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Vol 2 Chapter 1312: One vs one thousand

It was getting dark, and even on the sea, the setting sun was half shame ...

Advancing in the city, Guan Liyuan has been "talking" with thousands of vicious prisoners in Lv1 for half an afternoon.

In fact, after half an hour of "talking" between the two parties, a loud noise can be heard from inside, and sometimes even the door of Lv1 to the ground is shaking ...

Although the surveillance system has been destroyed, listening to this faint voice, you can guess what is going on inside!

However, Hannibal was so annoyed that at this point, the revolutionary army still did not release Magellan, and did not even organize manpower to rescue ...

Of course, it doesn't seem to matter to Hannibal whether or not to rescue Guan Liyuan. He cares about whether the revolutionary army can push those dangerous guys back-it would be best if they could all be released with the released guys! In his opinion, the guys outside are also dangerous people!

The revolutionary army was completely unmoved, and even directly let a part of the villains leave ...

In addition to the prisoners who have joined the revolutionary army, there are still some who are concerned about the humanity of releasing them. They have also temporarily stayed, to see if they need help afterwards.

When Hannibal saw this scene, he already wanted to scold Liang-no one had joined the revolutionary army. What did you send them out for?

After a while, just listening to the door to Lv1, a loud noise started to appear, as if to be demolished.

However, Hannibal couldn't help but widen his eyes, and saw that the door was covered with a layer of black, and the sound of the attack immediately became muffled, and the door no longer trembled!

Is this ... covering the door with a domineering color? Is it the bastard?

Think about the performance of the former soldiers, and from the current position ... Hannibal understands that only Li Yuan will do it!

Although Guan Liyuan still does not think that he can stop the fierce prisoners, at least Hannibal was touched slightly-the other party's behavior was inexplicable, but at least at this moment, he was desperately suppressing the prisoners!

Before entering, Guan Liyuan also said that he would make a bet with Hannibal. If he could "persuade" a group of prisoners and "place them properly", then Hannibal must serve the revolutionary army, and Try to convince Magellan ...

Hannibal laughed all the time ... convincing? Just two minutes into the fight!

But gradually Hannibal was puzzled ...

How did the sound of fighting last so long? After killing Guan Liyuan, is it inward again? This is a good thing!

However, as time passed, Hannibal had become a little bit embarrassed-was this infighting too serious? Is this a battle royale?

And ... the armed arrogance on the door is always there! Hasn't he ripped him in such a long time?

It wasn't until the sky was getting dark that the voice inside was gradually fading, and the armed color on the door gradually faded away. At this time, Bellumerber said before Guan Liyuan said that after the armed color on the door disappeared, Open the door ...

The doors of the Undersea Prison were opened again. Unlike the members of the male soldiers and other secret forces, they had great confidence in Guan Liyuan. Other revolutionary army cadres, especially Ivankov who squatted in the Undersea Prison for two years, etc. At this time, my heart was also stunned.

As for other prisoners who have just joined the Revolutionary Army, or prisoners who can leave at any time, they are ready to fight. I just hope that there are not too many prisoners left!

However ... just after the door opened, everyone looked into the door and saw a horrible scene!

In Lv1, the original "Sword Tree Forest" has been completely destroyed and many cells have collapsed. At the same time, there are two large, one small, and two small "hills" inside.

At this time, Guan Liyuan was sitting on one of the smaller hills, and there was a group of prisoners in front of him. At this time, all of them stood in front of Guan Liyuan with injuries and lowered eyebrows. See two Lv6 prisoners!

This part of the prisoner is only a very small part. As for the others? It is the two hills!

Countless people have lost their consciousness, and more serious prisoners who have broken their hands and legs have become angry.

If you look closely, the ones under Guan Liyuan's buttocks will be slightly injured. Although many of them are taller than Guan Liyuan, and there are even giants, Guan Liyuan just sits casually at this time and gives people a This feels like a king lingering on the throne.

"They, and these, are advanced elements who are willing to join the revolutionary army under my temptation, others ... Ivankov, you and Bellumber, take care of it." Guan Liyuan pointed and stood in front of him. Dozens of people, and two or three hundred people under their buttocks said.

As for the other six or seven hundred people, we have to deal with it!

Not to mention Hannibal, Ivankov, and other revolutionary army cadres who just came out of the submarine prison. Even members of the dark part looked at each other when they saw this scene, and they only had infinite worship and trust in Guan Liyuan. The male soldiers take this for granted. ‘

"1vs1ooo" record, there is nothing to brag in this era, it sounds very strong to ordinary people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but the murderers above 1v4, basically have the strength of vs1ooo miscellaneous soldiers.

But now Guan Liyuan vs. thousands of the weakest and ten million bounty murderers, the strongest ones are one of the no.2 of the original Roger era!

Even nearly half of the prisoners who had left before saw this scene and immediately changed their minds to stay in the revolutionary army ...

In this era, there is no shortage of people who are willing to follow the strong, as in the original work, when Blackbeard reached Lv6, he was just a traitor in Qiwuhai, but he took away a few from Lv6 who were also strong in Lv6. Murderer, be your own crew!

For these people, the revolutionary army's ideals and beliefs can't call them, it will only make them feel naive and empty, but the powerful strength can "call" them.

After seeing Guan Liyuan's strength, they thought that the revolutionary army deserves to be followed-as for the revolutionary army's ideal naive and vague? Since it has strength, it is big and magnificent!

And the prisoner who was "talking" with Guan Liyuan in Lv1 before? Some of them have been frightened and fainted, and the rest are still sober. They have no idea of ​​resistance to oral administration of Guan Liyuan or deterrence ...

After all ... no one will think about resisting a monster that can't be defeated, kills it once or twice, and will continue to resurrect!

However, there are still more than half of them, who were seriously injured and fainted by Guan Liyuan. At this time, they need to be dealt with.

"Processing? What do I need to do? Is it all sex?" Ivankov wondered.

Well, I haven't told him what to do with it before, and most of the murderers are men. Ivankov thought that Guan Liyuan had any special awakening ...

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