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Vol 2 Chapter 1336: question

The next day, until Guan Liyuan and Rebecca went to the final, baby-5 did not return.

However, this time Guan Liyuan and Rebecca saw her in the auditorium, and other cadres of the Don Quixote family appeared in the VIP seat together.

In addition, the podium is no longer vacant. Doflamingo is sitting in the center position. Violet is on the right hand side. Torrepol is a bad image on the left hand side. Granulated sugar ...

Ordinary people only know that the Don Quixote family has three top cadres and is unaware of the identity of the "fourth person" Vergo.

The other three were "Diamanti" who led frontal combatants, "Pica" who led special agents, and "Torrepol" who led special capabilities ...

Baby-5 and Buffalo are both Pikkas. Of the three, the frontal combat ability is the strongest, and Diamanti is second, but the ability is more suitable for use in large-scale battles, so it is considered The commander of Don Quixote's family, and the special agents of Picard are equivalent to the male soldiers in the revolutionary army!

Torepol's special ability group cannot be measured by combat ability. For example, the most important sugar for the Don Quixote family is Torrepol's men ... or it is protected by Torrepol !!

In addition to Torrepol, the other two top cadres are also in the VIP seat and are not with the rostrum.

Even Torrepol was on the podium because of sugar-at this time Torrepol and Doflamingo are protecting the sugar!

Guan Liyuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw baby-5, but baby-5 deliberately didn't look at him ... but when Guan Liyuan turned his head, when he saw the domineering, he found that baby-5 took a quiet look at himself, his eyes were very complicated.

When Guan Liyuan found that sugar was present, he was even more relieved ...

[The "actors" are all here ... eh? The sugar in his hand is ...] Guan Liyuan suddenly looked and found the doll that was playing in the sugar hand.

I saw sugar at this time with black beard in his left hand and Ace in his right hand, as if the child was playing a "toy soldier fight", banging together, his voice dumbfounded ...

As for Ace and Blackbeard at this time, it should be completely banned, and it looks like an ordinary doll.

Looking at the black-bearded belly, and hitting Ace's chest from time to time, sometimes sugar was happy and made a "plot" of fighting, sticking the two dolls together and rubbing "flying" from left to right ... … Guan Liyuan could not help but grin.

Well, obviously it's just simulating the battle of Banaro Island. Don't think about it ...

Torrepol also said with a strange smile on the side: "I said sugar, is this a battle of darkness and fire? Very interesting look, hehehehe ..." It seems to be black beard and Ace The reputation of the pirates was gloated.

For other dolls, he had no chance of gloating-because he also forgot who those were!

However, after seeing the black beard, Guan Liyuan said that he was not convinced ... why has the black beard not been removed?

Originally Guan Liyuan did not see Doflamingo for a few days, and thought that something had gone wrong with Blackbeard, and muttered in his heart: How many Flamingo such a despicable person, with the intent to calculate, can still let Blackbeard ran away?

It doesn't look like Black Beard is running now, but Black Beard also has the characteristic of not being clearly traced! So it became a toy, and Guan Liyuan's memory was not affected.

This is also the third that Guan Liyuan knows ...

Monch d. Dorrag, Potcas d. Ace, Marshall d. Titch!

In this way, Guan Liyuan is no longer dull, and has also been summed up. The common feature of these three is that they are all male except for the name "d"-in the Pirate World, they are called "God's natural enemies" "Last name.

Guan Liyuan was scornful of this, and a surname can threaten the world government and the Tianlong people? The destiny rules of Pirate World are not so strong!

But what makes Guan Liyuan even more puzzled is that if there is such an obvious way of identification, why should anyone be known to have d in his last name?

Such as Karp, and then the giant Lieutenant General Saron-weren't you the Navy? Is it really good to take such a reactionary name? Can't I change my name?

Especially Karp ...

Is the mouth suspect righteous? The names of laissez-faire sons and grandchildren also have d in them, and then they whispered that they wanted them to be navy!

Guan Liyuan also asked too much about Rag before. "D" is a matter of God's natural enemies. Only high-level personnel and some special contacts know that d in the name can't serve as a gathering function. Will make the world government pay special attention to why not change its name.

The reason for Dorag was that all heirs of d were born to know that they were "d", and no one would change.

Guan Liyuan had a brief contact with Karp, and he also mentioned d when he persuaded him. At that time, Guan Liyuan wanted to prove that the reason Karp had Dorago's surname was dissatisfaction with the world government ... But Karp The answer is similar to Dorag.

It seems that from the perspective of the d family, they should have d, there is nothing suspicious ...

Guan Liyuan originally thought that this was a custom, but now it seems that there may be deeper reasons for it!

At least the usefulness now known is that d can be used as a "deletion-free plug-in".

[Really ... you guys are all linked, what makes me an ordinary person who works hard? Huh ...] Guan Liyuan muttered in dissatisfaction in his heart.

However, due to the cruel reality, Guan Liyuan's complaint was not heeded. Doflamingo has made a pre-final opening speech, and at the end of the speech, he declared that the final winner of the final, in addition to obtaining 100 million Bailey cash In addition to the reward, you can join the Don Quixote family ...

This is a reward that has not been mentioned before, and it is indeed attractive for players other than Guan Liyuan and Rebecca.

But ... the other six players also know that this is a reward tailored for Guan Liyuan!

As for Guan Liyuan, he was not ready to make the finals ...

Looking around because of his performance yesterday, there are several times more cameras and reporters than before, as well as sugar on the podium, Doflamingo, Virgo on the VIP seat, Guan Liyuan's mouth slightly ticked, only When he saw baby-5, Guan Liyuan's gaze paused slightly.

And baby-5 is still looking away, not looking at Guan Liyuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In addition, at this time, the audience sells drinks and souvenirs in the auditorium, many of them are toys, and there was a group of toys for a live performance -There are ready-made examples too!

"The show is about to begin ... Rebecca, protect yourself for a while, and run to the northwest corner when chaotic." Guan Liyuan whispered.

At this time, the men of the Xiongbing team were called by Guan Liyuan in the name of Dorag to see the finals. At this time, they were all sitting in the northwest corner.

Because the sword fighters competition every year, there are caravans, pirates, or tourists from other countries to watch, so it does not seem obtrusive.

At half the time when Doflamingo was talking, Guan Liyuan suddenly came to the arena ...

"Well? Isn't our" hundreds of people cut "waiting to start?" Doflamingo was obviously a little angry, but barely broke out.

Although Doflamingo wants to "conquer" Guan Liyuan, it does not mean that as his intended subordinate, Guan Liyuan can brush his face.

"You said the winner can join the Don Quixote family?" Guan Liyuan asked.

Doflamingo heard that instinctively thought that Guan Liyuan agreed, but he always felt that his tone was a bit wrong.

"Yes, as long as you can beat seven other people!" Doflamingo said.

"Don Quixote ... There is also a Don Quixote among the Dragons. I wonder what you have to do with 'Don Quixote' among the Dragons?"

Doflamingo was so cold that he discovered that Guan Liyuan was here to provoke!

At first, it was exciting to hear reporters. Guan Liyuan was recorded from all angles, but after hearing the words "Tianlongren", most of them "cooled down", but there are still some who insist on it ...

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