Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1326: Childlike Ability

Feeling that Guan Liyuan Jianfeng was pointing, it felt as if the blood of the corpse mountain was in front of his eyes, and his mind was stuffed into Cyrus's iron skin.

Cyrus thought that in the thousands of times of gladiatorial trials, his combat experience was horrible enough. Even the overbearing arrogance of the four emperors could not shake his heart.

However, at this moment, Cyrus felt a more horrific momentum than 3,000 life-and-death duels. If it was not for the confidence brought by the 3000-game winning streak, Cyrus was already on his knees.

"Surviving three thousand times in the battle of life and death gives you a good momentum, but ... compared to the momentum that I have died no less than 300 times, it's nothing!" Guan Liyuan said.

Cyrus :? ? ?

"Enjoy death to be able to defeat death!" Guan Liyuan said to Cyrus and cut it off.

At first glance, Guan Liyuan has no fewer than ten flaws in his whole body, but countless experience of life and death show reminder Cyrus that every so-called "vulnerability" will bring the result of injury for injury, even death. Change injury ...

At this moment, Mengmeng's Q Baihu's face seemed to be carrying a crazy laugh. Cyrus didn't know how many talents would be cut, or ... how many times would it be cut?

Facing Guan Liyuan, who was insane, Cyrus was beaten with a fine sword before his ten moves ...

Moreover, Cyrus, who has experienced hundreds of battles, will understand a little, if they are not in the test, they are using weapons or toys, even if Guan Liyuan is just like, just with the same strength, the end result I am afraid that in the ten moves, he made a stroke on the left shoulder and right rib of the opponent, at the cost of being cut in half by the opponent!

Just like now, Guan Liyuan only has two "open hairs" in two places, while Cyrus's iron skin has a scratch on the waist ...

"Mr. White Cat ... well, so strong ..." Rebecca muttered.

Perhaps because of distraction, Rebecca called out the "white cat" in her heart.

Seeing that Cyrus was depressed, he quickly reminded Rebecca: "Wait! This sword technique is not suitable for sword fighters, just look at it!"

For sword fighters, the most important thing is to be able to survive and complete, and Guan Liyuan ’s sword skill is obviously much higher than Cyrus. Normally, it is a level of great swordsman who can be defeated without injury after thirty or fifty strokes, but ... Because of the Kendo style, Guan Liyuan only used ten moves, but the price was that he was also injured.

If Guan Liyuan has such a style, if he has the strength of a sword fighter who can beat a hundred games in a row, but after the fight, I am afraid that he will kneel in three or five games in a row-there are too many injuries.

Even Cyrus's "going forward" is not rash, it is more about protecting himself while moving forward.

"But ... I feel Mr. Bai Hu's kendo, it seems to be very inspiring ..." Rebecca said in a tangled manner, at this time she had restored her calmness, and thought of it as "white tiger (mao)".

Indeed, Guan Liyuan ’s kendo is very easy for everyone to chop and chop.

However, Rebecca gave up the idea of ​​asking for advice from "Mr. White Tiger" under the temptation of "Mr. Soldier". Of course ... Guan Liyuan was not prepared to teach Rebecca his own kendo.

"If Liberty Sword Fighters are going to participate in the Sword Fighters Contest, they will sign up tomorrow?" Cyrus was still not assured.

Guan Liyuan then inserted: "Can toys be registered?"

"What do you say?" Cyrus said angrily.

Normal toys are controlled, can you sign up for the sword fighter contest? Why don't you go to heaven?

"Ah." Guan Liyuan could not help but regret it.

After hearing about the situation of the sword fighters competition, Guan Liyuan felt that if he could expose the situation of Dresrosa when he won the championship, the effect would be absolutely powerful.

Especially Cyrus also mentioned earlier that last year, as a cadre of the Don Quixote family, sugar also appeared on the VIP table in the finals ...

You don't even have to do much. Just make an appointment with the Revolutionary Army in advance, and after you win the championship, you will know Doflamingo's Denonman identity, and then "stun" the sugar, and you're all set!

Unfortunately, in the current state of Guan Liyuan, let alone registration, even the bullfighting arena cannot enter.

[In fact, if you just "change" back to humans, it should not be found. 】 Penguin suddenly spoke to Guan Liyuan.

[Will not be found? Is it ... "change doll" and "memory elimination" are two different effects? If I die once, only the effect of "change doll" will disappear? Guan Liyuan wondered.

[No, to be precise, the object of action is originally different. "Change doll" is to turn you into a doll, while "eliminating the traces of existence" is in a real sense, a world-class effect-clear your existence in the sense of "world", and the biological memory of this world, It is necessary to interact with the world. In the sense of "world", after your existence is eliminated, others will naturally miss you, and ...] Penguin explained for a long time.

In general, if this "world" creature is word software, then the world is the hard disk, and Tongqu fruit can modify the word software files and change the saved file suffix names, resulting in word not running properly. , And other words can't read documents with messy suffixes ...

At this time, Guan Liyuan “revived” once ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is equivalent to reloading the word so that it can run normally, but those documents still cannot be read!

This is good news for Guan Liyuan, but also bad news.

The good news is that Guan Liyuan can use the human body to act in Dresrosa without anyone knowing himself, and the bad news is naturally ... Guan Liyuan must also make sugar unconscious before he can wake everyone up to himself Memories!

[Dorag and Ace's existence traces have not been eliminated, have you found them? Guan Liyuan asked.

The penguin originally discovered the principle of childlike fruit while analyzing this matter ...

[Dorag is also a user of the forum. I collected some of his data "slightly" and found that his "trace of existence" is protected in the sense of "world", so it has not been eliminated. Forum users, so I'm not sure why. Said Penguin.

Not to mention whether this is a violation of user privacy, but from the analysis results, both Dorag and Ace should have some special characteristics-otherwise why the existence of others is not protected?

As to what this protection originated from, Guan Liyuan was not clear for the time being.

"Little Rebecca, I'll sign up with you tomorrow." Guan Liyuan said.

"Huh? This ... Mr. White Tiger is best to hide, otherwise ... even toys from outside the country must comply with the" Toys Act "in Dresrosa, otherwise they will be wanted." Rebecca worried. Said.

"Rest assured, toys in other places have the ability to become human." Guan Liyuan said in a serious manner.

Cyrus, by the way, was already glaring at Guan Liyuan, as if to say "Don't teach my daughter some messy common sense."

Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Mobile website reading URL:

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