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Vol 2 Chapter 1334: One vs four hundred and seventeen

After listening to Guan Liyuan's words, the quiet surroundings continued for a while ...

Immediately following was the turbulent sound of a volcanic eruption!

"Does this **** dare to be so arrogant?"

"Is he also a relative of King Roku? Kill him!"

"Don't stop me, don't stop me ... stop me!"

"Boy, you're going to die ... the crowds are a little crowded, let me come first ..."

On the one hand, the audience was scolded and angered, and even really wanted to end. As for the sword fighters who were already challenged, they became even more irritable.

However, it didn't really rush into the crowd, after all, more than 400 people were not convenient to squeeze on the arena ...

As for Rebecca, Buffalo, and other special guests, at this time, they are already dumbfounded-this deadly posture is still very rare!

More than a dozen people rushed up first, but Guan Liyuan directly disdainfully "snucked" a bit ...

The spin is about to cross the sword, swinging his arm around the body, and the ring-shaped sword gas directly blows out. A dozen people who rushed up around them smashed directly, and even bad luck was cut off one arm ...

In One Piece, this "sword spirit", or "sword pressure" attack, was originally the result of the swordsman combining momentum, will, and kendo.

Seeing Guan Liyuan's ring-shaped sword qi spreading throughout the audience, many of the invited guests took a serious look, and other players and spectators were stunned-they can wave this sword qi at hand, and I am afraid that the general swordsman cannot do it To ...

"The other spicy chickens haven't come up yet? Are they admitting to lose?" Guan Liyuan asked Buffalo impatiently.

"What are you still thinking about? If you don't get any more, you will count as losing!" Buffalo hurriedly urged the other players.

At this point Buffalo wanted to kill Guan Liyuan again ... because it felt like he had cheated his "feelings"!

So strong? I reminded him before that it was too shameful to think about it!

A group of players other than Rebecca, after looking at each other, rushed into the field in all directions. Although most of them are ordinary sword fighters, some also have devil fruits or other special abilities, head and foot, flying Let's not hesitate, it looks like a group of magic flurry dances!

And Guan Liyuan just put the sword on his waist and made a posture to draw the sword, then took a deep breath ...

When the first person who seemed to be some kind of branch of Lulu fruit, Guan Liyuan drew his sword fiercely for half a week when he wanted to touch himself!

"Back to the days!"

This time it is no longer a "ring-shaped sword sword", but a gradually expanding hemispherical sword sword blooming on the field ...

That's right, it is Guan Liyuan's simulating move in the form of sword qi, referring to the return of the Sunxiang family.

And not only surrounds himself, the majestic sword qi, centering directly on Guan Liyuan, swept most of the gladiator arena, touched, touched or injured, for a time as if it was raining, the screaming swordsmen, split Come on out of the field ...

"Well?" Lieutenant General Vergo, the naval representative off the field, saw this scene, and the steaks on his face fell off.

If the ring-shaped sword gas that Guan Liyuan was waving before was probably some skilled swordsman, or the level of tens of millions and hundreds of millions of bounty criminals, then this time, it is at least hundreds of millions. ...

Even in the new world ... When was Da Jianhao so rare that he could just meet?

At this time, only at the edge of the site, there were still a few barely standing, basically all "familiar faces."

And Virgo's "familiar face" is at least tens of millions of bounty criminals, or masters of similar strength, and there is a little-known billion-level pirates.

But just barely staying on the field, some have even started playing. Looking at the last dozen people, Guan Liyuan hooked his lips and entered the stage of passion and mutual cutting ...

Guan Liyuan's pure swordsmanship, even though it is slightly inferior to Hawkeye, is not much worse, and in terms of strength, even if he is not a holy spirit white tiger, it is not a shortcoming-at least the strength of the four emperor deputies.

Even if it is not working hard at present, and it is reduced to the level of the four emperors and non-ace cadres, it is not surprising that they can kill some "Miscellaneous Soldiers". Then ... Guan Liyuan moved a little, and there were only a few left. Can stop Guan Liyuan more than three swords, but because most of these people were not owed before, but were ignited by Guan Liyuan, they were sent off with three fists and two feet.

"Who else!" Guan Liyuan pointed his **** again at the surrounding auditorium.

Due to Guan Liyuan's shock of just four hundred, even if someone "defamated" at this time, they were all rubbing secretly, and they could not form the scolding sound before ...

Buffalo also spent a long time before thinking of coming to power and announcing Guan Liyuan's victory, but then Guan Liyuan stopped him.

"Hey, have you forgotten something?" Guan Liyuan reminded.

"You, what are you doing? I remind you that this is a bullfighting arena!" Buffalo thought Guan Liyuan was going to fight him again.

Originally, Buffalo because of Guan Liyuan's performance of "hiding behind Baby-5", but instinctively regarded it as a "faceless" face.

But now ...

Not to mention that it was taught by those of Don Quixote's family. More than 400 people in a group were swept away!

"Yeah ... but according to the rules ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I still have two chances to challenge?" Guan Liyuan said.

"Challenge? Oh yes! There are two more chances, but there are no more players and you can't challenge the referee ... Ah! You mean ... there is one more?" Buffalo then reacted, Lebe No. 419 The card is still there.

At this time, Buffalo also understood the meaning of Guan Liyuan, and could not wait to hold on to the guy who had been smart before and figured out this end-to-end solution, and slapped him severely-but thought this seemed to be the idea of ​​his boss, Pika, It silently gave up putting it into practice.

Buffalo, who was once a dead boy, was hammered to death for laughing at Pika's voice, and has a shadow on Pika since then ...

"Later I challenged, Miss Rebecca No. 419 ... and conceded. That's how I got 417 points, Rebecca got 1 point, and everyone else was a bit of an egg, right?" Guan Liyuan asked back.

"Yes, that's it ..." Buffalo had no way to refute, especially with moans still ringing around him.

"It's strong! Sword fighter conference, there will be such a master."

"That's right ... Although the New World is crouching, tigers, and dragons hiding, but to this extent, the unknown Kendo master is uncommon!"

"What does Lieutenant General Vergo think?"

Several specially invited guests from various countries, at this time also had a complete face, and also asked Virgo specifically-don't look at the branch general is not a senior official, but Virgo's jurisdiction, but the Navy's only branch in the New World Ministry, so power is not light.

Of course, due to the presence of the navy in the new world, countries do not really expect him. Everyone lives with the Four Emperor Pirates, and the world government opens and closes its eyes ...

"Indeed, very strong," Virgo said coolly.

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