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Vol 2 Chapter 1333: Guan Liyuan doesn't speak very well. If there is something offending every

"Well? Mr. Guan, what are you talking about?" Rebecca didn't understand.

Obviously, it has been analyzed before. Too much forward or too late are unfavorable situations. Now how do they stabilize when they start and end one by one? Did you lose?

"Rest assured, I'll make you a point later." Guan Liyuan said and patted Rebecca's head.

Rebecca apparently didn't understand--the two of them were head to head and they would never meet each other, right?

During the preliminary round, there were also a lot of spectators, especially the rules this time, which seemed very interesting.

As soon as the players in each group prepared, the names of the players in each group were also announced, but their numbers were not announced.

After everyone shows that Rebecca is in the first group, there is no doubt that the first group has the highest attention!

The dirty blood of the Royal Family, the people of Dresrosa, hated it.

In contrast, the invited guests from all parties have their own concerns, and most of them are "masters" in each group.

Of course, because the first reward is only 100 million Bailey, the price of an ordinary animal fruit, so there are not as many experts attracted as the competition with the flame fruit as the reward in the original work.

Regardless of Guan Liyuan, who has been "forgotten" by everyone, the strongest is only one hundred million, and it can be counted with one hand ...

The Sword Fighter Contest is a great event for Dresrosa, and politicians from surrounding countries, even the navy and the world government are represented, as invited guests.

Reporters from major newspapers, who are involved in the New World, are also moving.

During the preliminaries, Doflamingo did not attend in person. Special invited guests should not attend, but many guests and reporters came on their own initiative.

"Well? Rebecca ... is King Liku's descendant? But King Liku's eldest daughter has died a long time ago, and the second daughter is missing ... what does she have to do with King Liku?" One with a crown and chin stood out The burly guests listened to the sound of discussion around them and could not help talking.

Although Rebecca's mother was a princess, because she was with Cyrus, in order to avoid influence, King Liku lied that she was dead, and when she visited them, she went quietly.

And noticed that the strong king of Rebecca was King Ilizabelo II, known as the "King of Fighters" of the Kingdom of Prodes.

When King Liku was in office, the two kings had a good relationship. For eight years ago, Ilizabelo could not believe that King Liku would do so.

"Maybe a side branch, right?" Said Da Gama, a division officer on the side.

"But ... At this time, she will be under pressure to participate in the competition, which is too great." The battle king said a little worried.

He shared the same worries, and there were other people in the surrounding countries who had good relations with Dresrosa at the time, but at this time they didn't say much-they didn't want to quarrel with Tianyecha!

After King Liku abdicated, due to the lack of regulators, the surrounding countries often fought each other, but no one dared to provoke Dresrosa. At one time, it had the highest national strength and at the same time ... Doflamingo was a famous seven. Wuhai.

Contrary to these people, some of the ordinary people knew that Rebecca had participated in the competition before, and some did not know it now, before they saw her, they were already booing!

There are also some people who have switched to Doflamingo, but still think of King Liku, hoping that one day they will disturb the Guards anyway, at this time, they are worried about Rebecca ...

"Dirty and filthy bastard! Not qualified to play!"

"Who killed her soon, we applaud you."

"You don't know yet? The Don Quixotes had wanted to restrict that bitch, but someone stopped it ..."

"I know, I know, that **** named Guan Liyuan! He also used Ms. Baby-5's kindness ..."

Some people also popularized the matter of Guan Liyuan to the people who didn't know it before. Guan Liyuan's revolutionary army status has long been "forgotten", but many people knew about Guan Liyuan's early career for Rebecca.

In addition, Guan Liyuan is still famous for "using" Baby-5, so many people have begun to boo Guan Liyuan ...

After the first group of players entered, the audience's voices around them had reached the maximum!

"'Beep', you are not worth standing here!"

"Dying with your **** ..."

"The Great Demon King, The Great Devil King ..."

"Sure enough, there is a fierce look, alas, when you see her, you can think of the cruel king of the ark!"

For the first time Rebecca faced this level of hiss, she could not help but take a step back, but because the hiss was everywhere, she could not avoid it ...

Guan Liyuan reached out and supported her back from behind without saying much, but soon the pressure on Guan Liyuan's palm was gone-I saw that despite the grievance on Rebecca's face, she had already raised her chest again!

Grasping his bones, gritting his teeth, and bearing insults, Hedong for thirty years ... seems not right, in short, he is ready to forge ahead in the dissatisfaction and shame of everyone!

At this moment, Buffalo, the referee, said: "Next, please come up with player # 1!"

Guan Liyuan suspected that Buffalo was deliberately taking the initiative to be the referee, to see his joke, and to look at himself when he talked.

Just when everyone wanted to see who was the "bad guy" on the 1st, Guan Liyuan did not hesitate to go to the ring.

But what surprised him was that when passing by Buffalo, Buffalo whispered in a very disdainful tone: "The sword fighter contest can kill, if you are not greedy, maybe you can live? Hehe, No. 2 to 2o are all ours! "

Guan Liyuan glanced at him curiously ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I always felt ... this seemed to remind myself?

"Huh!" Buffalo snorted and turned his head-the sword gladiator contest does not require a special referee. There are not so many rules. He reminded Guan Liyuan that he only felt that ... his partner Baby-5 has been I was more happy. Although the two seemed to have a fight last night, they still gave Guan Liyuan a chance to survive. The other party did n’t have any relationship with Buffalo.

"This big man is so unlucky, it's actually a number one, without even a reference ..."

"Eh? It's him! He's Guan Liyuan, the man who maintained the Liku royal hybrid before!"

"What? What a coincidence ... retribution!"

"I hope No. 2 is stronger, I hope he is bolder ..."

"The most important thing is that I hope that the people behind will be tougher. We want to see blood!"

After Guan Liyuan came on the field, there was another boo and inverted color. Many players in the same group were still provocative, but at this moment, Guan Liyuan took a deep breath and said, "Stop me, stupid pigs!"

The sound is so loud that even the sonic wave just lifted some dust around itself ...

The thunderous sound overwhelmed the boo, and the provocations around the audience were hesitated for a moment.

"I'm not targeting anyone here, I just want to say ... Everyone here is a spicy chicken! I want to challenge ... everyone from No. 2 to No. 418! Remember, every one except No. 419 Guan Liyuan is not very able to speak. If anyone offends everyone ... everyone off the court, if you want to come up and hit me, you can play temporarily. If you don't dare, just sit down and be honest! "

Speaking, a **** was given to everyone present for a week ...

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