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Vol 2 Chapter 1324: Rebecca

"Mr. Soldier, here, here ..."

A 14-year-old little girl quietly opened the door of the slum neighborhood and put in the one-footed doll and handsome doll in the dodge guard.

"Well? Is this ... Mr. Soldier's friend?" The little girl asked.

The pale pink head and relationship with "Mr. Soldier" made Guan Liyuan guess the identity of the other party-King Liku's granddaughter, Princess Scarlett and Cyrus' daughter, Rebecca.

Eight years ago, Dresrosa suffered a major accident. Doflamingo used threats, fruit control, and other methods to destroy the reputation of the Liku family, and exile King Liku and Rebecca at the cost of King Liku ’s second daughter Viola, who joined Don Quixote's family, became a "violet", otherwise they would have been executed in secret long ago.

The infamous King of Liku disappeared in Dresrosa, and after the death of his mother, Rebecca forgotten the existence of his father Cyrus because of childlike fruits, and lost a leg in the great change. Cyrus, who failed to protect his lover and was forgotten by his daughter, still guarded Rebecca as "Mr. Soldier". & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Although Cyrus was not controlled after becoming a doll, but in order not to be identified, he still went to work at the "Toy House" at night and was protected by Rebecca during the day.

Until one day, traffickers focused on Rebecca in the slum, and Cyrus shot and wounded several traffickers in order to rescue her. The truly controlled "dolls" were unable to do human harm. Therefore, Cyrus was wanted and separated from Rebecca again. At the same time, he began to teach Rebecca swordsmanship ...

Later in the original work, Rebecca also became a sword fighter, participating in the battle for the fruit of the flame.

Dresrosa has a custom of "sword gladiator" since ancient times, that is, two or more soldiers fight in the bullfighting arena and even kill each other. This is used as a "performance" and even as a A means of escaping crime.

There are three types of sword fighters. One is the slave sword fighter, which is sold to the gladiatorial court. The other is the prisoner sword fighter, who is forced to be sent to the gladiatorial court after breaking certain laws. Duel often requires birth and death. The latter can get rid of sin if they can win a hundred games in a row, and the third type is free gladiator, who volunteers as a sword gladiator for bounty, glory or some other purpose. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

In the original work, when Rebecca was not resting, she was not in the cage, but she could also hang out outside the gladiatorial arena. It does not belong to the first two types, and has a relationship with Viola. Rebecca ’s The wanted was also released.

After all, although it is not explicitly expressed, the original work has repeatedly suggested that Viola's relationship with Doflamingo ...

It is not only the name between the two, the name given to the Viola by the Don Quixotes, the most obvious is that when Viola was preparing to make a conclusion with Doflamingo, he used a dagger, Not the fruit ability that he is really good at ...

I have to mention here that Dresrosa's "famous customs"-women in this country are passionate when they are in love, but in contrast, once a man betrays, he will use a knife to stab someone ... Another: The more beautiful a woman is, the harder she is!

This is the original straw hat gang that appeared shortly after the 6th. At the time, there were even crowds eating melons. Sauron thought that the country had a serial murderer ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Later, Guan Liyuan had seen similar scenes in Dresrosa in this world, and he also asked Cyrus specifically. It is true that this is the case-but now "the street dweller" is basically a ritual. They do n’t use real knives, they basically see pain and do n’t see blood, and really using a dagger to stab people is an extreme case.

However, Guan Liyuan was not quite sure. In the original work, why did Rebecca boo in the house, and among the curses of everyone, she played as a sword fighter.

For a bounty? It's unlikely ... Although Viola couldn't have any contact with her, there were many ways to make money.

For glory? Less likely!

Judging from the original situation, Rebecca participated in the sword fighters duel, regardless of the victory or defeat, the only gain is shame.

However, at this time, Rebecca had not yet become a sword fighter ...

& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Think about it, after all, now Rebecca is only fourteen years old. If you become a sword fighter earlier, you can live to sixteen?

Cyrus also introduced Rebecca to Guan Liyuan at this time. Of course, he did not say anything about the revolutionary army, but just said that Guan Liyuan was also an uncontrolled doll.

Nor did he mention that Guan Liyuan was "a man before" or anything. Cyrus thought these were too heavy after all. He gave it to Rebecca swordsmanship, and just wanted her to protect herself, not to let her carry anything.

Therefore, Rebecca does not know the true identity of "Mr. Soldier", nor does he know the truth about toys ... Naturally, she did not mention Guan Liyuan's name!

"So it is, then ... can I call you Mr. White Cat in the future?" Rebecca seemed to be a child who had just made new friends.

In terms of age, it can also be regarded as a "little child" ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"No, this is a tiger, it is a tiger!" Guan Liyuan countered.

That's right, Guan Liyuan looks much taller than Cyrus. It is a relatively large doll, and at the same time looks like a q version character with a white tiger hat.

Guan Liyuan suspected that it was because his holy spirit White Tiger had the fruit ability of a fantasy beast, and he had also awakened, so it was not so easy to be "covered"-otherwise, under normal circumstances, he would completely lose his fruit ability after becoming a doll.

Of course, even the holy spirit white tiger now has only a relatively q-shaped appearance, which is expressed as a "human design".

"So ... Mr. Baihu? Mr. Baihu is not the same as Mr. Soldier, it's plush!" Rebecca said and wanted to come and touch Guan Liyuan's head ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mr. Soldier is iron, and The type that is hard and cold and ca n’t hold it ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

As a result, Guan Liyuan retreated ruthlessly, and said coldly, "Have you heard of the **** of a tiger that can't be touched?"

Rebecca: Huh?

Guan Liyuan:  ̄ □  ̄ ||

Guan Liyuan only reacted after speaking, this sentence seemed inappropriate, and had to add an embarrassing sentence: "It doesn't work!"

At this time, Rebecca was obviously not defensive. Although there was a plush white tiger (mao) who met for the first time, Rebecca suddenly and solemnly said: "Mr. Soldier, There is one thing I want to discuss with you. "

The degree of seriousness makes people feel that if a boyfriend knocks on the door outside in a second, it will not feel uncomfortable.

Cyrus asked a little uneasily, "What is it?"

These two years have been better. Cyrus used to be a one-legged doll, and beat the little boy who sent love letters to Rebecca ...

"I ... I think ... two days ..."

"What? Just now?" Cyrus could not wait to see, which beast was so bold and "seduce" his daughter.

"Yes! I thought about it for a long time, now is the best time!"

"No, no, you are still young, you must have been cheated," Cyrus said immediately.

"No! The swordsmanship that Mr. Soldier gave me, I'm already very skilled! Even if I can't get the championship reward, it will be fine to participate in the sword fighter contest!"

"Oh, I mean the sword fighter contest ... what? The sword fighter contest?" Cyrus felt that his whole toy was bad.

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