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Vol 2 Chapter 1338: shut up! You dragon dog!

"Revolutionary army ... when did you follow me? Even the toy thing was exposed ..." Doflamingo's head had burst into blue veins.

"After all these years, after our revolutionary army showed something wrong with Dresrosa, several heroic fighters tried to confirm the reality of the toy, and then made a plan to stir up anyway. Now it's your turn to be tried ... From the moment you do these desperate things for the Tianlong people, you should be prepared for this! "Guan Liyuan said in a sense of righteousness.

In order to prevent some bad guys, complaining that the Revolutionary Army did not save them early, Guan Liyuan made it clear. In order to investigate the truth, even the soldiers made themselves into toys. After several times, they finally confirmed ...

At the same time, don't forget to throw a part of Doflamingo's pot to the Tianlong people!

After all, Guan Liyuan is now recorded by countless cameras-one-third of the male soldiers are protecting journalists who report in real time.

At this point, the scene was in chaos. The angry people, the Don Quixotes, the revolutionary army, and the outsiders who wanted to fish in the muddy water and the newly restored pirates had already fought each other!

Among them, the Don Quixote family is the worst, and everyone is their enemy.

At this moment, Baby-5 suddenly shot, and the upper body turned into a cannon barrel. One shot blasted off the prisoner and slave sword fighters' cages. Needless to say, these are naturally standing in the "anti-Don Quixote" "The camp ...

"Baby-5! What do you do?" Buffalo was startled.

At the same time, Pikka had covered her body with domineering arrogance, and her large fist slammed into Baby-5, but was barely avoided by Baby-5 ...

"You dare to betray the young master!" Picka said angrily with a sharp voice.

"No, he said it himself, Guan Liyuan is already my fiance ... then there is no need for contradiction!" Baby-5 said firmly.

Guan Liyuan was also a little surprised to see Baby-5's direction. Originally, Guan Liyuan thought that Baby-5 had done everything right without telling himself. Then he would stop him!

"You ... **** it!" Picka said as he sank into the rock.

The walls, the ground, and the grandstand of the gladiatorial field are originally piled with rocks, full of weight, and in addition to the strong color and domineering of the pikka, the pikka is also a "stone fruit" capable person, although it is a human fruit, But it has reached the level of "awakening", so you can control other rocks!

In the original work, the peak strength shown by PICA is the body of a rock giant as large as a mountain ...

But this time ... Pika just dived in, and heard a scream of screaming from the ground. The scream screamed Buffalo.

Immediately, I saw the ground made of rocks moving away like a wave, and a crack appeared, and then ... a big trident, inserted in the chrysanthemum of Pica, picked him out!

Buffalo: ...

Anyone who saw it felt that the screams before PICA were not exaggerated ...

Immediately after that, the owner of the Trident also emerged from the ground-a **** covered his face, covered with big white sheets, a fat uncle with a whole heart full of heartache!

"You only need to have mouth above and mouth below to talk about Huang Duan ... but you will not be able to speak in the future, it's a pity." When Mori came out, he still muttered the classic quotations of Huacheng maid.

There was a lot of bed sheet metamorphosis after Mori ... Ah, it was Mori's sox guard.

Guan Liyuan had previously informed the Revolutionary Army of the time to attack, and Mori took advantage of his special abilities to lurk into the gladiatorial field with one step.

At the same time, the large army of the Revolutionary Army has also boarded 6 from the port and stormed into the urban area of ​​Dresrosa ...

"The Revolutionary Army came to protect the country. Don't be afraid!"

"Civilians will return to the building immediately, we will protect your loved ones, and civilians will return to the house immediately!"

"The Don Quixotes, kneeling captives are spared, and the rest are killed on the spot ..."

"The fire robbers killed without pardon ... Pirates who have just changed back from toys, be honest with those who don't want to die!"

"What? You just want to get revenge? Just be honest, don't let me see you doing something else while you're in trouble."

It is true that some pirates who have just changed back want to mess things up, but they are immediately solved by revolutionary army cadres such as Ivankov. Most of the pirates who have changed back are just thinking of revenge. Some were so touched that they immediately expressed their intention to join the revolutionary army and take the initiative to lead the way to the toy house and the iron bridge connected to the villain country ...

At this time in the gladiatorial court, Doflamingo took advantage of Guan Liyuan's attention and separated several "splits". It is Doflamingo's ability to draw from the fruit of the line line-Shadow Riding Line !!

After thinking of Guan Liyuan's identity, Doflamingo was also very jealous. He did not lack the awe of the strong. As he always admired Kaido, in fact, a large part of the interests of Don Quixote's family were changed. It became the cost of planting artificial fruits, and most of the results were given to Kado.

"Being able to drive the fruit to such an extent, you can be regarded as a personal talent, but unfortunately ... you have to be a running dog of Tianlong people." Guan Liyuan sighed pretending.

Doflamingo is already full of MMP-you are the dragon's running dog, your whole family is!

Until then, Guan Liyuan didn't forget to add him the scene of the Dragon ...

However, Guan Liyuan still recognized Doflamingo ’s ability to open the line of fruit. It is just a line. Doflamingo can think of it and do it, like "3d printing" ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ around in circles to form their own avatars.

Even the organs and vocal cords in the body are perfectly "printed", so these avatars also have the ability to line fruit.

At the same time, after the chrysanthemum remains, the sharper the sound of the pika, at this time, it reluctantly wants its ability to move the fruit of the stone, forming the body of the stone giant!

However, it did not wait for the stone giant to fully stand up, and saw that Morrie stirred the ground with a trident, and the ground seemed to be a fluid. This situation also spread to the stone giant ... Before he stood up, he was full of body. Soft and collapsed to the ground.

The slimy body of Torrepol has also been dried by Ace, revealing the ugly body of thin skin.

Another top cadre, Diamanti, as a "floating fruit" ability, can touch the items into a ribbon, without changing other properties, so he can play a lot of weapons with tricks, but this Imazuana, who had the fruit of scissors in the Revolutionary Army, met him, fluttering like a silk ribbon?

Very good, how much to cut!

And "several" Doflamingo, at this time all made a mocking gesture, and saw the surrounding buildings, at this time under the control of Doflamingo, all became the "line" raw materials, forming A large number of white lines rolled together, like waves, rolled towards Guan Liyuan in all directions!

It is the effect of the awakening of the line line fruit ability that can turn the dead outside into a "line" ...

"Haiyuan · Multiple White Waves!"

"If you are free to fight now, you can also fight for leniency ... For example, after the seal ability, you have been doing doll play for decades in Dresrosa for entertainment or something." Guan Liyuan said, while in the white waves And made the shape of a drawn knife.

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