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Vol 2 Chapter 1339: Take the pot!

I saw Guan Liyuan violently wield his sword, and under the powerful armed color domineering, he wrapped his first waves of white waves and was cut off one by one, but the intensity of these white lines was not blown. Guan Liyuan cut it several times , Seems to be nearing strength, failed to compete fully in the fourth swipe.

Under the horrified eyes of baby-5, Guan Liyuan was wrapped in a lot of "white waves". As a member of the Don Quixote family, of course baby-5 knew what would happen if he was caught in by white waves ...

But in the next second, the heavy white waves were like ordinary silk, and they were easily cut open, revealing the Guan Liyuan inside—the animal department, cat fruit, fantasy beast species, and white tiger form!

The ocean formed by the awakening white line was easily lumped into a ball by Guan Liyuan, like ... a white cat playing a string ball?

Doflamingo's development of the line fruit has reached a very deep accomplishment, but it is not enough to see in front of Guan Liyuan, who is full of strength-it is almost the same to find Caddo behind Doflamingo!

At the same time, Guan Liyuan flashed in front of Doflamingo's real body immediately after he was out of trouble.

Although the avatar formed by "Shadow Riding Line" looks exactly the same as the main body, it is not difficult to see the true body with Guan Liyuan's arrogance.

Doflamingo is also three meters tall, only slightly shorter than Guan Liyuan. In the face of Guan Liyuan's sudden approach, Doflamingo immediately stretched his hands flat and slumped to his chest, and the white line of awakening drawn from the surrounding material, suddenly It appeared as a cobweb-like hardened line, blocking Doflamingo like a shield.

However, there was no need for Guan Liyuan to swing his sword. The "spider's nest" formed by the awakening line under one punch was deformed and Doflamingo, who was hiding behind him, flew out.

Guan Liyuan, who goes all out, stabilizes the strength of the four emperors, and Kaido, who can make Doflamingo scoring goals here, can also play with Guan Liyuan over and over again, only by Doflamingo himself ... Still a bit short!

After transforming into the state of the holy spirit white tiger, Guan Liyuan didn't use a sword. He punched Doflamingo completely as a sandbag with three fists and two feet. Finally, he picked the right time and faced Dofranc, who was smashed on the stone wall of the ruins. Brother Ming, Guan Liyuan broke down with a sword ...

At this point, Doflamingo saw that there was no room to fight back. The cameras in all directions were aimed at Guan Liyuan and Doflamingo, but at this moment, a black figure suddenly flashed out, blocking Guan Liyuan's sword. Down—It was Vergo, who had always “killed the soldiers”, and could n’t help it anymore. His body was wrapped in armed domineering arms, his arms crossed over his head. Although he could n’t press his waist and kneel down, he was still reluctant. Blocked the sword.

That's right, Guan Liyuan naturally chose an angle and location where Vergo could stop if it didn't seem that Vergo could stop ...

"G5 Lieutenant General Vergo, the top cadre of Don Quixote's Red Heart Army ... really couldn't help jumping out?" Guan Liyuan said with a smile.

Vergor suddenly understood why the sword was not as strong as he thought—according to the momentum that Guan Liyuan could cut off the white line of awakening, there was no problem in cutting his two arms even if he was domineering.

Immediately, the reporters gave all the close-ups to Virgo, who was kneeling ...

The g5 lieutenant, the naval leader of the new world, is Doflamingo's undercover? This is definitely another big news!

"I don't know what you're talking about, but ... Doflamingo, as the Seven Takeshi, should be entrusted even if it violates the laws of the world government ..."

After waiting for Vergo to finish his sophistry, Guan Liyuan said, "Vigor, the g5 fortress has received many cases of disappearance of children in the past year, but have all been dealt with by you as a shipwreck? In fact, those children were taken by you Sent to an isolated island for human experiments, and using the g5 naval branch for cover, right?

Do n’t rush to deny that, at the same time, some revolutionary troops went to Punk Hassad, and ... when the gas leak accident happened two years ago, the undercover of our revolutionary army was imprisoned there as ordinary pirates, Reconnected with the headquarters half a year ago, and now ... your conspiracy has been completely revealed! "

Although Guan Liyuan is just saying that there is no evidence, but because of what happened in Dresrosa, his words are naturally convincing!

More importantly, some reporters from major newspapers and radio stations have already believed in most of them at this time ...

Because not long ago, the newspapers and radio stations behind them contacted them to split the program, saying that there was another big news to insert-at that time they almost wanted to punch their bosses and bosses in the face. Can you tell Dres Rossaby now?

But after listening to Guan Liyuan's explanation, they silently believed it-maybe it did!

At this time, although Punk Hassad Island did not experience the ice and fire battle between the red dogs and the green pheasants in the original work, the gas leak accident two years ago still occurred as scheduled, so it is also one of the "prohibited areas" of the new world ...

M. Caesar Couran, who was arrested after the accident, and then escaped successfully, has returned to Punk Hassad to conduct his experiments on human giants and "the kingdom of death"!

It ’s different from the original two years. The “Child Disappearance Incidents” that frequently occur in the first half of the New World are hotspots.

And to know the number of children in Punk Hassad two years later, but the remaining results after the experiment ...

In fact, the number of children abducted ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is much more than that, otherwise in a place like the New World, it is not a "big news"!

It is also after the start of the G5 cover that the channels for kidnapping children have changed. It can be perfectly blamed on the shipwreck, which only cooled the "child disappearance" two years later.

Guan Liyuan forced Vergo to prove that Caesar and Doflamingo ... or the partnership with Don Quixote's family.

Otherwise, even if he already has the evidence, as a Lieutenant General of G5, Vergo is easy to kill, difficult to drag down the water, it is difficult to hammer him ...

Now, although it is not a real hammer, at least there are many people who believe it!

Human experimentation with abducted children is undoubtedly very degrading behavior, and tying it to the Don Quixote family will naturally be understood as "intention by the Dragons". After all, now Dover Brother Ming is "the dragon dog" ...

Of course, there are so many black dragons in Tianlong people, and it is not unreasonable to steal young children as slaves. Guan Liyuan is so active because one of the key characteristics is different-the participation of the navy!

New World's only navy, g5 branch is covering the Tianlong people!

The public's dissatisfaction with the navy is still second. Guan Liyuan's main purpose is to stimulate dissatisfaction within the navy. Although Vergo is the undercover of Doflamingo, but isn't Doflamingo also a Tianlong person?

In the end, the "Dragons instructed the Navy to participate in abducting children for human experiments" would definitely stimulate the navy's dissatisfaction with the world government and the Dragons, and now they have "other options".

I believe that after this wave, Karp ’s "True Navy" popularity will soar again ...

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