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Vol 2 Chapter 1332: Our game is stable

Guan Liyuan and Rebecca came on time to play on the second day. Obviously, Baby-5 did not report them after fleeing their home.

During the period, Rebecca was a little worried about the appearance of Baby-5, but Guan Liyuan just comforted her to play well ...

From Guan Liyuan's point of view, Baby-5 is not without basic comparison ability. One is the reason of "calling of the mind". The other is ... Guan Liyuan has been doing whatever he wants in the past few days ... Abu, it ’s what he does, and she is not without it. Feelings.

It's like the "easy" backwater of Baby-5 in the original work, and it's not just because of the idiot. Besides, there is nothing worthy of idiot in Lao Cai. In addition to the "self-guided strategy", Guan Liyuan doubts that Baby-5 was true at the time. I wanted to die, but was stopped by Lao Cai ...

The culture of the Don Quixote family, Guan Liyuan now understands the same, it seems to be called "family", it seems to be really united, but in fact, most people adhere to it, only with Doflamingo Most of the cadres are indifferent to each other, even if they are concerned and don't feel like companions.

What about Doflamingo's response to Baby-5?

Although there is no clear explanation in the original, ... Guan Liyuan knows a lot of people who are similar to Baby-5, such as Bai, such as Jun Malu, and some crazy people under Lan Ran ...


The situation of others is actually lighter than Baby-5, but like Jun Malu vs. Dashe Wan, a few lunatics faced blue dye, or they did not cut off without meeting the white pair before Guan Liyuan ... loyal.

After satisfying their "feeling of need" in those who need themselves, they will self-closing others.

Baby-5, on the other hand, has to show this "need" to everyone!

Therefore, Guan Liyuan has reason to believe that even if Doflamingo is willing to "fit one more", he can completely embrace Baby-5, but for so many years, he has not done so ... After all, Baby-5 is against Don Quixote. The importance of a family is far less important than that of no-cuts and that of Jun Malu to Dashe Wan.

Baby-5 wasn't ignorant either, but to her, Doflamingo was always the "first person to need her", so she didn't show dissatisfaction.

Guan Liyuan had the opportunity to directly replace Doflamingo, but he gave up, just as he had refused Bai to become his own "item" under the order of never cutting again, but he hoped that she would have her own will.

Although it has gone through countless worlds, Guan Libing's clean and clean side has not been eroded ...

Even if she is a mermaid princess, an honest person, and a woman, she knows that she is a good person!

Back in the sword gladiator contest where Guan Liyuan was in, at the beginning, there were hundreds of freelance swordsmen applicants, nearly a thousand prisoner swordsmen, slave swordsmen, and they were crowded together in the largest gladiator arena Yes, listen to Pica.

During the preliminaries, Doflamingo obviously would not come out.

Pika's voice, contrary to his body, is sharp, thin, and small ... if it is not a built-in loudspeaker, in such a large and crowded occasion, I want to listen to him, I am afraid it is all one Test see things domineering.

"Hmm ..." An upper body holding a free sword fighter wearing a heart armor, almost as tall as Guan Liyuan, couldn't help laughing.

Pika's words ended immediately, and the sword fighters who knew Pika around him suddenly showed a dreadful look, but the free sword fighter who laughed aloud and looked back and forth ...

At this moment, behind the sword fighter who laughed, a huge stone head suddenly emerged from the ground-just like the pikka.

Immediately, the huge stone head bite directly at it ... or swallowed it!


With a scream, the stone head has retracted to the ground, the target in place has disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood ...

Pika is a super-human "stone fruit" capable person, but because she has "fruit awakened", not only can the body be transformed into rocks, but it can also control the rocks outside!

Although only one sword fighter disappeared, the scene seemed quiet and deserted a lot.

Picka continued to speak, and there was not so much nonsense, mainly the rules of the preliminary round!

The preliminaries may have different rules for each session of the Sword Fighters Contest, but the finals, that is, starting from the quarterfinals, must be a one-on-one fight with no other rules.

This year's preliminaries are a little different from before ...

There are a total of 1677 in this session ... Ah, there are already only 1676 sword fighters participating. After that, they will be divided into four groups, each of which has more than 400 people. Each person will draw a number starting from 1.

Then there are rules similar to the challenge type. No. 1 comes first, and then No. 1 chooses to challenge a few people. For example, if 3 people are selected, players with the numbers “2, 3, 4” come together. If No. 1 wins, they can accumulate. 3 points, and you can choose to continue the challenge or end, if you lose, "2, 3, 4" each accumulate 1 point.

Each person can challenge up to three times and must end the game after winning three times. A player who has not lost by the serial number goes on the field. If the challenge fails, or if others lose when they challenge the quota including themselves, they will be disqualified from playing again.

In the end, the two players with the highest points in each group advanced to the final!

The sword fighters are obviously simple-headed guys, and the expressive ability of Pica is not as strong as the legendary Dongdong, so they are confused, thinking about the rules with their fingers ...

"This year's rules are very interesting. In addition to strength, the choice of wisdom and luck are very important!" Guan Liyuan said.

Rebecca is also relatively clever. At this time, she has already reacted, and said with some worry: "This way, if the serial number is very high or very low, it will be very unfavorable ..."

That's right, if the serial number is very high, because there are no reference objects, the number of opponents selected is too small, and the final points may not be enough. If too many choices are made, the strength may not be enough, but the chicken is flying.

And if the serial number is very late, when it is your turn to play, there will be very little choice, and everyone behind you may not add points!

Of course, in addition to the luck of the serial number, there is also the luck of "has no strong hands" around his number.

There are more than 1,600 people, with strengths ranging from high to low. Luck is surrounded by experienced babies. Luck before and after is stronger than themselves ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Direct round tour ...

The results of the lottery came out very quickly. There were four groups of 419 people in each group. After the numbers were drawn, you did not have to publish them to avoid being targeted.

However, after the draw, Rebecca came to Guan Liyuan with some grievances on her face, and whispered, "Mr. Guan ... I, I got No. 419!"

For Guan Liyuan, Rebecca didn't think there was anything to hide.

That's right, in the legend, the penultimate number one, you can only rely on the number of others to challenge yourself, one point at a time, you have no chance to challenge ...

"I guess it's the first group." Guan Liyuan said.

"Well? How does Mr. Guan know?" While Rebecca was wronged, she was still a little confused.

"Because I am also the first group ..." Guan Liyuan said and took out the "number one of the first group."

It is in the interest of the Don Quixote family!

You don't need to look at Guan Liyuan. Beginning on the 2nd, there must be a large row of sword fighters, members of the Don Quixote family, or bought.

The interest expectations of the Don Quixotes were Guan Liyuan's death on the field, and Rebecca was insulted and did not have the opportunity to make a move ...

"This, this must be cheating!" Rebecca said angrily.

If it is possible that she picked No. 419 by herself, then Guan Liyuan picked No. 1 at the same time, which is obviously not normal!

Of course, it was indeed cheating. Guan Liyuan discovered it long ago, but he didn't love to say anything. The only cheating in Guan Liyuan's headache was to draw him and Rebecca to the next number. .

But although it is the same group now, but one by one, Guan Liyuan feels that this result is completely acceptable ...

"Don't worry, we are in a stable position!" Guan Liyuan smiled mildly.

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