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Vol 2 Chapter 1335: Worth conquering?

Guan Liyuan noticed that in the auditorium, Vergo, with dark skin, sunglasses, and a beard-after all, it was not easy to stick the whole steak to his face.

Guan Liyuan suspected that he was practicing armed domineering, and when he got to the face, what went wrong, which caused him facial paralysis + facial muscle paralysis, and has an adsorption force ...

When he saw Virgo, he turned the **** on him.

"It seems Guan Liyuan is not very friendly to the navy? Hahaha ..." a pirate-like man laughed.

He is the captain of a pirate regiment under Kaido. He is usually able to return to the West Sea from the New World, so he has some business dealings with Doflamingo. This time, I will also take a look at the sword fighter competition.

As for Vergo's mockery of Guan Liyuan and the Pirates, he still showed no expression--maybe he really broke his face?

After all, Virgo's current status is Lieutenant General of the Navy G5 Division, a normal bullfighting arena. People from the world government are not welcome to enter, because many of them are bounty criminals. According to Dresrosa's rules, sword fighters It cannot be arrested here.

Some slave sword fighters actually voluntarily sold themselves here to escape the pursuit of the world government.

Virgo was able to appear here because he was specifically invited during the Sword Fighters Contest.

As for Vergo's other identity, it cannot be revealed. Even in the Don Quixote family, few people know-Vergo is actually undercover of Doflamingo in the navy!

Although the dark part is in the navy, there are subordinates under the rank of general, but ... the subdivision of g5 will obviously have a different meaning. This is the only branch of the navy in the new world.

It can be said that the entire New World Navy is under the "play" of Doflamingo ...

After Guan Liyuan and Rebecca had already retired, it was "too late" to shed some boos against Rebecca's lying down.

Guan Liyuan had put too much pressure on everyone before, so that some people who usually talked cheaply did not dare to spread negative emotions in front of him.

As for the number one in the second group, I originally wanted to learn from Guan Liyuan's experience. Who knows that there is no reference value!

1vs417 ...

If you can do it, what number do you care about?

But maybe it was inspired by Guan Liyuan. After the No. 1 of the second group came on the court, he also said with a high tone: "I want to play ten ... five!"

"Fifteen?" Buffalo confirmed.

"No, five were killed." No. 1 corrected.

However, No. 2 in Group Two was beaten to death by No. 2 to No. 6 ...

Except for one group, the last three groups were two or three hours before they finally competed for the first two-I have to say that this method is fast!

Basically, the players in the middle of the serial number will be called according to the number of players who have higher scores than the top two players in the previous ranking, which will directly cause a large number of players to be eliminated ...

However, apart from Guan Liyuan, he only scored more than 30 points and played up to 16 in a single game.

And the last three groups of players obviously felt left out, especially the second group ... When they played, the reporters were writing their heads, and they couldn't wait to get Guan Liyuan's news out!

In fact, normally, Guan Liyuan had a record of 1vs1ooo just a while ago, and the weakest of thousands of people are tens of millions of bounty criminals. No matter the quality or quantity, they have crushed more than 400 swords this time. Fighter.

Although no one has seen the process, the record is real.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan also received the nickname of "Thousands of People Cut". In addition to his status in the revolutionary army, Guan Liyuan received a bounty amount of up to 998 million for the first time.

In the active period of two years ago, Dorag's bounty rose to 100 million yuan, which is twice as much as the original. Guan Liyuan's bounty may be based on Dorag ...

However, for more than 500 million bounty criminals, the bounty amount is just a number. No one will catch Dorag for 1 billion Bailey. It is as if no one will find white beard for 1.2 billion bounty. .

If everyone did not forget Guan Liyuan at this time, even if Guan Liyuan is using other identities to complete the 400-person cut this time, it may not cause any waves, but because of the existence of "Guan Liyuan", he was completely forgotten, and even saw the newspaper some time ago At times, people also subconsciously ignore the headlines above, so the news of the 400-person beheading spread quickly ...

"Shocked! There is a mysterious swordsman in Dresrosa!"

"Eagle eyes looked sad, Shanks looked at tears."

"More than four hundred big men actually got together to do this ..."

"Why isn't Feta Vista a sword?"

"The story that the mysterious Great Swordsman and the legacy of the Liku King had to tell ..."

All kinds of news spread out around the bullfighting arena. It is broadcast live in many countries, even the first half of the Great Channel, and some countries in the world.

The final was on the second day, but for the other six finalist sword fighters decided in the preliminaries, the more challenging the fighting spirit tonight.

Slightly fragile, I'm afraid I'm going to roll away tonight ...

After returning to his residence, Guan Liyuan sighed instead: "Hey."

"Mr. Guan, are you thinking ... Miss baby-5 hasn't returned yet? I think ... sister baby-5 should have been watching us before, right?" Rebecca said.

That's right, the so-called "residence" is, of course, the home of baby-5.

In addition ... When Guan Liyuan walked around the palace this time, the hostile eyes around him disappeared, replaced by the people of the Don Quixote family who were too afraid of him!

"Maybe." Guan Liyuan said.

In fact, Guan Liyuan can be sure, at least baby-5 did not watch his game in person, maybe watched the live broadcast somewhere? In short, it did not appear in the arena!

On the contrary, Guan Liyuan actually appeared in a cloak, stilt, and masked pumpkin, and disguised as a human one-footed soldier Cyrus, shrinking in the corner of the auditorium ...

Although there are tens of thousands of spectators in the whole gladiatorial arena, but under the domineering knowledge of Guan Liyuan, it has become clear!

At the same time, Pica has informed Doflamingo of today ’s match-mainly because of the two variables "Guan Liyuan" and "Rebecca".

"Oh, Pika, do you think his strength is not inferior to you? And also with baby-5 ... Well, get baby-5 ... As for that Rebecca, don't bother, a little dreaming girl That's it! "Doflamingo said after listening to Picard's report.

Although Guan Liyuan didn't know where baby-5 was, Pika could do it—after that night, when Pika put a firework as a signal, it didn't take long for baby-5 to appear as scheduled, and she did not leave Dresrosa. Watched the live broadcast on the street.

The reason why he didn't want to see Guan Liyuan was because he didn't know how to face him and Doflamingo ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But at this time Doflamingo wanted to see her, and baby-5 still went rashly. .

"Hahaha, our little baby-5 has grown up, have we quarreled with friends?" Doflamingo showed abnormal emotions in baby-5, but the judgment was "rough"!

"Not a friend!" At this moment, Baby-5, because of Dom Flamingo's "care", had the idea of ​​wanting to break with Guan Liyuan-of course, just breaking, not wanting to sue him.

It ’s just that the baby is ready. If Guan Liyuan is going to be difficult tomorrow, she will be the first to rush forward and desperately. Before that, she also saw Guan Liyuan's strength in the live broadcast. It doesn't matter ...

But at this moment, Doflamingo said: "baby-5, give you a special task ... explore if he has a deeper relationship with the Royal Library, if not ... this time I am very satisfied with my fiance, and he will be a member of the Don Quixote family in the future. "

"I do not have……"

Baby-5 was about to refute, and was interrupted by Doflamingo: "Yes!"

Looking at Doflamingo's determined expression, baby-5 bit his lip, then took a deep breath and said, "Since this is what the young master needs me to do ... I understand!" He turned and left.

Doflamingo was slightly strange-why did she say so much today? Shouldn't you usually take orders immediately?

But Doflamingo didn't think too much. It would be good to use an idiot woman and change to a top cadre!

Baby-5 is only the first step, and afterwards Doflamingo will show up to subdue him in person tomorrow!

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