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Vol 2 Chapter 1325: fencing

"Wait a minute ... why do you have this idea? Even an ordinary sword fighter is enough 'hard work', and you know how much extra trouble your bloodline will bring you?" The soldier said solemnly.

"I know! That's why I want to use my power to reverse these ... And hasn't Mr. Soldier said that? Dresrosa is just a paradise for purgatory disguise, if I can become a legendary sword fighter, also Can attract more like-minded companions to overthrow Doflamingo! "Rebecca said with some perseverance.

In the memory of the people of Dresrosa, there is only the “cruelty” of King Ryoku. In order not to make Rebecca feel too much burden, Cyrus limited and Rebecca explained that Doflamingo What he did, and his framing of King Liku, let her know that her grandfather was not a tyrant.

"No, your strength is far from being Doflamingo's opponent, and even any cadre of the Don Quixote family can easily defeat you!" Cyrus wanted to blow Rebecca's confidence.

"That's why I should become a sword fighter, so that I can become stronger faster ... isn't it?"

It seems that Rebecca has really made a decision, completely disregarding Cyrus' persuasion ... Or, Guan Liyuan feels that Cyrus's persuasion is not so strong and powerful!

Isn't it that Rebecca also debuted as a sword fighter in this sword fighter contest two years ago?

"Now that you have made your decision, tell me your determination with a sword!" Cyrus said.

I don't know what happened, the topic "naturally" transitioned to the father-daughter battle in the open space behind the house. The previous guards did not stay in the slums much, and there were not many residents here. Don't worry about alarming outsiders.

Guan Liyuan also looked at the incident by the way. Both men used swords in the competition, but Rebecca used short swords, and Cyrus only used the "thin sword" that matched the body of his toy soldiers.

However, in the number of roads, they are full of the shadow of the broad sword. After all, before Cyrus became a toy, he was a sword fighter and a legendary sword fighter. He had won a 3ooo winning streak.

In the environment of the bullfighting arena, unless it is extremely conceited about its own strength, it is still a combination of broad sword and one-handed shield, which has the highest chance of survival.

"It is indeed a three-thousand-game winning streak. Even if there is only one leg left, you can still see the strengths of thousands of skills. If you can become a person and use domineering, it should not be weaker than the ordinary billion-level pirates, right? Sanctions are indeed a bit wrong. "Guan Liyuan muttered while watching.

This is "really hardened!"

Of course, the realm of swordsmanship is not determined by the number of battles. In terms of skill alone, Guan Liyuan estimates that his migrant labor flow can still prevail in Cyrus even if he does not kill himself or force himself!

In contrast, Rebecca is still a lot young, after all, it is only a 14-year-old girl. If it wasn't for Cyrus' intentional feeding, she would have been beaten.

However, it is commendable that in Rebecca's immature swordsmanship at this time, some things beyond Cyrus's shadow can be seen ...

At least this shows that although Rebecca's swordsmanship is immature, it has the potential to stay in the same place.

In terms of style, because they studied in Cyrus, the swordsmanship of both seemed to dare to fight, but the difference was that Cyrus's swordsmanship was "never forward". In contrast, Rebecca already had some "Dead to death" style.

Two years later in the original work, Rebecca's "backwater sword dance", with a very negative popularity, occupied a place in the arena. It can also indirectly prove Guan Liyuan's vision ...

"Backwater sword dance" is a kind of sword technique that pushes himself into the Jedi, and pursues "do not kill" on the opponent, that is, on the edge of the arena, waiting for the opponent to take the initiative to attack, and then picking out the opponent.

Rebecca's negative popularity, in addition to her royal blood, is also related to this "non-irritating" fighting style.

Of course, because Rebecca did not understand domineering two years later in the original work, and at the end of the crisis, she only realized some domineering. Therefore, in terms of hard power, the strong are attracted by the fruits of the flame. China can only be regarded as the bottom batch.

However, considering that Rebecca was only 16 years old two years later, Luffy and Sauron also began to learn domineering at the age of 17 and 19 respectively, so Rebecca's staying power is still at least ten Six-year-old Sauron the Pirate Hunter three years ago may not be able to defeat Rebecca two years later ...

After feeding hundreds of tricks, Cyrus shot the short sword in Rebecca's hand and said: "This kind of strength is going to suffer in the arena!"

"I'm ready!"

"Not just strength ..."

"I'm also mentally prepared."

After Cyrus took a deep look at Rebecca, he still respected her choice. As the legendary sword fighter of 3ooo winning streak, Cyrus also had an instinctive preference for the gladiatorial arena.

Besides, now Cyrus is different from the original, and there is one more reason to persuade himself. Fortunately, this year's sword fighter competition may be the curtain-up ceremony of the Don Quixote family!

Seeing Mr. Bai Hu also watching, Rebecca suddenly asked, "Mr. White Tiger, have you been to the gladiatorial court? What do you think of my swordplay?"

"This ... keke, I'm actually a toy from a foreign country. I haven't been to the gladiatorial court, your swordsmanship ... not bad." Guan Liyuan said.

At the age of six, Rebecca became a person who coexisted with "toys", so she never thought that toys were so strange, and there was no doubt about the "foreign toys" statement.

Only for Guan Liyuan's "not bad", Rebecca was somewhat hit and a little bit low.

"Cough, cough! Mr. Bai Hu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Rebecca's swordsmanship is already good. You are only good at body surgery, you may not understand." Cyrus said dissatisfied.

what? Did you want to hit her just now? With your daughter, only you can fight? Guan Liyuan could not help but chuckle.

The most important thing is that Cyrus actually said that he was only good, good, good, physical, and skillful!

"Considering that you taught, Rebecca can achieve today's achievements, which is really good!" Guan Liyuan countered.

"'Little' Rebecca?" Cyrus repeated the word "small" and stared at him.

It always feels that everyone's attention recently is strange!

"Otherwise, let's both try?" Guan Liyuan picked up Rebecca's dagger with the hand of a plush toy.

"This ... than the sword ..." Cyrus was not stupid.

Cyrus knew, however, that Guan Liyuan ’s strength was definitely a “monster”. The best evidence was that when he just took Guan Liyuan out of the toy house, Guan Liyuan actually used toys The body used a domineering arrogance and lifted the floor to block the enemy.

"Rest assured, since it is more than a sword test, I will not use your power." Guan Liyuan said.

That ’s right, Guan Liyuan just ca n’t use the “normal means” to move the armed color domineering, but the laser ring and put it on himself is still possible, but the strength and range of the ring are greatly affected.

"Look at it! Rebecca, real swordsmanship ... it's just going ahead!" Cyrus said.

"No, no, no, the real swordsmanship is ... when I picked up the sword, I was afraid ..."

Guan Liyuan said that he pointed the blade of the dagger at Cyrus, and at the same time, a soft horror of Rebecca's legs broke out in the stuffed toy body ...

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