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Vol 2 Chapter 1331: Baby-five

Don Quixote's family now feel that Sanguan is going to be shattered!

The "little white face" who "lied" to Baby-5 has survived for so many days, and "dates" with Baby-5 every day ...

Thanks so much for his heart!

Every day on the street, so many, bright or dark, the younger brothers of Don Quixote's family are staring at him, as if they hadn't found it?

But one thing is that this "little white face" is quite honest. Every day I sleep outside the door of Baby-5 and lean on the door frame ...

For the Don Quixote family, today is finally the time when there is resentment and revenge. The sword fighters competition is about to start. Buffalo has bought a batch of sword fighters, and some of the Don Quixotes' brothers. Even cadres, as free sword fighters, also participated in the sword fighter competition.

As soon as Guan Liyuan came on, he hacked him to death!

After all, when Doflamingo and Sugar did not know what to study, the other top cadres were either busy or paddling, and ignored the situation of Baby-5, and other cadres did not dare to face Baby-5. conflict……

The Don Quixote family seems to be human, but in fact it is very targeted. Although it is somewhat affectionate, most people only have human affection for specific people. The originals in the family such as sugar in the original, When fainted, other people also blame most, at this time most people are unwilling to care about Baby-5's gossip!

In short ... As long as Baby-5 will not be used and is not good for Don Quixote's family, as long as they are not cheated, they don't care. Buffalo has a deeper relationship with Baby-5. After all, he grew up together It's big, so it's extra care.

But in fact, Buffalo has to admit that these days, when Baby-5 and "Little White Face" are together ... seems very happy?

Every day, I do n’t go shopping, I eat, drink, and have fun. After all, in addition to the underground arms trade and the suppression of "toys" and villains, Dresrosa is also a country with a well-developed travel and entertainment industry. You can easily find these.

At the beginning of Baby-5, it was very cramped-this hedonistic behavior out of "satisfying oneself", Baby-5 had not tried it at all, and was really not interested.

After that, Guan Liyuan began to erode the Baby-5 from the low-level taste. After going to the casino and game field, Guan Liyuan found that Baby-5 seemed to be more interested in slot machines.

In contrast, slot machines should be regarded as pure luck. After all, just press the button, and then "expect" the corresponding pattern to appear, and seeing the domineering will not do anything.

Guan Liyuan couldn't help doubting that Baby-5 was eager to "look forward" to others, but he didn't show it.

And when shopping for "gifts", Baby-5 behaved more dull-gifts or something, as if insulated from her.

However, regarding Li Yuan's "soul call", I don't worry that Baby-5 will want to go back halfway. As long as Guan Liyuan shows a little loneliness in "heart", Baby-5 will immediately accept Guan Liyuan and continue shopping.

In the end, Guan Liyuan forced Rebecca to choose all kinds of clothes, jewelry, and bags, and then bought a copy for Baby-5 by the way ... But the money was all from Baby-5!

Guan Liyuan now even suspects that Baby-5 is wearing a maid outfit every day by other cadres in Don Quixote's family.

In the next few days, although Guan Liyuan can feel that Baby-5 is still the happiest when he is cooking for himself and Rebecca, but gradually, he is naturally more natural about his "needs", such as When playing a slot machine, he will naturally take Guan Liyuan and pass the drink ... although he will turn red after the reaction.

Just the night before, Baby-5 had a rare talk with Guan Liyuan and Rebecca ...

"Will you abstain tomorrow? Especially you ... Guan ... Sir." This is the first time Baby-5 has proactively requested Guan Liyuan.

"Why? Are you worried that we are in danger?" Guan Liyuan said.

"Rebecca's words, I'm afraid ... the atmosphere will not be very good once you play. But there won't be too much danger, but your words ... will definitely die when playing!" Baby-5 said seriously.

Although there are violets, because it is eight years ago, and Princess Violet did not often make a public appearance before, and now the image has changed, so the identity of violets, whether it is Rebecca or most nationals, I do n’t even know Violet, the eldest sister of Don Quixote ’s family, once the “Princess” status.

However, the existence of Violet really protects Rebecca. The spiritual attacks of the public cannot be stopped by Violet-only Rebecca's abandonment and insult by the people can prove the rule of the Don Quixote family. Rights are reasonable and legal!

But at least within Don Quixote's family, no one would really want to kill Rebecca, at most just to humiliate her, to continue to hit the reputation of the royal dynasty.

However, it is different for Guan Liyuan. The Don Quixote's family did not kill him before, but they were too lazy to conflict with Baby-5 and destroy unity. There is also a chance at the sword fighters competition.

"I'm not afraid! I'm ready ... just here!" Rebecca said rudely.

And Guan Liyuan just smiled slightly: "Relax, I won't lose."

Looking at Guan Liyuan's look, Baby-5 grumbled and grumbled, and then refuted the rare: "The first reward of the sword fighter contest is only 100 million Bailey. If you are so short of money, I can ... help You! "

Well, because of his personality, he has been entangled by scammers for a long time. As a senior cadre of the Don Quixote family, Baby-5 has to fight even 100 million Bailey ...

"It's not a matter of money. Give me a blessing!" Guan Liyuan said.

"Do you ... want to be bad for Don Quixote's family?" Baby-5 bit his lip and asked.

It turns out that Baby-5's IQ is not as bad as I thought ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So would you like to cheer for me? Guan Liyuan asked.

"I will kill you!" Baby-5 stared at Guan Liyuan with a sharp change of attitude.

Rebecca was a little nervous on the side and wanted to persuade her, but she was also one of the "masterminds" and didn't know where to start.

"Although Doflamingo killed several of my fiances, ... the young master is the first person who needs me. Can you ... need me more?" After Baby-5 and Guan Liyuan looked at each other for a while, the tone Weakened and looked a little timid.

Regarding the issue of killing the fiance, Guan Liyuan can only say that he killed well.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan looked at Baby-5 seriously, knowing that he could complete the "strategy" of Baby-5 by nodding his head, but Guan Liyuan shook his head ...

Later, when Baby turned her eyes and turned to "escape", Guan Liyuan grabbed her wrist and said, "I hope you can need you more ... If it's too difficult, please ask for this world more ! "

After Guan Liyuan said this yesterday, Baby-5 still broke away from him, and then "run away"-well, escaped from her own home.

Of course, this is also because Guan Liyuan didn't really pull her forcibly ...

Maybe she still needs to think about it?

Although Guan Liyuan always complains that there are some pig teammates around him, in fact Guan Liyuan often commits idealistic problems, especially when he appears in the "front line", it is still difficult for him to really lose his thinking purely for the benefit.

In short, Baby-5 obviously didn't go to "report" him with Don Quixote's family. The next day, Guan Liyuan was still normal and Rebecca, came to the bullfighting arena, ready to participate in the preliminary round.

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