more than ten million, and the third floor starts with five thousand. More than 10,000, can be described by the official as "piracy" pirates or other criminals ...

As for the deepest sixth layer, all are legendary criminals. If they are pirates, at least they are once known as "big pirates", and there are even many older generations of legendary pirates with Roger and Whitebeard. .

Many more have been erased from "history", and the world government believes that "its crime is known to cause unrest"!

And in the history of the advance city, only one time was successfully escaped from prison, that is, Golden Lion Shiji, one of Roger's opponents, cut off his feet that were held by Hailou Stone, and then used his ability to flutter fruits. Killed all the way ...

But at this time ... more than one fierce and powerful assiduous criminal, Shi Ji, has been released from the shackles and is being killed all the way!

"Crazy ... you are crazy! Do you know who they are? Do you know how many civilians will be miserable on the sea after they go out?" Hannibal shouted angrily at Guan Liyuan, but was immediately detained by the two behind Holding his revolutionary arm lowered his shoulders.

At this time Hannibal and others had also been taken into the city of advancement and knew about the riots.

Although sometimes acting as timid, Hannibal's sense of responsibility is beyond reproach.

"Well, if they really go out ... probably equivalent to 1oo Tianlong people, do a big cruise on the sea?" Guan Liyuan said after thinking for a moment.

"It makes sense for you to say that ... Ahhh! I didn't denigrate the Dragons ... I'm talking about you now! If they really escape, you're also the accomplice!" Hannibal sometimes has a mouth better than his head. Quickly, just like he has repeatedly revealed his ambition to "usurp".

"Don't worry, they didn't escape so easily ... Say, do I have to reassure you? Dare to yell at me, believe it or not I throw you to those criminals and see how much you will be written afterwards' "The word"? "Guan Liyuan threatened.

Hannibal was threatened by Guan Liyuan, scared for a long time without a word of silence, and said after a while: "If you go and release Magellan now, maybe you can stop them, otherwise ... it's useless to regret it, not because you want The things that let them escape, and most of them are not the guys who will remember your humanity because of this! "

& nbs

p; "Deputy Director of Hannibal, when we release people, we also have evaluations, the most vicious and disorderly, and do not know how to be grateful, there will be their own place." Domino said at this time.

Because she was still asked to "open the door" at the end, her Revolutionary Army identity had been fully exposed, and at this time, her identity had been restored.

"The Commissioner was called just now ... ahh! This is not the point ..."

In fact, not only Hannibal, but even Ivankov, when they received Guan Liyuan's secret code, they were very uneasy about Guan Liyuan's plan!

If there is no plan for Guan Liyuan, even if they want to escape, they will only rescue some of the trustworthy guys in 1v5, and then 1v4, 1v3 ... all at once, as for 1v6? Except for some prisoners who have links with the Revolutionary Army, Ivankov did not dare to deal with them and did not think it would be a good thing for them to come out.

However, according to Guan Liyuan, the prisoners in 1v6 were also released together ...

In the end, Ivankov chose to trust Guan Liyuan's choice-he was thrown into the submarine prison by the world government, which caused him a lot of memory. If he would mess things up because he did not listen to Guan Liyuan's persuasion, they would lose sight of Guan Liyuan .

After Guan Liyuan took someone to control 1v1, Ivankov basically killed them, and the two sides merged in 1v1 ...

"Bellmeber, in the end, is there any problem with the fruits I gave you before?" Guan Liyuan asked first.

Bellumber was completely indifferent at this moment, and replied solemnly: "Yes! I can already feel the approximate location of the target!"

"Very well, you are ready. After I have talked to them, those disobedient guys will leave it to you ..." Guan Liyuan said to the commanders of the Xiongbing team.

Guan Liyuan's plan is very simple. He divided prisoners other than revolutionary army cadres into four categories. One is willing to join the revolutionary army and it is worthy of belief. The second category is not willing to join, but it will not cause too much. Harm, on the contrary, the world government will have a headache-if ​​Crokdal is present, it is estimated that it will be divided into this category; the third category is ... not sure, you need to "talk"; the fourth category is not Chat, it's definitely an asshole!

Now that everyone is at 1v1, there is only one step away from "freedom". If it was not for the Revolutionary Army who just rescued them, and the strength shown is not weak, there are still many prisoners on their side. I am afraid that some people will be impatient. Fighting with the revolutionary army blocking the road ...

"I heard that there are still many people who did not pass Ivankov's first ... heh, Madam's review, but did they rush out together?" Guan Liyuan shouted to them.

"Yes! We are also grateful to the Revolutionary Army, but want us to join ... hehe."

"I will remember you all afterwards, now ... get out of here now!"

"What do you mean? Dare to speak to my beloved like this? Believe me or not, I blow your dog's head?"

"Ha? But the bounty is 100 million higher than me. Otherwise, I was conspired by the red dog, and the bounty would not stay at 230 million ... Want to compare with me?"

"Does the Revolutionary Army really stop us?"

In the face of a voice or condemnation, or a voice of solidarity, Guan Liyuan said nothing, but said, "I have no other meaning ... Ivankov ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You bring someone you recognize Go out first, others ... Oh, don't you mind chatting with me alone? I'm 'single' with you 'group chat'! This is already controlled by the Revolutionary Army, we don't have to worry too much. "

Guan Liyuan said, although he didn't know what his idea was, the prisoners were still quiet.

On the contrary, Ivankov looked uneasy, but was "driven away" by Guan Liyuan ...

In the end, even the male soldiers did not stay, only Li Yuan and the thousands of prisoners with the worst and ten-million ranks remained on the first floor-if Guan Li Yuan packed them and sent them to the Navy once, it is estimated that the Warring States will pay him to work and repay !!

It was precisely because Guan Liyuan's identity was revealed that they believed that Guan Liyuan was a high-level leader of the revolutionary army, so these vicious criminals believed that the revolutionary army really wanted to talk to them, and did not worry that the outside guys would not open the door afterwards-and They are not bound, and once joined together, the gate alone cannot be blocked.

And Hannibal had already confirmed that Guan Liyuan was crazy ...

Bacchus, San Juan, Waldo, Redfield ... Will these people be released as "harmless"? What is the criterion for this?

Also ... Although the remaining fierce monsters have not been released, they are already unbounded in 1v1, and only after a while to talk about collapse, what Guan Liyuan is torn off can be recharged! This is also called controlled?

If Guan Liyuan knew it, he might answer him. The standard he used to judge Ivankov was that untrustworthy criminals do less harm to civilians than "an idiot Tianlong" and cause headaches to the world government. Criminals, let them go ...

As for the others?

Guan Liyuan will "chat" with them ...

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